/////////////////////////////////////////// // uncore.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: Ben Bracker 6 Mar 2021 to better fit AMBA 3 AHB-Lite spec // // Purpose: System-on-Chip components outside the core (hart) // Memories, peripherals, external bus control // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" // *** need idiom to map onto cache RAM with byte writes // *** and use memread signal to reduce power when reads aren't needed module uncore ( // AHB Bus Interface input logic HCLK, HRESETn, input logic [31:0] HADDR, input logic [`AHBW-1:0] HWDATAIN, input logic HWRITE, input logic [2:0] HSIZE, input logic [2:0] HBURST, input logic [3:0] HPROT, input logic [1:0] HTRANS, input logic HMASTLOCK, input logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATAEXT, input logic HREADYEXT, HRESPEXT, output logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATA, output logic HREADY, HRESP, output logic HSELEXT, // delayed signals input logic [2:0] HADDRD, input logic [3:0] HSIZED, input logic HWRITED, // peripheral pins output logic TimerIntM, SwIntM, ExtIntM, input logic [31:0] GPIOPinsIn, output logic [31:0] GPIOPinsOut, GPIOPinsEn, input logic UARTSin, output logic UARTSout, output logic SDCCmdOut, output logic SDCCmdOE, input logic SDCCmdIn, input logic [3:0] SDCDatIn, output logic SDCCLK, output logic [63:0] MTIME_CLINT, MTIMECMP_CLINT ); logic [`XLEN-1:0] HWDATA; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HREADTim, HREADCLINT, HREADPLIC, HREADGPIO, HREADUART, HREADSDC; logic [8:0] HSELRegions; logic HSELTim, HSELCLINT, HSELPLIC, HSELGPIO, HSELUART, HSELSDC; logic HSELEXTD, HSELTimD, HSELCLINTD, HSELPLICD, HSELGPIOD, HSELUARTD, HSELSDCD; logic HRESPTim, HRESPCLINT, HRESPPLIC, HRESPGPIO, HRESPUART, HRESPSDC; logic HREADYTim, HREADYCLINT, HREADYPLIC, HREADYGPIO, HREADYUART, HRESPSDCD; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HREADBootTim; logic HSELBootTim, HSELBootTimD, HRESPBootTim, HREADYBootTim, HREADYSDC; logic HSELNoneD; logic UARTIntr,GPIOIntr; logic SDCIntM; // Determine which region of physical memory (if any) is being accessed // Use a trimmed down portion of the PMA checker - only the address decoders // Set access types to all 1 as don't cares because the MMU has already done access checking adrdecs adrdecs({{(`PA_BITS-32){1'b0}}, HADDR}, 1'b1, 1'b1, 1'b1, HSIZE[1:0], HSELRegions); // unswizzle HSEL signals assign {HSELEXT, HSELBootTim, HSELTim, HSELCLINT, HSELGPIO, HSELUART, HSELPLIC, HSELSDC} = HSELRegions[7:0]; // subword accesses: converts HWDATAIN to HWDATA subwordwrite sww(.*); generate // tightly integrated memory if (`TIM_SUPPORTED) begin : dtim dtim #(.BASE(`TIM_BASE), .RANGE(`TIM_RANGE)) dtim (.*); end if (`BOOTTIM_SUPPORTED) begin : bootdtim dtim #(.BASE(`BOOTTIM_BASE), .RANGE(`BOOTTIM_RANGE), .PRELOAD("blink-led.mem")) bootdtim(.HSELTim(HSELBootTim), .HREADTim(HREADBootTim), .HRESPTim(HRESPBootTim), .HREADYTim(HREADYBootTim), .*); end // memory-mapped I/O peripherals if (`CLINT_SUPPORTED == 1) begin : clint clint clint(.HADDR(HADDR[15:0]), .MTIME(MTIME_CLINT), .MTIMECMP(MTIMECMP_CLINT), .*); end else begin : clint assign MTIME_CLINT = 0; assign MTIMECMP_CLINT = 0; assign TimerIntM = 0; assign SwIntM = 0; end if (`PLIC_SUPPORTED == 1) begin : plic plic plic(.HADDR(HADDR[27:0]), .*); end else begin : plic assign ExtIntM = 0; end if (`GPIO_SUPPORTED == 1) begin : gpio gpio gpio(.HADDR(HADDR[7:0]), .*); end else begin : gpio assign GPIOPinsOut = 0; assign GPIOPinsEn = 0; assign GPIOIntr = 0; end if (`UART_SUPPORTED == 1) begin : uart uart uart(.HADDR(HADDR[2:0]), .TXRDYb(), .RXRDYb(), .INTR(UARTIntr), .SIN(UARTSin), .SOUT(UARTSout), .DSRb(1'b1), .DCDb(1'b1), .CTSb(1'b0), .RIb(1'b1), .RTSb(), .DTRb(), .OUT1b(), .OUT2b(), .*); end else begin : uart assign UARTSout = 0; assign UARTIntr = 0; end if (`SDC_SUPPORTED == 1) begin : sdc SDC SDC(.HCLK, .HRESETn, .HSELSDC, .HADDR(HADDR[4:0]), .HWRITE, .HREADY, .HTRANS, .HWDATA, .HREADSDC, .HRESPSDC, .HREADYSDC, // sdc interface .SDCCmdOut, .SDCCmdIn, .SDCCmdOE, .SDCDatIn, .SDCCLK, // interrupt to PLIC .SDCIntM ); end else begin : sdc assign SDCCLK = 0; assign SDCCmdOut = 0; assign SDCCmdOE = 0; end endgenerate // mux could also include external memory // AHB Read Multiplexer assign HRDATA = ({`XLEN{HSELTimD}} & HREADTim) | ({`XLEN{HSELEXTD}} & HRDATAEXT) | ({`XLEN{HSELCLINTD}} & HREADCLINT) | ({`XLEN{HSELPLICD}} & HREADPLIC) | ({`XLEN{HSELGPIOD}} & HREADGPIO) | ({`XLEN{HSELBootTimD}} & HREADBootTim) | ({`XLEN{HSELUARTD}} & HREADUART) | ({`XLEN{HSELSDCD}} & HREADSDC); assign HRESP = HSELTimD & HRESPTim | HSELEXTD & HRESPEXT | HSELCLINTD & HRESPCLINT | HSELPLICD & HRESPPLIC | HSELGPIOD & HRESPGPIO | HSELBootTimD & HRESPBootTim | HSELUARTD & HRESPUART | HSELSDC & HRESPSDC; assign HREADY = HSELTimD & HREADTim | HSELEXTD & HREADYEXT | HSELCLINTD & HREADYCLINT | HSELPLICD & HREADYPLIC | HSELGPIOD & HREADYGPIO | HSELBootTimD & HREADYBootTim | HSELUARTD & HREADYUART | HSELSDCD & HREADYSDC | HSELNoneD; // don't lock up the bus if no region is being accessed // Address Decoder Delay (figure 4-2 in spec) flopr #(9) hseldelayreg(HCLK, ~HRESETn, HSELRegions, {HSELNoneD, HSELEXTD, HSELBootTimD, HSELTimD, HSELCLINTD, HSELGPIOD, HSELUARTD, HSELPLICD, HSELSDCD}); endmodule