/////////////////////////////////////////// // crsr.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Status register // See RISC-V Privileged Mode Specification 20190608 // // Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 5 // // A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module csrsr ( input logic clk, reset, StallW, input logic WriteMSTATUSM, WriteMSTATUSHM, WriteSSTATUSM, input logic TrapM, FRegWriteM, input logic [1:0] NextPrivilegeModeM, PrivilegeModeW, input logic mretM, sretM, input logic WriteFRMM, WriteFFLAGSM, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] CSRWriteValM, input logic SelHPTW, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] MSTATUS_REGW, SSTATUS_REGW, MSTATUSH_REGW, output logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP, output logic STATUS_SPP, STATUS_TSR, STATUS_TW, output logic STATUS_MIE, STATUS_SIE, output logic STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, output logic STATUS_MPRV, STATUS_TVM, output logic [1:0] STATUS_FS, output logic BigEndianM ); logic STATUS_SD, STATUS_TW_INT, STATUS_TSR_INT, STATUS_TVM_INT, STATUS_MXR_INT, STATUS_SUM_INT, STATUS_MPRV_INT; logic [1:0] STATUS_SXL, STATUS_UXL, STATUS_XS, STATUS_FS_INT, STATUS_MPP_NEXT; logic STATUS_MPIE, STATUS_SPIE, STATUS_UBE, STATUS_SBE, STATUS_MBE; logic nextMBE, nextSBE; // STATUS REGISTER FIELD // See Privileged Spec Section 3.1.6 // Lower privilege status registers are a subset of the full status register // *** consider adding MBE, SBE, UBE fields, parameterized to be fixed or adjustable if (`XLEN==64) begin: csrsr64 // RV64 assign MSTATUS_REGW = {STATUS_SD, 25'b0, STATUS_MBE, STATUS_SBE, STATUS_SXL, STATUS_UXL, 9'b0, STATUS_TSR, STATUS_TW, STATUS_TVM, STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, STATUS_MPRV, STATUS_XS, STATUS_FS, STATUS_MPP, 2'b0, STATUS_SPP, STATUS_MPIE, STATUS_UBE, STATUS_SPIE, 1'b0, STATUS_MIE, 1'b0, STATUS_SIE, 1'b0}; assign SSTATUS_REGW = {STATUS_SD, /*27'b0, */ 29'b0, /*STATUS_SXL, */ {`QEMU ? 2'b0 : STATUS_UXL}, /*9'b0, */ 12'b0, /*STATUS_TSR, STATUS_TW, STATUS_TVM, */STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, /* STATUS_MPRV, */ 1'b0, STATUS_XS, STATUS_FS, /*STATUS_MPP, 2'b0*/ 4'b0, STATUS_SPP, /*STATUS_MPIE*/ 1'b0, STATUS_UBE, STATUS_SPIE, /*1'b0, STATUS_MIE, 1'b0*/ 3'b0, STATUS_SIE, 1'b0}; assign MSTATUSH_REGW = '0; // *** does not exist when XLEN=64, but don't want it to have an undefined value. Spec is not clear what it should be. end else begin: csrsr32 // RV32 assign MSTATUS_REGW = {STATUS_SD, 8'b0, STATUS_TSR, STATUS_TW, STATUS_TVM, STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, STATUS_MPRV, STATUS_XS, STATUS_FS, STATUS_MPP, 2'b0, STATUS_SPP, STATUS_MPIE, STATUS_UBE, STATUS_SPIE, 1'b0, STATUS_MIE, 1'b0, STATUS_SIE, 1'b0}; assign MSTATUSH_REGW = {26'b0, STATUS_MBE, STATUS_SBE, 4'b0}; assign SSTATUS_REGW = {STATUS_SD, 11'b0, /*STATUS_TSR, STATUS_TW, STATUS_TVM, */STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, /* STATUS_MPRV, */ 1'b0, STATUS_XS, STATUS_FS, /*STATUS_MPP, 2'b0*/ 4'b0, STATUS_SPP, /*STATUS_MPIE*/ 1'b0, STATUS_UBE, STATUS_SPIE, /*1'b0, STATUS_MIE, 1'b0*/ 3'b0, STATUS_SIE, 1'b0}; end // extract values to write to upper status register on 64/32-bit access if (`XLEN==64) begin:upperstatus assign nextMBE = CSRWriteValM[37] & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; assign nextSBE = CSRWriteValM[36] & `S_SUPPORTED & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; end else begin:upperstatus assign nextMBE = STATUS_MBE; assign nextSBE = STATUS_SBE; end // harwired STATUS bits assign STATUS_TSR = `S_SUPPORTED & STATUS_TSR_INT; // override reigster with 0 if supervisor mode not supported assign STATUS_TW = (`S_SUPPORTED | `U_SUPPORTED) & STATUS_TW_INT; // override reigster with 0 if only machine mode supported assign STATUS_TVM = `S_SUPPORTED & STATUS_TVM_INT; // override reigster with 0 if supervisor mode not supported assign STATUS_MXR = `S_SUPPORTED & STATUS_MXR_INT; // override reigster with 0 if supervisor mode not supported /* assign STATUS_UBE = 0; // little-endian assign STATUS_SBE = 0; // little-endian assign STATUS_MBE = 0; // little-endian */ // SXL and UXL bits only matter for RV64. Set to 10 for RV64 if mode is supported, or 0 if not assign STATUS_SXL = `S_SUPPORTED ? 2'b10 : 2'b00; // 10 if supervisor mode supported assign STATUS_UXL = `U_SUPPORTED ? 2'b10 : 2'b00; // 10 if user mode supported assign STATUS_SUM = `S_SUPPORTED & `VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED & STATUS_SUM_INT; // override reigster with 0 if supervisor mode not supported assign STATUS_MPRV = `U_SUPPORTED & STATUS_MPRV_INT; // override with 0 if user mode not supported assign STATUS_FS = (`S_SUPPORTED & (`F_SUPPORTED | `D_SUPPORTED)) ? STATUS_FS_INT : 2'b00; // off if no FP assign STATUS_SD = (STATUS_FS == 2'b11) | (STATUS_XS == 2'b11); // dirty state logic assign STATUS_XS = 2'b00; // No additional user-mode state to be dirty always_comb if (CSRWriteValM[12:11] == `U_MODE & `U_SUPPORTED) STATUS_MPP_NEXT = `U_MODE; else if (CSRWriteValM[12:11] == `S_MODE & `S_SUPPORTED) STATUS_MPP_NEXT = `S_MODE; else STATUS_MPP_NEXT = `M_MODE; /////////////////////////////////////////// // Endianness logic Privileged Spec /////////////////////////////////////////// if (`BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED) begin: endianmux // determine whether big endian accesses should be made logic [1:0] EndiannessPrivMode; always_comb begin if (SelHPTW) EndiannessPrivMode = `S_MODE; else if (PrivilegeModeW == `M_MODE & STATUS_MPRV) EndiannessPrivMode = STATUS_MPP; else EndiannessPrivMode = PrivilegeModeW; case (EndiannessPrivMode) `M_MODE: BigEndianM = STATUS_MBE; `S_MODE: BigEndianM = STATUS_SBE; default: BigEndianM = STATUS_UBE; endcase end end else begin: endianmux assign BigEndianM = 0; end // registers for STATUS bits // complex register with reset, write enable, and the ability to update other bits in certain cases always_ff @(posedge clk) //, posedge reset) if (reset) begin STATUS_TSR_INT <= #1 0; STATUS_TW_INT <= #1 0; STATUS_TVM_INT <= #1 0; STATUS_MXR_INT <= #1 0; STATUS_SUM_INT <= #1 0; STATUS_MPRV_INT <= #1 0; // Per Priv 3.3 STATUS_FS_INT <= #1 `F_SUPPORTED ? 2'b01 : 2'b00; STATUS_MPP <= #1 0; STATUS_SPP <= #1 0; STATUS_MPIE <= #1 0; STATUS_SPIE <= #1 0; STATUS_MIE <= #1 0; STATUS_SIE <= #1 0; STATUS_MBE <= #1 0; STATUS_SBE <= #1 0; STATUS_UBE <= #1 0; end else if (~StallW) begin if (FRegWriteM | WriteFRMM | WriteFFLAGSM) STATUS_FS_INT <= #1 2'b11; // mark Float State dirty *** this should happen in M stage, be part of if/else; if (TrapM) begin // Update interrupt enables per Privileged Spec p. 21 // y = PrivilegeModeW // x = NextPrivilegeModeM // Modes: 11 = Machine, 01 = Supervisor, 00 = User if (NextPrivilegeModeM == `M_MODE) begin STATUS_MPIE <= #1 STATUS_MIE; STATUS_MIE <= #1 0; STATUS_MPP <= #1 PrivilegeModeW; end else begin // supervisor mode STATUS_SPIE <= #1 STATUS_SIE; STATUS_SIE <= #1 0; STATUS_SPP <= #1 PrivilegeModeW[0]; end end else if (mretM) begin // Privileged STATUS_MIE <= #1 STATUS_MPIE; // restore global interrupt enable STATUS_MPIE <= #1 1; // STATUS_MPP <= #1 `U_SUPPORTED ? `U_MODE : `M_MODE; // set MPP to lowest supported privilege level // STATUS_MPRV_INT <= #1 0; // changed to this by Ross to solve Linux bug; might have been s spurious disagreement with QEMU STATUS_MPRV_INT <= #1 STATUS_MPRV_INT & (STATUS_MPP == `M_MODE); // Seems to be given by page 21 of spec. end else if (sretM) begin STATUS_SIE <= #1 STATUS_SPIE; // restore global interrupt enable STATUS_SPIE <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED; STATUS_SPP <= #1 0; // set SPP to lowest supported privilege level to catch bugs STATUS_MPRV_INT <= #1 0; // always clear MPRV end else if (WriteMSTATUSM) begin STATUS_TSR_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[22]; STATUS_TW_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[21]; STATUS_TVM_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[20]; STATUS_MXR_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[19]; STATUS_SUM_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[18]; STATUS_MPRV_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[17]; STATUS_FS_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[14:13]; STATUS_MPP <= #1 STATUS_MPP_NEXT; STATUS_SPP <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[8]; STATUS_MPIE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[7]; STATUS_SPIE <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[5]; STATUS_MIE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[3]; STATUS_SIE <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[1]; STATUS_UBE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[6] & `U_SUPPORTED & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; STATUS_MBE <= #1 nextMBE; STATUS_SBE <= #1 nextSBE; end else if (WriteMSTATUSHM) begin STATUS_MBE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[5] & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; STATUS_SBE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[4] & `S_SUPPORTED & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; end else if (WriteSSTATUSM) begin // write a subset of the STATUS bits STATUS_MXR_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[19]; STATUS_SUM_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[18]; STATUS_FS_INT <= #1 CSRWriteValM[14:13]; STATUS_SPP <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[8]; STATUS_SPIE <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[5]; STATUS_SIE <= #1 `S_SUPPORTED & CSRWriteValM[1]; STATUS_UBE <= #1 CSRWriteValM[6] & `U_SUPPORTED & `BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; end end endmodule