#!/usr/bin/python3 ################################## # # regression-wally.py # David_Harris@Hmc.edu 25 January 2021 # Modified by Jarred Allen # # Run a regression with multiple configurations in parallel and exit with # non-zero status code if an error happened, as well as printing human-readable # output. # ################################## from collections import namedtuple TestCase = namedtuple("TestCase", ['name', 'cmd', 'grepstr']) # name: the name of this test configuration (used in printing human-readable # output and picking logfile names) # cmd: the command to run to test (should include the logfile as '{}', and # the command needs to write to that file) # grepstr: the string to grep through the log file for. The test succeeds iff # grep finds that string in the logfile (is used by grep, so it may # be any pattern grep accepts, see `man 1 grep` for more info). # edit this list to add more test cases configs = [ #TestCase( # name="busybear", # cmd="vsim -do wally-busybear-batch.do -c > {}", # grepstr="loaded 100000 instructions" #), TestCase( name="buildroot", cmd="vsim -do wally-buildroot-batch.do -c > {}", grepstr="6300000 instructions" ), TestCase( name="lints", cmd="../lint-wally &> {}", grepstr="All lints run with no errors or warnings" ), ] tests64 = ["arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "imperas64i", "imperas64p", "imperas64mmu", "imperas64f", "imperas64d", "imperas64m", "imperas64a", "imperas64c"] #, "testsBP64"] for test in tests64: tc = TestCase( name=test, cmd="vsim > {} -c < {} -c < /dev/null" % (text, logfile) return os.system(grepcmd) == 0 def run_test_case(config): """Run the given test case, and return 0 if the test suceeds and 1 if it fails""" logname = "logs/wally_"+config.name+".log" cmd = config.cmd.format(logname) print(cmd) os.system(cmd) if search_log_for_text(config.grepstr, logname): print("%s: Success" % config.name) return 0 else: print("%s: Failures detected in output" % config.name) print(" Check %s" % logname) return 1 def main(): """Run the tests and count the failures""" # Scale the number of concurrent processes to the number of test cases, but # max out at a limited number of concurrent processes to not overwhelm the system TIMEOUT_DUR = 1800 # seconds try: os.mkdir("logs") except: pass with Pool(processes=min(len(configs),25)) as pool: num_fail = 0 results = {} for config in configs: results[config] = pool.apply_async(run_test_case,(config,)) for (config,result) in results.items(): try: num_fail+=result.get(timeout=TIMEOUT_DUR) except TimeoutError: num_fail+=1 print("%s: Timeout - runtime exceeded %d seconds" % (config.name, TIMEOUT_DUR)) # Count the number of failures if num_fail: print("Regression failed with %s failed configurations" % num_fail) # Remind the user to try `make allclean`, since it may be needed if test # cases have changed print("Reminder: have you run `make allclean`?") else: print("SUCCESS! All tests ran without failures") return num_fail if __name__ == '__main__': exit(main())