// ppa.sv // Teo Ene & David_Harris@hmc.edu 11 May 2022 // & mmasserfrye@hmc.edu // Measure PPA of various building blocks module ppa_comparator_8 #(parameter WIDTH=8) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); ppa_comparator #(WIDTH) comp (.*); endmodule module ppa_comparator_16 #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); ppa_comparator #(WIDTH) comp (.*); endmodule module ppa_comparator_32 #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); ppa_comparator #(WIDTH) comp (.*); endmodule module ppa_comparator_64 #(parameter WIDTH=64) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); ppa_comparator #(WIDTH) comp (.*); endmodule module ppa_comparator_128 #(parameter WIDTH=128) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); ppa_comparator #(WIDTH) comp (.*); endmodule module ppa_comparator #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, input logic sgnd, output logic [1:0] flags); logic eq, lt, ltu; logic [WIDTH-1:0] af, bf; // For signed numbers, flip most significant bit assign af = {a[WIDTH-1] ^ sgnd, a[WIDTH-2:0]}; assign bf = {b[WIDTH-1] ^ sgnd, b[WIDTH-2:0]}; // behavioral description gives best results assign eq = (af == bf); assign lt = (af < bf); assign flags = {eq, lt}; endmodule module ppa_add_8 #(parameter WIDTH=8) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule module ppa_add_16 #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule module ppa_add_32 #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule module ppa_add_64 #(parameter WIDTH=64) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule module ppa_add_128 #(parameter WIDTH=128) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a + b; endmodule module ppa_mult_8 #(parameter WIDTH=8) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH*2-1:0] y); //is this right width assign y = a * b; endmodule module ppa_mult_16 #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH*2-1:0] y); //is this right width assign y = a * b; endmodule module ppa_mult_32 #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH*2-1:0] y); //is this right width assign y = a * b; endmodule module ppa_mult_64 #(parameter WIDTH=64) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH*2-1:0] y); //is this right width assign y = a * b; endmodule module ppa_mult_128 #(parameter WIDTH=128) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, b, output logic [WIDTH*2-1:0] y); //is this right width assign y = a * b; endmodule module ppa_alu_16 #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, B, input logic [2:0] ALUControl, input logic [2:0] Funct3, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Result, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Sum); ppa_alu #(WIDTH) alu_16 (.*); endmodule module ppa_alu_32 #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, B, input logic [2:0] ALUControl, input logic [2:0] Funct3, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Result, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Sum); ppa_alu #(WIDTH) alu_32 (.*); endmodule module ppa_alu_64 #(parameter WIDTH=64) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, B, input logic [2:0] ALUControl, input logic [2:0] Funct3, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Result, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Sum); ppa_alu #(WIDTH) alu_64 (.*); endmodule module ppa_alu #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, B, input logic [2:0] ALUControl, input logic [2:0] Funct3, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Result, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Sum); logic [WIDTH-1:0] CondInvB, Shift, SLT, SLTU, FullResult; logic Carry, Neg; logic LT, LTU; logic W64, SubArith, ALUOp; logic [2:0] ALUFunct; logic Asign, Bsign; // Extract control signals // W64 indicates RV64 W-suffix instructions acting on lower 32-bit word // SubArith indicates subtraction // ALUOp = 0 for address generation addition or 1 for regular ALU assign {W64, SubArith, ALUOp} = ALUControl; // addition assign CondInvB = SubArith ? ~B : B; assign {Carry, Sum} = A + CondInvB + {{(WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, SubArith}; // Shifts ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh(.A, .Amt(B[$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0]), .Right(Funct3[2]), .Arith(SubArith), .W64, .Y(Shift)); // condition code flags based on subtract output Sum = A-B // Overflow occurs when the numbers being subtracted have the opposite sign // and the result has the opposite sign of A assign Neg = Sum[WIDTH-1]; assign Asign = A[WIDTH-1]; assign Bsign = B[WIDTH-1]; assign LT = Asign & ~Bsign | Asign & Neg | ~Bsign & Neg; // simplified from Overflow = Asign & Bsign & Asign & Neg; LT = Neg ^ Overflow assign LTU = ~Carry; // SLT assign SLT = {{(WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, LT}; assign SLTU = {{(WIDTH-1){1'b0}}, LTU}; // Select appropriate ALU Result assign ALUFunct = Funct3 & {3{ALUOp}}; // Force ALUFunct to 0 to Add when ALUOp = 0 always_comb casez (ALUFunct) 3'b000: FullResult = Sum; // add or sub 3'b?01: FullResult = Shift; // sll, sra, or srl 3'b010: FullResult = SLT; // slt 3'b011: FullResult = SLTU; // sltu 3'b100: FullResult = A ^ B; // xor 3'b110: FullResult = A | B; // or 3'b111: FullResult = A & B; // and endcase // support W-type RV64I ADDW/SUBW/ADDIW/Shifts that sign-extend 32-bit result to 64 bits if (WIDTH==64) assign Result = W64 ? {{32{FullResult[31]}}, FullResult[31:0]} : FullResult; else assign Result = FullResult; endmodule module ppa_shiftleft #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] a, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] amt, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y); assign y = a << amt; endmodule module ppa_shifter_8 #(parameter WIDTH=8) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh (.*); endmodule module ppa_shifter_16 #(parameter WIDTH=16) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh (.*); endmodule module ppa_shifter_32 #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh (.*); endmodule module ppa_shifter_64 #(parameter WIDTH=64) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh (.*); endmodule module ppa_shifter_128 #(parameter WIDTH=128) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); ppa_shifter #(WIDTH) sh (.*); endmodule module ppa_shifter #(parameter WIDTH=32) ( input logic [WIDTH-1:0] A, input logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] Amt, input logic Right, Arith, W64, output logic [WIDTH-1:0] Y); logic [2*WIDTH-2:0] z, zshift; logic [$clog2(WIDTH)-1:0] amttrunc, offset; // Handle left and right shifts with a funnel shifter. // For RV32, only 32-bit shifts are needed. // For RV64, 32 and 64-bit shifts are needed, with sign extension. // funnel shifter input (see CMOS VLSI Design 4e Section 11.8.1, note Table 11.11 shift types wrong) if (WIDTH == 64 | WIDTH ==128) begin:shifter // RV64 or 128 always_comb // funnel mux if (W64) begin // 32-bit shifts if (Right) if (Arith) z = {{WIDTH{1'b0}}, {WIDTH/2 -1{A[WIDTH/2 -1]}}, A[WIDTH/2 -1:0]}; else z = {{WIDTH*3/2-1{1'b0}}, A[WIDTH/2 -1:0]}; else z = {{WIDTH/2{1'b0}}, A[WIDTH/2 -1:0], {WIDTH-1{1'b0}}}; end else begin if (Right) if (Arith) z = {{WIDTH-1{A[WIDTH-1]}}, A}; else z = {{WIDTH-1{1'b0}}, A}; else z = {A, {WIDTH-1{1'b0}}}; end assign amttrunc = W64 ? {1'b0, Amt[$clog2(WIDTH)-2:0]} : Amt; // 32 or 64-bit shift end else begin:shifter // RV32 or less always_comb // funnel mux if (Right) if (Arith) z = {{WIDTH-1{A[WIDTH-1]}}, A}; else z = {{WIDTH-1{1'b0}}, A}; else z = {A, {WIDTH-1{1'b0}}}; assign amttrunc = Amt; // shift amount end // opposite offset for right shfits assign offset = Right ? amttrunc : ~amttrunc; // funnel operation assign zshift = z >> offset; assign Y = zshift[WIDTH-1:0]; endmodule // just report one hot module ppa_prioritythermometer #(parameter N = 8) ( input logic [N-1:0] a, output logic [N-1:0] y); // Carefully crafted so design compiler will synthesize into a fast tree structure // Rather than linear. // create thermometer code mask genvar i; assign y[0] = ~a[0]; for (i=1; i