////////////////////////////////////////// // wally-shared.vh // // Written: david_harris@hmc.edu 7 June 2021 // // Purpose: Shared and default configuration values common to all designs // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// // include shared constants `include "wally-constants.vh" // macros to define supported modes // NOTE: No hardware support for Q yet `define A_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 0) % 2 == 1) `define C_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 2) % 2 == 1) `define D_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 3) % 2 == 1) `define E_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 4) % 2 == 1) `define F_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 5) % 2 == 1) `define I_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 8) % 2 == 1) `define M_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 12) % 2 == 1) `define Q_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 16) % 2 == 1) `define S_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 18) % 2 == 1) `define U_SUPPORTED ((`MISA >> 20) % 2 == 1) // N-mode user-level interrupts are depricated per Andrew Waterman 1/13/21 //`define N_SUPPORTED ((MISA >> 13) % 2 == 1) `define N_SUPPORTED 0 // logarithm of XLEN, used for number of index bits to select `define LOG_XLEN (`XLEN == 32 ? 5 : 6) // Number of 64 bit PMP Configuration Register entries (or pairs of 32 bit entries) `define PMPCFG_ENTRIES (`PMP_ENTRIES/8) // Floating point constants for Quad, Double, Single, and Half precisions `define Q_LEN 32'd128 `define Q_NE 32'd15 `define Q_NF 32'd112 `define Q_BIAS 32'd16383 `define Q_FMT 2'd3 `define D_LEN 32'd64 `define D_NE 32'd11 `define D_NF 32'd52 `define D_BIAS 32'd1023 `define D_FMT 2'd1 `define S_LEN 32'd32 `define S_NE 32'd8 `define S_NF 32'd23 `define S_BIAS 32'd127 `define S_FMT 2'd0 `define H_LEN 32'd16 `define H_NE 32'd5 `define H_NF 32'd10 `define H_BIAS 32'd15 `define H_FMT 2'd2 // Floating point length FLEN and number of exponent (NE) and fraction (NF) bits `define FLEN (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_LEN : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_LEN : `S_LEN) `define NE (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_NE : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_NE : `S_NE) `define NF (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_NF : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_NF : `S_NF) `define FMT (`Q_SUPPORTED ? 2'd3 : `D_SUPPORTED ? 2'd1 : 2'd0) `define BIAS (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_BIAS : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_BIAS : `S_BIAS) /* Delete once tested dh 10/10/22 `define FLEN (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_LEN : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_LEN : `F_SUPPORTED ? `S_LEN : `H_LEN) `define NE (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_NE : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_NE : `F_SUPPORTED ? `S_NE : `H_NE) `define NF (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_NF : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_NF : `F_SUPPORTED ? `S_NF : `H_NF) `define FMT (`Q_SUPPORTED ? 2'd3 : `D_SUPPORTED ? 2'd1 : `F_SUPPORTED ? 2'd0 : 2'd2) `define BIAS (`Q_SUPPORTED ? `Q_BIAS : `D_SUPPORTED ? `D_BIAS : `F_SUPPORTED ? `S_BIAS : `H_BIAS)*/ // Floating point constants needed for FPU paramerterization `define FPSIZES ((32)'(`Q_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(`D_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(`F_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(`ZFH_SUPPORTED)) `define FMTBITS ((32)'(`FPSIZES>=3)+1) `define LEN1 ((`D_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `D_LEN)) ? `D_LEN : (`F_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `S_LEN)) ? `S_LEN : `H_LEN) `define NE1 ((`D_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `D_LEN)) ? `D_NE : (`F_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `S_LEN)) ? `S_NE : `H_NE) `define NF1 ((`D_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `D_LEN)) ? `D_NF : (`F_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `S_LEN)) ? `S_NF : `H_NF) `define FMT1 ((`D_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `D_LEN)) ? 2'd1 : (`F_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `S_LEN)) ? 2'd0 : 2'd2) `define BIAS1 ((`D_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `D_LEN)) ? `D_BIAS : (`F_SUPPORTED & (`FLEN != `S_LEN)) ? `S_BIAS : `H_BIAS) `define LEN2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_LEN : `H_LEN) `define NE2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_NE : `H_NE) `define NF2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_NF : `H_NF) `define FMT2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? 2'd0 : 2'd2) `define BIAS2 ((`F_SUPPORTED & (`LEN1 != `S_LEN)) ? `S_BIAS : `H_BIAS) // largest length in IEU/FPU `define CVTLEN ((`NF<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`NF)) `define LLEN ((`FLEN<`XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : (`FLEN)) `define LOGCVTLEN $unsigned($clog2(`CVTLEN+1)) `define NORMSHIFTSZ ((`QLEN+`NF+1) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`QLEN+`NF+1) : (3*`NF+8)) `define LOGNORMSHIFTSZ ($clog2(`NORMSHIFTSZ)) `define CORRSHIFTSZ ((`DIVRESLEN+`NF) > (3*`NF+8) ? (`DIVRESLEN+`NF) : (3*`NF+6)) // division constants `define RADIX 32'h4 `define DIVCOPIES 32'h4 `define DIVLEN ((`NF < `XLEN) ? (`XLEN) : `NF+3) // `define DIVN (`NF < `XLEN ? `XLEN : `NF+1) // length of input `define DIVN (`NF<`XLEN ? `XLEN : (`NF + 3)) // length of input `define EXTRAFRACBITS ((`NF < (`XLEN)) ? (`XLEN - `NF) : 3) `define EXTRAINTBITS ((`NF < `XLEN) ? 0 : (`NF - `XLEN + 3)) `define DIVRESLEN ((`NF>`XLEN) ? (`NF + 4) : `XLEN) `define LOGR ((`RADIX==2) ? 32'h1 : 32'h2) `define RK (`DIVCOPIES*`LOGR) // r*k used for intdiv preproc `define LOGK ($clog2(`DIVCOPIES)) `define LOGRK ($clog2(`RK)) // log2(r*k) // FPDUR = ceil(DIVRESLEN/(LOGR*DIVCOPIES)) // one iteration is required for the integer bit for minimally redundent radix-4 `define FPDUR ((`DIVN+1+(`LOGR*`DIVCOPIES))/(`LOGR*`DIVCOPIES)+(`RADIX/4)) `define DURLEN ($clog2(`FPDUR+1)) `define QLEN (`FPDUR*`LOGR*`DIVCOPIES) `define DIVb (`QLEN-1) `define DIVa (`DIVb+1-`XLEN) `define DIVBLEN ($clog2(`DIVb+1)-1) `define USE_SRAM 0 // Disable spurious Verilator warnings /* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */ /* verilator lint_off ASSIGNDLY */ /* verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY */