/////////////////////////////////////////// // fdivsqrtiter.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu, me@KatherineParry.com, cturek@hmc.edu // Modified:13 January 2022 // // Purpose: Combined Divide and Square Root Floating Point and Integer Unit // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // MIT LICENSE // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module fdivsqrtiter( input logic clk, input logic IFDivStartE, input logic FDivBusyE, input logic SqrtE, MDUE, // input logic SqrtM, input logic [`DIVb+3:0] X, input logic [`DIVb-1:0] DPreproc, output logic [`DIVb-1:0] D, output logic [`DIVb:0] FirstU, FirstUM, output logic [`DIVb+1:0] FirstC, output logic Firstun, output logic [`DIVb+3:0] FirstWS, FirstWC ); /* verilator lint_off UNOPTFLAT */ logic [`DIVb+3:0] WSNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0]; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb+3:0] WCNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0]; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb+3:0] WS[`DIVCOPIES:0]; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb+3:0] WC[`DIVCOPIES:0]; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb:0] U[`DIVCOPIES:0]; // U1.b logic [`DIVb:0] UM[`DIVCOPIES:0]; // U1.b logic [`DIVb:0] UNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0]; // U1.b logic [`DIVb:0] UMNext[`DIVCOPIES-1:0]; // U1.b logic [`DIVb+1:0] C[`DIVCOPIES:0]; // Q2.b logic [`DIVb+1:0] initC; // Q2.b logic [`DIVCOPIES-1:0] un; logic [`DIVb+3:0] WSN, WCN; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb+3:0] DBar, D2, DBar2; // Q4.b logic [`DIVb+1:0] NextC; logic [`DIVb:0] UMux, UMMux; logic [`DIVb:0] initU, initUM; /* verilator lint_on UNOPTFLAT */ // Top Muxes and Registers // When start is asserted, the inputs are loaded into the divider. // Otherwise, the divisor is retained and the residual and result // are fed back for the next iteration. // Residual WS/SC registers/initializaiton mux mux2 #(`DIVb+4) wsmux(WS[`DIVCOPIES], X, IFDivStartE, WSN); mux2 #(`DIVb+4) wcmux(WC[`DIVCOPIES], '0, IFDivStartE, WCN); flopen #(`DIVb+4) wsreg(clk, FDivBusyE, WSN, WS[0]); flopen #(`DIVb+4) wcreg(clk, FDivBusyE, WCN, WC[0]); // UOTFC Result U and UM registers/initialization mux // Initialize U to 1.0 and UM to 0 for square root or negative-result int division; U to 0 and UM to -1 otherwise assign initU = ((SqrtE & ~(MDUE))) ? {1'b1, {(`DIVb){1'b0}}} : 0; assign initUM = ((SqrtE & ~(MDUE))) ? 0 : {1'b1, {(`DIVb){1'b0}}}; mux2 #(`DIVb+1) Umux(UNext[`DIVCOPIES-1], initU, IFDivStartE, UMux); mux2 #(`DIVb+1) UMmux(UMNext[`DIVCOPIES-1], initUM, IFDivStartE, UMMux); flopen #(`DIVb+1) UReg(clk, IFDivStartE|FDivBusyE, UMux, U[0]); flopen #(`DIVb+1) UMReg(clk, IFDivStartE|FDivBusyE, UMMux, UM[0]); // C register/initialization mux // Initialize C to -1 for sqrt and -R for division logic [1:0] initCUpper; assign initCUpper = (SqrtE & ~(MDUE)) ? 2'b11 : (`RADIX == 4) ? 2'b00 : 2'b10; assign initC = {initCUpper, {`DIVb{1'b0}}}; mux2 #(`DIVb+2) Cmux(C[`DIVCOPIES], initC, IFDivStartE, NextC); flopen #(`DIVb+2) creg(clk, IFDivStartE|FDivBusyE, NextC, C[0]); // Divisior register flopen #(`DIVb) dreg(clk, IFDivStartE, DPreproc, D); // Divisor Selections // - choose the negitive version of what's being selected // - D is a 0.b mantissa assign DBar = {3'b111, 1'b0, ~D}; if(`RADIX == 4) begin : d2 assign DBar2 = {2'b11, 1'b0, ~D, 1'b1}; assign D2 = {2'b0, 1'b1, D, 1'b0}; end // k=DIVCOPIES of the recurrence logic genvar i; generate for(i=0; $unsigned(i)<`DIVCOPIES; i++) begin : iterations if (`RADIX == 2) begin: stage fdivsqrtstage2 fdivsqrtstage(.D, .DBar, .SqrtE, .MDUE, .WS(WS[i]), .WC(WC[i]), .WSNext(WSNext[i]), .WCNext(WCNext[i]), .C(C[i]), .U(U[i]), .UM(UM[i]), .CNext(C[i+1]), .UNext(UNext[i]), .UMNext(UMNext[i]), .un(un[i])); end else begin: stage logic j1; assign j1 = (i == 0 & ~C[0][`DIVb-1]); fdivsqrtstage4 fdivsqrtstage(.D, .DBar, .D2, .DBar2, .SqrtE, .j1, .MDUE, .WS(WS[i]), .WC(WC[i]), .WSNext(WSNext[i]), .WCNext(WCNext[i]), .C(C[i]), .U(U[i]), .UM(UM[i]), .CNext(C[i+1]), .UNext(UNext[i]), .UMNext(UMNext[i]), .un(un[i])); end assign WS[i+1] = WSNext[i]; assign WC[i+1] = WCNext[i]; assign U[i+1] = UNext[i]; assign UM[i+1] = UMNext[i]; end endgenerate // Send values from start of cycle for postprocessing assign FirstWS = WS[0]; assign FirstWC = WC[0]; assign FirstU = U[0]; assign FirstUM = UM[0]; assign FirstC = C[0]; assign Firstun = un[0]; endmodule