import numpy as np import string from datetime import datetime INSTRUCTION_SIZE = 32 VALID_REGISTERS = [str(x) for x in range(1, 32) if x != 6] # generates list of ints from (1, 31) without 6 # Enumeration for decoding instruction formats NAME = 0 REG = 1 ADDR = 5 IMM = 6 ZIMM = 7 LABEL = 8 # Enumeration for decoding alignments BYTE = 1 HALF = INSTRUCTION_SIZE // 16 WORD = INSTRUCTION_SIZE // 8 NONE = 1 wordsize = 8 class InstrGenerator(): class InstrDict(): INSTR_RV32I = \ ["lb", "lh", "lw", "lbu", "lhu", "addi", "slli", "slti", "sltiu", "xori", \ "srli", "srai", "ori", "andi", "auipc", "sb", "sh", "sw", "add", "sub", \ "sll", "slt", "sltu", "xor", "srl", "sra", "or", "and", "lui", "beq", \ "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu", "jal"] #37 #"jalr" INSTR_RV64M = ["mul", "mulh", "muhsu", "mulhu"] #"div", "divu", "rem", "remu" #TODO: Add jalr functionality # Lists of instructions that follow a specific format INSTR_MEM = ["lb", "lh", "lw", "lbu", "lhu", "sb", "sh", "sw"] #8 INSTR_DEST_SRC1_IMM = ["addi", "slti", "sltiu", "xori", "ori", "andi", "jarl"] #7 INSTR_DEST_SRC1_ZIMM = ["slli", "srli", "srai"] #3 INSTR_DEST_IMM = ["auipc", "lui"] #2 INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2 = ["add", "sub", "sll", "slt", "sltu", "xor", "srl", "sra", "or", "and"] INSTR_SRC1_SRC2_LABEL = ["beq", "bne", "blt", "bge", "bltu", "bgeu"] #6 INSTR_DEST_LABEL = ["jal"] #1 INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2_64M = ["mul", "mulh", "muhsu", "mulhu", "div", "divu", "rem", "remu"] def __init__(self): self.instr = {} def fillInstructionDictRV32i(self): self.instr["lb"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), BYTE] self.instr["lh"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), HALF] self.instr["lw"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), WORD] self.instr["lbu"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), BYTE] self.instr["lhu"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), HALF] self.instr["addi"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["slli"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, ZIMM), NONE] self.instr["slti"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["sltiu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["xori"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["srli"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, ZIMM), NONE] self.instr["srai"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, ZIMM), NONE] self.instr["ori"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["andi"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["auipc"] = [(NAME, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["sb"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), BYTE] self.instr["sh"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), HALF] self.instr["sw"] = [(NAME, REG, ADDR), WORD] self.instr["add"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["sub"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["sll"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["slt"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["sltu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["xor"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["srl"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["sra"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["or"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["and"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["lui"] = [(NAME, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["beq"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] self.instr["bne"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] self.instr["blt"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] self.instr["bge"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] self.instr["bltu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] self.instr["bgeu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, LABEL), NONE] #self.instr["jalr"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, IMM), NONE] self.instr["jal"] = [(NAME, REG, LABEL), WORD] def fillInstructionDictRV64M(self): self.instr["mul"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["mulh"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["mulhsu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["mulhu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["div"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["divu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["rem"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] self.instr["remu"] = [(NAME, REG, REG, REG), NONE] class RandomSelect(): LETTER_CHOICES = string.ascii_letters def randReg(self, regs): return regs[np.random.randint(0, len(regs))] def randBinary(self, signed, numBits, valueAlignment): # use this for corners: xlen = 32 here corners = [0, 1, 2, 0xFF, 0x624B3E976C52DD14 % 2**numBits, 2**(numBits-1)-2, 2**(numBits-1)-1, \ 2**(numBits-1), 2**(numBits-1)+1, 0xC365DDEB9173AB42 % 2**numBits, 2**(numBits)-2, 2**(numBits)-1] # when not biased don't gen numbers from (|2^(n-2) to 2^(n-2)|) biased = np.random.randint(0, 3) # on 2 generate random edge case returnVal = 0 sign = 0 if biased < 2: # print("unbiased") if not(signed): returnVal = np.random.randint(0, 2**(numBits) - 1) else: returnVal = np.random.randint(-2**(numBits - 1), 2**(numBits - 1) - 1) else: # print("corner") returnVal = corners[np.random.randint(0, len(corners))] binReturnVal = bin(returnVal) if returnVal >= 0: binReturnVal = binReturnVal[2:] # get rid of 0b #make binary correct length while(len(binReturnVal) < numBits): binReturnVal = "0" + binReturnVal else: binReturnVal = binReturnVal[3:] # get rid of -0b #two's compliment flipped = ''.join('1' if x == '0' else '0' for x in binReturnVal) added = bin(int(flipped, 2) + 1)[2:] while(len(added) < len(flipped)): added = "0" + added while(len(added) < numBits): added = "1" + added binReturnVal = added # ensure correct value assignment if valueAlignment == 1: return binReturnVal indexVal = valueAlignment // 2 returnValue = binReturnVal[:-indexVal] + "0"*indexVal return returnValue def randHex(self, sign, numBits, divisibleByValue): return hex(int(self.randBinary(sign, numBits*4, divisibleByValue), 2)) def randDec(self, valueRangeMin, valueRangeMax, divisibleByValue): valRange = (valueRangeMax - valueRangeMin)//divisibleByValue return (np.random.randint(0, valRange + 1) * divisibleByValue + valueRangeMin) def __init__(self, numMemoryRegisters, xlen): self.instrDict = self.InstrDict() self.instrDict.fillInstructionDictRV32i() if (xlen == 64): self.instrDict.fillInstructionDictRV64M() self.randSelect = self.RandomSelect() self.memoryAdrList = [] self.populateMemory() self.prevLabel = 0 self.memReg = [] self.anyReg = VALID_REGISTERS[:] self.xlen = xlen self.test_count = 0 for i in range(0, numMemoryRegisters): reg = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) self.anyReg.remove(reg) self.memReg.append(reg) self.PC = int("80000108",16) def addPC(self, instr): #adapted from BB code if instr == "li": self.PC += 8 if (self.xlen == 32) else 20 elif instr == "la": self.PC += 8 else: self.PC += 4 def getRandInstruction(self, instr): return instr[np.random.randint(0, len(instr))] def getForwardingInstructions(self, instr): #TODO make so that memory register can be manipulated fields, alignment = self.instrDict.instr[instr] ld_instr = "lw" num = np.random.randint(0, 2) # 0 signed, on 1 unsigned if alignment == BYTE: if num == 0: ld_instr = "lbu" else: ld_instr = "lb" if alignment == HALF: if num == 0: ld_instr = "lhu" else: ld_instr = "lw" reg1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) mask = self.randSelect.randHex(True, 3, alignment) reg_set_instr = "andi x" + reg1 + ", x" + reg1 + ", SEXT_IMM(" + mask + ")" # set register to multiple of 4 rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) imm1 = self.memoryAdrList[np.random.randint(0, len(self.memoryAdrList))] #load imm mem_instr_ld = ld_instr + " x" + rd + ", " + imm1 + "(x" + reg1 + ")" #load value to rd reg2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.memReg) imm2 = self.memoryAdrList[np.random.randint(0, len(self.memoryAdrList))] #str imm mem_instr_str = "sw" + " x" + rd + ", " + imm2 + "(x" + reg2 + ")" #store value of rd instructions = [reg_set_instr, mem_instr_ld, mem_instr_str] check_instr = self.genTestInstr(rd) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) return instructions def jumpInstruction(self, instr): fields, alignment = self.instrDict.instr[instr] # randomly determine forward or back branch direction fwd = np.random.randint(0, 2) #fwd on 1, bwd on 0 taken = np.random.randint(0,2) #not taken on 0, taken on 1 reg_pc = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions = [] if fwd == 1: instructions.append(instr + " x" + reg_pc + ", " + str(self.prevLabel) + "f") numInstr = np.random.randint(0, 6) # add random alu instructions after jumping before jump point reg_check = 1 for i in range(0, numInstr): curr = self.getRandInstruction(self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2) rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) while (rd == reg_pc): rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg_check = rd r1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append(curr + " x" + rd + ", x" + r1 + ", x" + r2) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") self.prevLabel += 1 #make sure jump was taken check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg_check) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) #check value in pc + 4 reg check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg_pc) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) else: reg1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) while reg2 == reg1: reg2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append("jal x" + reg1 + ", 1f") instructions.append("2:") instructions.append("jal x" + reg2 + ", 3f") instructions.append("1:") numInstr = np.random.randint(0,6) for i in range(0, numInstr): curr = self.getRandInstruction(self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2) rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append(curr + " x" + rd + ", x" + r1 + ", x" + r2) #test case here instructions.append("jal x" + reg2 + ", 2b") instructions.append("3:") check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg1) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) # jump to 1 # #2 # jump to 3 # #1 # junk here # test: jump to 2 # #3 # check answer from 1 return instructions def branchInstruction(self, instr): fields, alignment = self.instrDict.instr[instr] # randomly determine forward or back branch direction fwd = np.random.randint(0, 2) #fwd on 1, bwd on 0 taken = np.random.randint(0,2) #not taken on 0, taken on 1 instructions = [] # pick 2 registers for branch comparison reg1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg2 = reg1 while (reg2 == reg1): reg2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) if (fwd == 1): # set r1 and r2 to what they should be to do the branching we want #TODO this assumed that greater than equal to or lteq are instead jsut equal, will be changed later if (instr == "beq" and taken==1) or (instr == "bne" and taken==0) or \ (instr == "blt" and taken==0) or (instr == "bge" and taken==1) or \ (instr == "bltu" and taken==0) or (instr == "bgeu" and taken==1): #r1 = r2 instructions.append("mv x" + reg1 + ", x" + reg2) elif (instr == "beq" and taken==0) or (instr == "bne" and taken==1) or \ (instr == "blt" and taken==1) or (instr == "bltu" and taken==1): #r2 = r1 + 1 instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", 1") else: instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", -1") #r2 = r1 - 1 # add branching instruction instructions.append(instr + " x" + reg1 + ", x" + reg2 + ", " + str(self.prevLabel) + "f") numInstr = np.random.randint(0, 6) # add random alu instructions after branching before branch point reg_check = 1 for i in range(0, numInstr): curr = self.getRandInstruction(self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2) rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg_check = rd r1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append(curr + " x" + rd + ", x" + r1 + ", x" + r2) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") self.prevLabel += 1 check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg_check) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) return instructions # Backwards branch case else: if (not taken): if instr == "beq": randImm = self.randSelect.randHex(True, 1, 1) while randImm == "0x0": randImm = self.randSelect.randHex(True, 1, 1) instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(randImm) + ")") #r2 = r1 + randImm (-10, 10) and not 0 elif instr == "bne": instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", 0") #r2 = r1 + 0 elif instr == "bltu" or instr == "blt": randImm = np.random.randint(-10, 0) randMaskLen = np.random.randint(10, 100) instructions.append("addi x" + reg1 + ", x0, " + "MASK_XLEN(" + str(randMaskLen) + ")") # set reg1 to be rand positive number, helps stop infinite looping instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(randImm) + ")") #r2 = r1 + randImm (-10, -1) elif instr == "bgeu" or instr == "bge": randImm = np.random.randint(1, 11) randMaskLen = np.random.randint(10, 100) instructions.append("addi x" + reg1 + ", x0, "+ "MASK_XLEN(" + str(randMaskLen) + ")") # set reg1 to be rand positive number, helps stop infinite looping instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(randImm) + ")") #r2 = r1 + randImm (1, 11) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") numInstr = np.random.randint(0, 6) # add random alu instructions after branching before branch point reg_check = 1 for i in range(0, numInstr): curr = self.getRandInstruction(self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2) rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg_check = rd while rd == reg1 or rd==reg2: rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append(curr + " x" + rd + ", x" + r1 + ", x" + r2) check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg_check) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) else: #setup reg instructions before any branching stuff if instr == "beq": numTimesRepeat = 1 #can only be repeated once with the way we are doing this instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(numTimesRepeat) + ")") #r2 = r1 + numTimesRepeat ( - 6) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg2 + ", -1") elif instr == "bne": numTimesRepeat = np.random.randint(2, 6) instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(numTimesRepeat) + ")") #r2 = r1 + numTimesRepeat (2 - 6) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg2 + ", -1") elif instr == "bltu": numTimesRepeat = np.random.randint(2, 6) instructions.append("ori x" + reg1 + ", x" + reg1 + ", " + "1") # ensure reg1 is not 0 instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(numTimesRepeat) + ")") #r2 = r1 - numTimesRepeat (2 - 6) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg2 + ", -1") elif instr == "blt": numTimesRepeat = np.random.randint(2, 6) instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(numTimesRepeat) + ")") #r2 = r1 - numTimesRepeat (2 - 6) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg2 + ", -1") elif instr == "bgeu" or instr == "bge": numTimesRepeat = np.random.randint(2, 6)*(-1) instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg1 + ", MASK_XLEN(" + str(numTimesRepeat) + ")") #r2 = r1 + numTimesRepeat (2 - 6) instructions.append(str(self.prevLabel) + ":") instructions.append("addi x" + reg2 + ", x" + reg2 + ", 1") # Junk instructions numInstr = np.random.randint(0, 5) reg_check = 1 for i in range(0, numInstr): curr = self.getRandInstruction(self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_SRC2) rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) reg_check = rd while rd == reg1 or rd==reg2: rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r1 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) r2 = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) instructions.append(curr + " x" + rd + ", x" + r1 + ", x" + r2) check_instr = self.genTestInstr(reg_check) for check in check_instr: instructions.append(check) instructions.append(instr + " x" + reg1 + ", x" + reg2 + ", " + str(self.prevLabel) + "b") self.prevLabel += 1 return instructions # have (1-5) sudo random alu instructions for backwards branch, (0-5) for forward # randomly determine if branch is taken or not # if branch not taken, # we go by specific instruction and do some bit swizzling to make it false # if branch taken # add specific instruction to make branch true # for backwards, have alu instructions change comparison flags to be true def genTestInstr(self, reg): out = ["sw x" + str(reg) + ", "+ str(self.test_count) + "(x6)"] out.append("RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ(x7, x{}, 0xdeadbeef) ".format(reg)) self.test_count += 4 if (self.test_count == 2044): # Reset wreset = "addi x6, x6, MASK_XLEN(2044)" self.test_count = 0 out.append(wreset) return out def genInstruction(self): num = np.random.randint(0, 20) instr = "" if (self.xlen == 64) and (num == 20): instr = self.getRandInstruction(self.InstrDict.INSTR_RV64M) else: instr = self.getRandInstruction(self.InstrDict.INSTR_RV32I) num = np.random.randint(0, 2) # 0 mem reg, on 1 do forwarding stuff if instr in self.InstrDict.INSTR_MEM and num == 1: return self.getForwardingInstructions(instr) if instr in self.InstrDict.INSTR_SRC1_SRC2_LABEL: return self.branchInstruction(instr) if instr in self.InstrDict.INSTR_DEST_LABEL: return self.jumpInstruction(instr) fields, alignment = self.instrDict.instr[instr] output = "" rd = 1 for field in fields: if field == NAME: output += instr + " " elif field == REG: rd = self.randSelect.randReg(self.anyReg) output += "x" + str(rd) + ", " elif field == IMM and instr != "lui" and instr != "auipc": output += "SEXT_IMM(" + self.randSelect.randHex(False, 3, alignment) + ")" elif field == IMM and (instr == "lui" or instr == "auipc"): output += self.randSelect.randHex(False, 3, alignment) elif field == ADDR: output += self.memoryAdrList[np.random.randint(0, len(self.memoryAdrList))] output += "(" output += "x" + self.randSelect.randReg(self.memReg) output += ")" elif field == ZIMM: if (instr in self.instrDict.INSTR_DEST_SRC1_ZIMM): output += "SEXT_IMM(" + str(hex(np.random.randint(0, 32))) + ")" # has to be between 0 and 31 else: output += "SEXT_IMM(" + self.randSelect.randHex(True, 3, alignment) + ")" elif field == LABEL: output += str(self.prevLabel) if output[-2:] == ", ": output = output[0:-2] out_instr = [output] check_instr = self.genTestInstr(rd) for check in check_instr: out_instr.append(check) return out_instr def setRegisters(self): out = [] for reg in self.anyReg: out.append('li x{}, MASK_XLEN({})'.format(reg, self.randSelect.randHex(False, 5, 1))) return out def populateMemory(self): for i in range(0, 5): val = self.randSelect.randDec(-1000, 1000, WORD) while val in self.memoryAdrList: val = self.randSelect.randDec(-1000, 1000, WORD) self.memoryAdrList.append(str(val)) def generateInstructions(self, numInstructions): instructions = [] for i in range(0, numInstructions): instr = self.genInstruction() for j in instr: instructions.append(j) return instructions class RandInstrGenerator(InstrGenerator): pass class HazardInstrGenerator(InstrGenerator): pass # xlens = [32, 64] xlens = [64] for xlen in xlens: test = "PIPELINE" np.random.seed(42) instrGen = InstrGenerator(10, xlen) # write instructions to file imperaspath = "../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "wally/" basename = "WALLY-" + test fname = imperaspath + "src/" + basename + ".S" refname = imperaspath + "references/" + basename + ".reference_output" # FOR LOCAL TESTING # fname = "PIPELINE_TEST.S" # print custom header part f = open(fname, "w") r = open(refname, "w") line = "///////////////////////////////////////////\n" f.write(line) lines="// "+fname+ "\n// " + "Ethan Falicov & Shriya Nadgauda" + "\n" f.write(lines) line ="// Created " + str( + "\n" + "\n" f.write(line) line = "// Begin Tests" + "\n" f.write(line) # insert generic header h = open("testgen_header.S", "r") for line in h: f.write(line) f.write("\n") #set registerss reg_instr = instrGen.setRegisters() for instr in reg_instr: f.write("\t" + instr + "\n") # write instructions testnum = 500 instructions = instrGen.generateInstructions(testnum) for instr in instructions: f.write("\t" + instr + "\n") if ("RVTEST_IO_ASSERT_GPR_EQ" in instr): f.write("\n") # print footer h = open("testgen_footer.S", "r") for line in h: f.write(line) # Finish lines = ".fill " + str(testnum) + ", " + str(xlen//8) + ", -1\n" lines = lines + "\nRV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END\n" f.write(lines) f.close() r.close() print("Done with ", xlen)