#!/bin/bash # Oftentimes this script runs so long you'll go to sleep. # But you don't want the script to die when your computer goes to sleep. # So consider invoking this with nohup (i.e. "nohup ./logAllBuildroot.sh") # You can run "tail -f nohup.out" to see what would've # outputted to the terminal if you didn't use nohup # use on tera. customQemu="/courses/e190ax/qemu_sim/rv64_initrd/qemu_experimental/qemu/build/qemu-system-riscv64" # use on other systems #customQemu="qemu-system-riscv64" instrs=50000000 imageDir="../buildroot-image-output" outDir="../linux-testvectors/checkpoint$instrs" intermedDir="$outDir/intermediate-outputs" read -p "This scripts is going to create a checkpoint at $instrs instrs. Is that what you wanted? (y/n) " -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then mkdir -p $outDir mkdir -p $intermedDir # Simulate QEMU, parse QEMU trace, run GDB script which logs a bunch of data at the checkpoint ($customQemu -M virt -nographic -bios $imageDir/fw_jump.elf -kernel $imageDir/Image -append "root=/dev/vda ro" -initrd $imageDir/rootfs.cpio -rtc clock=vm -icount shift=1 -d nochain,cpu,in_asm -serial /dev/null -singlestep -gdb tcp::1240 -S 2>&1 1>&2 | ./parse_qemu.py | ./parseNew.py | ./remove_dup.awk > $intermedDir/rawTrace.txt) & riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb -x ./checkpoint.gdb -ex "createCheckpoint $instrs \"$intermedDir\"" # Post-Process GDB outputs ./parseState.py "$outDir" ./fix_mem.py "$intermedDir/ramGDB.txt" "$outDir/ram.txt" else echo "You can change the number of instructions by editing the \"instrs\" variable in this script." echo "Have a nice day!" fi