/////////////////////////////////////////// // WALLY-AMO.S // // Tests Atomic AMO instructions // // David_Harris@hmc.edu 10 March 2021 // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // Adapted from Imperas RISCV-TEST_SUITE // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// #include "model_test.h" #include "arch_test.h" RVTEST_ISA("RV64I") .section .text.init .globl rvtest_entry_point rvtest_entry_point: RVMODEL_BOOT # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Addresses for test data and results la x6, wally_signature la x31, test_data # Testcase 0: amoswap.w li x7, 1 amoswap.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be fffffffffffffffe (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0000000000000001 (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 1: amoadd.w li x7, 2 amoadd.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be fffffffffffffffb (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be fffffffffffffffd (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 2: amoand.w li x7, 0x7ff amoand.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be ffffffffffffffef (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007ef (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 3: amoor.w li x7, 0x44 amoor.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be ffffffffffffffbf (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be ffffffffffffffff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 4: amoxor.w li x7, 0x381 amoxor.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be fffffffffffffeff (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be fffffffffffffd7e (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 5: amomax.w li x7, 0x7ff amomax.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be fffffffffffffeff (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007ff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 6: amomin.w li x7, 0x7fd amomin.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be ffffffffffffefff (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be ffffffffffffefff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 7: amomaxu.w li x7, 0x7fb amomaxu.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be ffffffffffffefff (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be ffffffffffffefff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 8: amominu.w li x7, 0x7fa amominu.w x8, x7, (x31) lw x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be fffffffffffeffff (sign extended from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007fa (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 9: amoswap.d li x7, 1 amoswap.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xfff7fffffffbffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0000000000000001 (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 10: amoadd.d li x7, 2 amoadd.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xffdfffffffefffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0xffdffffffff00001 (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 11: amoand.d li x7, 0x7cf amoand.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xff7fffffffbfffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007cf (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 12: amoor.d li x7, 0x0d000011 amoor.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xfdfffffffeffffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0xfdffffffffffffff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 13: amoxor.d li x7, 0x381 amoxor.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xf7fffffffeffffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0xf7fffffffefffc7e (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 14: amomax.d li x7, 0x7ff amomax.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0xdfffffffefffffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007ff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 15: amomin.d li x7, 0x7fd amomin.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0x7fffffffefffffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007fd (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 16: amomaxu.d li x7, 0x7fb amomaxu.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0x00000001ffffffff (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 0x00000001ffffffff (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # Testcase 17: amominu.d li x7, 0x7fa amominu.d x8, x7, (x31) ld x9, 0(x31) sd x8, 0(x6) # should be 0x0000000400000002 (directly read from test data) sd x9, 8(x6) # should be 00000000000007fa (stored by amo) addi x31, x31, 8 addi x6, x6, 16 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RVMODEL_HALT RVTEST_DATA_BEGIN .align 8 test_data: .dword 0xfffffffdfffffffe .dword 0xfffffff7fffffffb .dword 0xffffffdfffffffef .dword 0xffffff7fffffffbf .dword 0xfffffdfffffffeff .dword 0xfffff7fffffffeff .dword 0x0fffdfffffffefff .dword 0xffff7fffffffefff .dword 0x3ffdfffffffeffff .dword 0xfff7fffffffbffff .dword 0xffdfffffffefffff .dword 0xff7fffffffbfffff .dword 0xfdfffffffeffffff .dword 0xf7fffffffeffffff .dword 0xdfffffffefffffff .dword 0x7fffffffefffffff .dword 0x00000001ffffffff .dword 0x0000000400000002 .dword 0x0000001000000008 .dword 0x0000004000000020 .dword 0x0000010000000080 .dword 0x0000040000000200 .dword 0x0000100000000800 .dword 0x0000400000002000 .dword 0x0000000100008000 .dword 0x0004000000000002 .dword 0x0000001000080000 .dword 0x0040000000000020 .dword 0x0000010000800000 .dword 0x0400000000000200 .dword 0x0000100008000000 .dword 0x4000000000002000 .dword 0x0000000080000000 RVTEST_DATA_END RVMODEL_DATA_BEGIN # signature output wally_signature: .fill 6, 8, -1 #ifdef rvtest_mtrap_routine mtrap_sigptr: .fill 64*(XLEN/32),4,0xdeadbeef #endif #ifdef rvtest_gpr_save gpr_save: .fill 32*(XLEN/32),4,0xdeadbeef #endif RVMODEL_DATA_END