/////////////////////////////////////////// // testbench-linux.sv // // Written: nboorstin@g.hmc.edu 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Testbench for buildroot or busybear linux // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" `define DEBUG_TRACE 0 module testbench(); parameter waveOnICount = `BUSYBEAR*140000 + `BUILDROOT*3080000; // # of instructions at which to turn on waves in graphical sim parameter stopICount = `BUSYBEAR*143898 + `BUILDROOT*0000000; // # instructions at which to halt sim completely (set to 0 to let it run as far as it can) /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////// DUT ///////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// logic clk, reset; logic [`AHBW-1:0] readDataExpected; logic [31:0] HADDR; logic [`AHBW-1:0] HWDATA; logic HWRITE; logic [2:0] HSIZE; logic [2:0] HBURST; logic [3:0] HPROT; logic [1:0] HTRANS; logic HMASTLOCK; logic HCLK, HRESETn; logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATAEXT; logic HREADYEXT, HRESPEXT; logic [31:0] GPIOPinsIn; logic [31:0] GPIOPinsOut, GPIOPinsEn; logic UARTSin, UARTSout; assign GPIOPinsIn = 0; assign UARTSin = 1; wallypipelinedsoc dut(.*); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// Signals & Shared Macros /////////////////////////// //////////////////////// AKA stuff that comes first /////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sorry if these have gotten decontextualized. // Verilog expects them to be defined before they are used. // ------------------- // Signal Declarations // ------------------- // Testbench Core integer instrs; integer warningCount = 0; string trashString; // should never be read from logic [31:0] InstrMask; logic forcedInstr; logic [63:0] lastPCD; logic PCDwrong; // PC, Instr Checking logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCW; logic [63:0] lastInstrDExpected, lastPC, lastPC2; integer data_file_PCF, scan_file_PCF; integer data_file_PCD, scan_file_PCD; integer data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM; integer data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW; integer data_file_all; string PCtextF, PCtextF2; string PCtextD, PCtextD2; string PCtextW2; string PCtextE; string PCtextM; string PCtextW; logic [31:0] InstrFExpected, InstrDExpected, InstrMExpected, InstrWExpected; logic [63:0] PCFexpected, PCDexpected, PCMexpected, PCWexpected; // RegFile Write Checking logic ignoreRFwrite; logic [63:0] regExpected; integer regNumExpected; integer data_file_rf, scan_file_rf; // Bus Unit Read/Write Checking logic [`XLEN-1:0] readAdrExpected, readAdrTranslated; logic [`XLEN-1:0] writeDataExpected, writeAdrExpected, writeAdrTranslated; integer data_file_memR, scan_file_memR; integer data_file_memW, scan_file_memW; // CSR Checking integer totalCSR = 0; logic [99:0] StartCSRexpected[63:0]; string StartCSRname[99:0]; integer data_file_csr, scan_file_csr; logic IllegalInstrFaultd; // Write Back stage signals needed for trace compare, but don't actually // exist in CPU. logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrW, WriteDataW; // Write Back trace signals logic checkInstrW; integer RegAdr; logic [`XLEN-1:0] RegValue; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedMemAdr, ExpectedMemReadData, ExpectedMemWriteData; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRValue; string ExpectedCSR; integer NumCSRMW; integer fault; logic TrapW; // Signals used to parse the trace file. logic checkInstrM; integer matchCount; string line; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedPCM; logic [31:0] ExpectedInstrM; string textM; string token; string ExpectedTokens [31:0]; integer index; integer StartIndex, EndIndex; integer TokenIndex; integer MarkerIndex; integer NumCSRM; // Memory stage expected values from trace string RegWriteM; integer ExpectedRegAdrM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedRegValueM; string MemOpM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedMemAdrM, ExpectedMemReadDataM, ExpectedMemWriteDataM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRArrayM[integer]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[integer]; // Write back stage expected values from trace logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedPCW; logic [31:0] ExpectedInstrW; string textW; string RegWriteW; integer ExpectedRegAdrW; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedRegValueW; string MemOpW; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedMemAdrW, ExpectedMemReadDataW, ExpectedMemWriteDataW; integer NumCSRW; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRArrayW[integer]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ExpectedCSRArrayValueW[integer]; // ----------- // Error Macro // ----------- `define ERROR \ $display("processed %0d instructions with %0d warnings", instrs, warningCount); \ $stop; initial begin data_file_all = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"all.txt"}, "r"); end assign checkInstrM = (dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidM | dut.hart.hzu.TrapM ) & ~dut.hart.StallM; assign checkInstrW = (dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW | TrapW ) & ~dut.hart.StallW; flopenrc #(`XLEN) MemAdrWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.ieu.dp.MemAdrM, MemAdrW); flopenrc #(`XLEN) WriteDataWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.WriteDataM, WriteDataW); flopenrc #(`XLEN) PCWReg(clk, reset, dut.hart.FlushW, ~dut.hart.ieu.dp.StallW, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCW); flopenr #(1) TrapWReg(clk, reset, ~dut.hart.StallW, dut.hart.hzu.TrapM, TrapW); // because qemu does not match exactly to wally it is necessary to read the the // trace in the memory stage and detect if anything in wally must be overwritten. // This includes mtimer, interrupts, and various bits in mstatus and xtval. // then on the next posedge the expected state is registered. // on the next falling edge the expected state is compared to the wally state. // step 0: read the expected state always @(negedge clk) begin // always check PC, instruction bits if (checkInstrM) begin // read 1 line of the trace file matchCount = $fgets(line, data_file_all); if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 0) $display("Time %t, line %x", $time, line); matchCount = $sscanf(line, "%x %x %s", ExpectedPCM, ExpectedInstrM, textM); //$display("matchCount %d, PCM %x ExpectedInstrM %x textM %x", matchCount, ExpectedPCM, ExpectedInstrM, textM); // for the life of me I cannot get any build in C or C++ string parsing functions/methods to work. // strtok was the best idea but it cannot be used correctly as system verilog does not have null // terminated strings. // Just going to do this char by char. StartIndex = 0; TokenIndex = 0; //$display("len = %d", line.len()); for(index = 0; index < line.len(); index++) begin //$display("char = %s", line[index]); if (line[index] == " " || line[index] == "\n") begin EndIndex = index; ExpectedTokens[TokenIndex] = line.substr(StartIndex, EndIndex-1); //$display("In Tokenizer %s", line.substr(StartIndex, EndIndex-1)); StartIndex = EndIndex + 1; TokenIndex++; end end MarkerIndex = 3; NumCSRM = 0; MemOpM = ""; RegWriteM = ""; #2; while(TokenIndex > MarkerIndex) begin // parse the GPR if (ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "GPR") begin RegWriteM = ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex]; matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%d", ExpectedRegAdrM); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", ExpectedRegValueM); MarkerIndex += 3; // parse memory address, read data, and/or write data end else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex].substr(0, 2) == "Mem") begin MemOpM = ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex]; matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedMemAdrM); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", ExpectedMemWriteDataM); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+3], "%x", ExpectedMemReadDataM); MarkerIndex += 4; // parse CSRs end else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "CSR" || NumCSRM > 0) begin MarkerIndex++; matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex], "%s", ExpectedCSRArrayM[NumCSRM]); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedCSRArrayValueM[NumCSRM]); NumCSRM++; end end end // if (checkInstrM) end // step 1: register expected state into the write back stage. always @(posedge clk) begin if (dut.hart.FlushW | reset) begin ExpectedPCW <= '0; ExpectedInstrW <= '0; textW <= ""; RegWriteW <= ""; ExpectedRegAdrW <= '0; ExpectedRegValueW <= '0; ExpectedMemAdrW <= '0; MemOpW <= ""; ExpectedMemWriteDataW <= '0; ExpectedMemReadDataW <= '0; NumCSRW <= '0; end else if(~dut.hart.StallW) begin ExpectedPCW <= ExpectedPCM; ExpectedInstrW <= ExpectedInstrM; textW <= textM; RegWriteW <= RegWriteM; ExpectedRegAdrW <= ExpectedRegAdrM; ExpectedRegValueW <= ExpectedRegValueM; ExpectedMemAdrW <= ExpectedMemAdrM; MemOpW <= MemOpM; ExpectedMemWriteDataW <= ExpectedMemWriteDataM; ExpectedMemReadDataW <= ExpectedMemReadDataM; NumCSRW <= NumCSRM; // override on special conditions #1; if(textM.substr(0,5) == "rdtime") begin $display("%t: Overwrite register write on read of MTIME.", $time); force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = ExpectedRegValueM; end else if (ExpectedMemAdrM == 'h10000005) begin $display("%t: Overwriting read data from CLINT.", $time); force dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW = ExpectedMemReadDataW; force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = ExpectedRegValueM; end end end // step2: make all checks in the write back stage. always @(negedge clk) begin // always check PC, instruction bits if (checkInstrW) begin // check PCW fault = 0; if(PCW != ExpectedPCW) begin $display("PCW: %016x does not equal ExpectedPCW: %016x", PCW, ExpectedPCW); fault = 1; end // check instruction value if(dut.hart.ifu.InstrW != ExpectedInstrW) begin $display("InstrW: %x does not equal ExpectedInstrW: %x", dut.hart.ifu.InstrW, ExpectedInstrW); fault = 1; end #2; // delay 2 ns. if(textW.substr(0,5) == "rdtime") begin $display("%t:Releasing force of wd3.", $time); release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3; end else if (ExpectedMemAdrW == 'h10000005) begin $display("%t: releasing force of ReadDataW.", $time); release dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW; release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3; end if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 1) begin $display("Reg Write Address: %02d ? expected value: %02d", dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3, ExpectedRegAdrW); $display("RF[%02d]: %016x ? expected value: %016x", ExpectedRegAdrW, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[ExpectedRegAdrW], ExpectedRegValueW); end if (RegWriteW == "GPR") begin if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3 != ExpectedRegAdrW) begin $display("Reg Write Address: %02d does not equal expected value: %02d", dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.a3, ExpectedRegAdrW); fault = 1; end if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[ExpectedRegAdrW] != ExpectedRegValueW) begin $display("RF[%02d]: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", ExpectedRegAdrW, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[ExpectedRegAdrW], ExpectedRegValueW); fault = 1; end end if (MemOpW.substr(0,2) == "Mem") begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tMemAdrW: %016x ? expected: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr); // always check address if (MemAdrW != ExpectedMemAdr) begin $display("MemAdrW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr); fault = 1; end // check read data if(MemOpW == "MemR" || MemOpW == "MemRW") begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tReadDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData); if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW != ExpectedMemReadData) begin $display("ReadDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData); fault = 1; end /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- if (ExpectedMemAdr == 'h10000005) begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW = ExpectedMemReadData; force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = RegValue; end else begin end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ end // check write data else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemW" || ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemRW") begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tWriteDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData); if (WriteDataW != ExpectedMemWriteData) begin $display("WriteDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData); fault = 1; end end end if (fault == 1) begin `ERROR end end // if (checkInstrW) end // always @ (negedge clk) /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- while(TokenIndex > MarkerIndex) begin // check GPR if (ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "GPR") begin matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%d", RegAdr); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", RegValue); // Some instructions from qemu needs to overwrite the value in wally's modelsim simulation. // Qemu does not model for example the pipeline hazards or cache misses. This means the // free running timer will not be the correct value when read and will not generate a // timer interrupt at the correct time to match the exact instruction stream. // A way we could get around this is to not increment the timer when the cpu is stalled. This would // be a QEMU hack to wally. MarkerIndex += 3; // check memory address, read data, and/or write data end else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex].substr(0, 2) == "Mem") begin matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedMemAdr); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+2], "%x", ExpectedMemWriteData); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+3], "%x", ExpectedMemReadData); if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tMemAdrW: %016x ? expected: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr); // always check address if (MemAdrW != ExpectedMemAdr) begin $display("MemAdrW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", MemAdrW, ExpectedMemAdr); fault = 1; end // check read data if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemR" || ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemRW") begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tReadDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData); if (ExpectedMemAdr == 'h10000005) begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW = ExpectedMemReadData; force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = RegValue; end else begin if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW != ExpectedMemReadData) begin $display("ReadDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW, ExpectedMemReadData); fault = 1; end end end // check write data else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemW" || ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "MemRW") begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 2) $display("\tWriteDataW: %016x ? expected: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData); if (WriteDataW != ExpectedMemWriteData) begin $display("WriteDataW: %016x does not equal expected value: %016x", WriteDataW, ExpectedMemWriteData); fault = 1; end end MarkerIndex += 4; end else if(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex] == "CSR" || processingCSR) begin MarkerIndex++; processingCSR = 1; matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex], "%s", ExpectedCSR); matchCount = $sscanf(ExpectedTokens[MarkerIndex+1], "%x", ExpectedCSRValue); case(ExpectedCSR) "mhartid": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MHARTID_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mstatus": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if ((dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW) != (ExpectedCSRValue)) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MSTATUS_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mtvec": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mip": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIP_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mie": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mideleg": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MIDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "medeleg": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEDELEG_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mepc": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "mtval": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MTVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "sepc": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.SEPC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "scause": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSE_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "stvec": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.STVEC_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end "stval": begin if(`DEBUG_TRACE > 3) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, expected = %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW != ExpectedCSRValue) begin $display("CSR: %s = %016x, does not equal expected value %016x", ExpectedCSR, dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1.STVAL_REGW, ExpectedCSRValue); fault = 1; end end endcase MarkerIndex += 2; end end // while (TokenIndex > MarkerIndex) if (fault == 1) begin `ERROR end end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always_ff @(posedge clk) begin release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3; release dut.hart.ieu.dp.ReadDataW; end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ // ---------------- // PC Updater Macro // ---------------- `define SCAN_PC(DATAFILE,SCANFILE,PCTEXT,PCTEXT2,CHECKINSTR,PCEXPECTED) \ SCANFILE = $fscanf(DATAFILE, "%s\n", PCTEXT); \ PCTEXT2 = ""; \ while (PCTEXT2 != "***") begin \ PCTEXT = {PCTEXT, " ", PCTEXT2}; \ SCANFILE = $fscanf(DATAFILE, "%s\n", PCTEXT2); \ end \ SCANFILE = $fscanf(DATAFILE, "%x\n", CHECKINSTR); \ SCANFILE = $fscanf(DATAFILE, "%x\n", PCEXPECTED); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// Testbench Core /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- initial begin instrs = 0; PCDwrong = 0; reset <= 1; # 22; reset <= 0; end // initial loading of memories initial begin $readmemh({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"bootmem.txt"}, dut.uncore.bootdtim.bootdtim.RAM, 'h1000 >> 3); $readmemh({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"ram.txt"}, dut.uncore.dtim.RAM); $readmemb(`TWO_BIT_PRELOAD, dut.hart.ifu.bpred.bpred.Predictor.DirPredictor.PHT.memory); $readmemb(`BTB_PRELOAD, dut.hart.ifu.bpred.bpred.TargetPredictor.memory.memory); end // ------- // Running // ------- always begin clk <= 1; # 5; clk <= 0; # 5; end // ------------------- // Additional Hardware // ------------------- always @(posedge clk) IllegalInstrFaultd = dut.hart.priv.IllegalInstrFaultM; /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- // ------------------------------------- // Special warnings for important faults // ------------------------------------- always @(dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW) begin if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW == 2 && instrs > 1) begin // This is sometimes okay if the source code intentionally causes it. $display("Warning: illegal instruction exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM); end if (dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm.MCAUSE_REGW == 5 && instrs != 0) begin $display("Warning: illegal physical memory access exception at %0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM); end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ // *** BUG BUG BUG Come back to this. // ----------------------- // RegFile Write Hijacking // ----------------------- /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin // Hack to compensate for how Wally's MTIME may diverge from QEMU's MTIME (and that is okay) if (PCtextW.substr(0,5) == "rdtime") begin ignoreRFwrite <= 1; scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%d\n", regNumExpected); scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%x\n", regExpected); force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = regExpected; // Hack to compensate for QEMU's incorrect MSTATUS (Wally correctly identifies MXL, SXL to be 2 whereas QEMU sets them to an invalid value of 0 end else if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,16) == "mstatus") begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW & ~64'ha00000000; // Hack to compensate for QEMU's incorrect SSTATUS (Wally correctly identifies UXL to be 2 whereas QEMU sets it to an invalid value of 0 end else if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && ((PCtextW.substr(10,16) == "sstatus") || (PCtextW.substr(11,17) == "sstatus"))) begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3 = dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW & ~64'h200000000; end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.wd3; // Hack to compensate for QEMU's correct but different MTVAL (according to spec, storing the faulting instr is an optional feature) if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,14) == "mtval") begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW = 0; // Hack to compensate for QEMU's correct but different mhpmcounter's (these too are optional) end else if (PCtextW.substr(0,3) == "csrr" && PCtextW.substr(10,20) == "mhpmcounter") begin force dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW = 0; end else release dut.hart.ieu.dp.WriteDataW; end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ // ---------------- // Big Chunky Block // ---------------- /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always @(reset or dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD or dut.hart.ifu.PCD) begin// or negedge dut.hart.ifu.StallE) begin // Why do we care about StallE? Everything seems to run fine without it. #2; // If PCD/InstrD aren't garbage if (~reset && dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD[15:0] !== {16{1'bx}} && dut.hart.ifu.PCD !== 64'h0) begin // && ~dut.hart.ifu.StallE) begin // If Wally's PCD has updated if (dut.hart.ifu.PCD !== lastPCD) begin lastInstrDExpected = InstrDExpected; lastPC <= dut.hart.ifu.PCD; lastPC2 <= lastPC; // If PCD isn't going to be flushed if (~PCDwrong || lastPC == PCDexpected) begin // Stop if we've reached the end if($feof(data_file_PCF)) begin $display("no more PC data to read... CONGRATULATIONS!!!"); `ERROR end // Increment PC `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCF, scan_file_PCF, PCtextF, PCtextF2, InstrFExpected, PCFexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCD, scan_file_PCD, PCtextD, PCtextD2, InstrDExpected, PCDexpected); // NOP out certain instructions <-- commented out because no duh hardcoded addressses break easily //if(dut.hart.ifu.PCD===PCDexpected) begin // if((dut.hart.ifu.PCD == 32'h80001dc6) || // for now, NOP out any stores to PLIC // (dut.hart.ifu.PCD == 32'h80001de0) || // (dut.hart.ifu.PCD == 32'h80001de2)) begin // $display("warning: NOPing out %s at PCD=%0x, instr %0d, time %0t", PCtextD, dut.hart.ifu.PCD, instrs, $time); // force InstrDExpected = 32'b0010011; // force dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD = 32'b0010011; // while (clk != 0) #1; // while (clk != 1) #1; // release dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD; // release InstrDExpected; // warningCount += 1; // forcedInstr = 1; // end else begin // forcedInstr = 0; // end //end // Increment instruction count if (instrs <= 10 || (instrs <= 100 && instrs % 10 == 0) || (instrs <= 1000 && instrs % 100 == 0) || (instrs <= 10000 && instrs % 1000 == 0) || (instrs <= 100000 && instrs % 10000 == 0) || (instrs % 100000 == 0)) begin $display("loaded %0d instructions", instrs); end instrs += 1; // Stop before bugs so "do" file can turn on waves if (instrs == waveOnICount) begin $display("turning on waves at %0d instructions", instrs); $stop; end else if (instrs == stopICount && stopICount != 0) begin $display("Ending sim at %0d instructions (set stopICount to 0 to let the sim go on)", instrs); $stop; end // Check if PCD is going to be flushed due to a branch or jump if (`BPRED_ENABLED) begin PCDwrong = dut.hart.hzu.FlushD || (PCtextE.substr(0,3) == "mret") || (PCtextE.substr(0,4) == "ecall") || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultF || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultD || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultE || dut.hart.priv.InstrPageFaultM; end // Check PCD, InstrD if (~PCDwrong && ~(dut.hart.ifu.PCD === PCDexpected)) begin $display("%0t ps, instr %0d: PCD does not equal PCD expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCD, PCDexpected); `ERROR end InstrMask = InstrDExpected[1:0] == 2'b11 ? 32'hFFFFFFFF : 32'h0000FFFF; if ((~forcedInstr) && (~PCDwrong) && ((InstrMask & dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD) !== (InstrMask & InstrDExpected))) begin $display("%0t ps, PCD %x, instr %0d: InstrD %x %s does not equal InstrDExpected %x %s", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCD, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.InstrRawD, InstrDName, InstrDExpected, PCtextD); `ERROR end // Repeated instruction means QEMU had an interrupt which we need to spoof if (PCFexpected == PCDexpected) begin $display("Note at %0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: spoofing an interrupt", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs); // Increment file pointers past the repeated instruction. `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCF, scan_file_PCF, PCtextF, PCtextF2, InstrFExpected, PCFexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCD, scan_file_PCD, PCtextD, PCtextD2, InstrDExpected, PCDexpected); scan_file_memR = $fscanf(data_file_memR, "%x\n", readAdrExpected); scan_file_memR = $fscanf(data_file_memR, "%x\n", readDataExpected); // Next force a timer interrupt (*** this may later need generalizing) force dut.uncore.clint.clint.MTIME = dut.uncore.clint.clint.MTIMECMP + 1; while (clk != 0) #1; while (clk != 1) #1; release dut.uncore.clint.clint.MTIME; end end end lastPCD = dut.hart.ifu.PCD; end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// PC,Instr Checking /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// (outside of Big Chunky Block) ///////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- initial begin data_file_PCF = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCD = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCM = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_PCW = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedPC.txt"}, "r"); data_file_all = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"all.txt"}, "r"); if (data_file_PCW == 0) begin $display("file couldn't be opened"); $stop; end // This makes sure PCF is one instr ahead of PCD `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCF, scan_file_PCF, PCtextF, PCtextF2, InstrFExpected, PCFexpected); // This makes sure PCM is one instr ahead of PCW `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ // Removed because this is MMU's job // and it'd take some work to upgrade away from Bus to Cache signals) //logging logging(clk, reset, dut.uncore.dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM, dut.uncore.HWRITE); // ------------------- // Additional Hardware // ------------------- // PCF stuff isn't actually checked // it only exists for helping detecting duplicate instructions in PCD // which are the result of interrupts hitting QEMU // PCD checking already happens in "Big Chunky Block" // PCM stuff isn't actually checked // it only exists for helping detecting duplicate instructions in PCW // which are the result of interrupts hitting QEMU // ------------ // PCW Checking // ------------ /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always @(PCW or dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW) begin if(dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidW && PCW != 0) begin if($feof(data_file_PCW)) begin $display("no more PC data to read"); `ERROR end `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, PCtextW, PCtextW2, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); // If repeated or instruction, we want to skip over it (indicates an interrupt) if (PCMexpected == PCWexpected) begin `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); end if(~(PCW === PCWexpected)) begin if(PCtextW.substr(0,4) != "ecall") begin $display("%0t ps, instr %0d: PCW does not equal PCW expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCWexpected); `ERROR end else begin `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, PCtextW, PCtextW2, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); end end end // Skip over faulting instructions because they do not make it to the W stage. if (IllegalInstrFaultd) begin `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCM, scan_file_PCM, trashString, trashString, InstrMExpected, PCMexpected); `SCAN_PC(data_file_PCW, scan_file_PCW, trashString, trashString, InstrWExpected, PCWexpected); end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// RegFile Write Checking //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- initial begin data_file_rf = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedRegs.txt"}, "r"); if (data_file_rf == 0) begin $display("file couldn't be opened"); $stop; end end initial ignoreRFwrite <= 0; // -------- // Checking // -------- genvar i; generate for(i=1; i<32; i++) begin always @(dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[i]) begin if ($time == 0) begin scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%x\n", regExpected); if (dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[i] != regExpected) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCW %x, InstrW %s: rf[%0d] does not equal rf expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCtextW, i, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[i], regExpected); `ERROR end end else begin if (ignoreRFwrite) // this allows other testbench elements to force WriteData to take on the next regExpected ignoreRFwrite <= 0; else begin scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%d\n", regNumExpected); scan_file_rf = $fscanf(data_file_rf, "%x\n", regExpected); end if (i != regNumExpected) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCW %x, InstrW %s: wrong register changed: %0d, %0d expected to switch to %x from %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCtextW, i, regNumExpected, regExpected, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[regNumExpected]); `ERROR end if (~(dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[i] === regExpected)) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCW %x, InstrW %s: rf[%0d] does not equal rf expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, PCW, PCtextW, i, dut.hart.ieu.dp.regf.rf[i], regExpected); `ERROR end end end end endgenerate -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// Memory Read/Write Checking ///////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RAM and bootram are addressed in 64-bit blocks - this logic handles R/W // including subwords. Brief explanation on signals: // // In the linux boot, the processor spends the first ~5 instructions in // bootram, before jr jumps to main RAM // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- initial begin data_file_memR = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedMemRead.txt"}, "r"); if (data_file_memR == 0) begin $display("file couldn't be opened"); $stop; end end initial begin data_file_memW = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedMemWrite.txt"}, "r"); if (data_file_memW == 0) begin $display("file couldn't be opened"); $stop; end end // ------------ // Read Checker // ------------ /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- always @(negedge clk) begin if (dut.hart.MemRWM[1] && ~dut.hart.StallM && ~dut.hart.FlushM && dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidM) begin if($feof(data_file_memR)) begin $display("no more memR data to read"); `ERROR end scan_file_memR = $fscanf(data_file_memR, "%x\n", readAdrExpected); scan_file_memR = $fscanf(data_file_memR, "%x\n", readDataExpected); assign readAdrTranslated = adrTranslator(readAdrExpected); if (~(dut.hart.ieu.MemAdrM === readAdrExpected)) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: MemAdrM does not equal virtual readAdrExpected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.ieu.MemAdrM, readAdrExpected); `ERROR end //if (~(dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM === readAdrTranslated)) begin // $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: MemPAdrM does not equal physical readAdrExpected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM, readAdrTranslated); // `ERROR //end if (readDataExpected !== dut.hart.lsu.dcache.ReadDataM) begin if (dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM inside `LINUX_FIX_READ) begin if (dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM != 'h10000005) // Suppress the warning for UART LSR so we can read UART output $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s:: forcing readDataExpected to expected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM, readDataExpected, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.ReadDataM); force dut.hart.lsu.dcache.ReadDataM = readDataExpected; #9; release dut.hart.lsu.dcache.ReadDataM; end else begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: ReadDataM does not equal readDataExpected: %x, %x from address %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.ReadDataM, readDataExpected, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM); `ERROR end end end end // ------------- // Write Checker // ------------- always @(negedge clk) begin if (dut.hart.MemRWM[0] && ~dut.hart.StallM && ~dut.hart.FlushM && dut.hart.ieu.InstrValidM && ($time != 0)) begin if($feof(data_file_memW)) begin $display("no more memW data to read"); `ERROR end scan_file_memW = $fscanf(data_file_memW, "%x\n", writeDataExpected); scan_file_memW = $fscanf(data_file_memW, "%x\n", writeAdrExpected); assign writeAdrTranslated = adrTranslator(writeAdrExpected); if (~(dut.hart.ieu.MemAdrM === writeAdrExpected)) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: MemAdrM does not equal virtual writeAdrExpected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.ieu.MemAdrM, writeAdrExpected); `ERROR end if (writeDataExpected != dut.hart.lsu.dcache.WriteDataM && ~dut.uncore.HSELPLICD) begin $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: WriteDataM does not equal writeDataExpected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.WriteDataM, writeDataExpected); `ERROR end //if (~(writeAdrTranslated === dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM) && ~dut.uncore.HSELPLICD) begin // $display("%0t ps, InstrNum %0d, PCM %x, InstrM %s: MemPAdrM does not equal physical writeAdrExpected: %x, %x", $time, instrs, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, dut.hart.lsu.dcache.MemPAdrM, writeAdrTranslated); // `ERROR //end end end -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////// CSR Checking ///////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // -------------- // Initialization // -------------- /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- initial begin data_file_csr = $fopen({`LINUX_TEST_VECTORS,"parsedCSRs.txt"}, "r"); if (data_file_csr == 0) begin $display("file couldn't be opened"); $stop; end while(1) begin scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", StartCSRname[totalCSR]); if(StartCSRname[totalCSR] == "---") begin break; end scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", StartCSRexpected[totalCSR]); totalCSR = totalCSR + 1; end end // -------------- // Checker Macros // -------------- // String variables seem to compare more reliably than string literals (they gave me a lot of hassle), // but *** there's probably a better way to do this. // You can't just use the "__name" variables though because you need to declare variables before using them. string MSTATUSstring = "MSTATUS"; string MIPstring = "MIP"; string MEPCstring = "MEPC"; string MCAUSEstring = "MCAUSE"; string MTVALstring = "MTVAL"; string SEPCstring = "SEPC"; string SCAUSEstring = "SCAUSE"; string STVALstring = "STVAL"; string SSTATUSstring = "SSTATUS"; logic [63:0] expectedCSR; string expectedCSRname; `define CHECK_CSR2(CSR, PATH) \ string ``CSR``name = `"CSR`"; \ always @(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW) begin \ if (instrs == 0 && ~reset) begin \ for(integer j=0; j<totalCSR; j++) begin \ if(!StartCSRname[j].icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \ if(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != StartCSRexpected[j]) begin \ $display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, StartCSRname[j], ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, StartCSRexpected[j]); \ `ERROR \ end \ end \ end \ $display("CSRs' intital states look good"); \ end else begin \ // MIP is not checked because QEMU bodges it (MTIP in particular), and even if QEMU reported it correctly, the timing would still be off \ // MTVAL is not checked on illegal instr faults because QEMU chooses not to implement the behavior where MTVAL is written with the faulting instruction \ if (~reset && ``CSR``name != MIPstring && ~(IllegalInstrFaultd && ``CSR``name == MTVALstring)) begin \ // This is some feeble hackery designed to control the order in which CSRs are checked \ // when multiple change at the same time. \ // *** it would be better for each CSR to have its own testvector file \ // so as to avoid this awkward ordering problem. \ if (``CSR``name == MEPCstring) #1; \ if (``CSR``name == MCAUSEstring) #2; \ if (``CSR``name == MTVALstring) #3; \ if (``CSR``name == SEPCstring) #1; \ if (``CSR``name == SCAUSEstring) #2; \ if (``CSR``name == STVALstring) #3; \ if (``CSR``name == SSTATUSstring) #3; \ scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%s\n", expectedCSRname); \ scan_file_csr = $fscanf(data_file_csr, "%x\n", expectedCSR); \ if(expectedCSRname.icompare(``CSR``name)) begin \ $display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s changed, expected %s", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, `"CSR`", expectedCSRname); \ end \ if (``CSR``name == MSTATUSstring) begin \ if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != ((expectedCSR) | 64'ha00000000)) begin \ $display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s (should be MSTATUS) does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expectedCSRname, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, expectedCSR | 64'ha00000000); \ `ERROR \ end \ end else begin \ if (``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW != expectedCSR[$bits(``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW)-1:0]) begin \ $display("%0t ps, PCM %x %s, instr %0d: %s does not equal %s expected: %x, %x", $time, dut.hart.ifu.PCM, PCtextM, instrs, ``CSR``name, expectedCSRname, ``PATH``.``CSR``_REGW, expectedCSR); \ `ERROR \ end \ end \ end \ end \ end `define CHECK_CSR(CSR) \ `CHECK_CSR2(CSR, dut.hart.priv.csr) `define CSRM dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrm `define CSRS dut.hart.priv.csr.genblk1.csrs.genblk1 // -------- // Checking // -------- // Which CSRs we check depends upon which ones QEMU outputs // *** can we fix QEMU to output a defined set of CSRs? `CHECK_CSR2(MHARTID, `CSRM) `CHECK_CSR(MSTATUS) `CHECK_CSR(MIP) `CHECK_CSR(MIE) `CHECK_CSR(MIDELEG) `CHECK_CSR(MEDELEG) `CHECK_CSR(MTVEC) `CHECK_CSR(STVEC) `CHECK_CSR(MEPC) `CHECK_CSR(SEPC) `CHECK_CSR2(MCAUSE, `CSRM) `CHECK_CSR2(SCAUSE, `CSRS) // `CHECK_CSR2(MTVAL, `CSRM) // `CHECK_CSR2(STVAL, `CSRS) //`CHECK_CSR(FCSR) //`CHECK_CSR(MCOUNTEREN) //`CHECK_CSR2(MISA, `CSRM) //`CHECK_CSR2(MSCRATCH, `CSRM) //`CHECK_CSR2(PMPADDR0, `CSRM) //`CHECK_CSR2(PMdut.PCFG0, `CSRM) //`CHECK_CSR(SATP) //`CHECK_CSR(SCOUNTEREN) //`CHECK_CSR(SIE) //`CHECK_CSR2(SSCRATCH, `CSRS) //`CHECK_CSR(SSTATUS) -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// Miscellaneous /////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instr Opcode Tracking // For waveview convenience string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName; logic [31:0] InstrW; instrTrackerTB it(clk, reset, dut.hart.ieu.dp.FlushE, dut.hart.ifu.icache.controller.FinalInstrRawF, dut.hart.ifu.InstrD, dut.hart.ifu.InstrE, dut.hart.ifu.InstrM, dut.hart.ifu.InstrW, InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName); // Instr Assembly Tracking // For waveview convenience // PCtextF, PCtextD are read from testvectors // You could just as well read the others from testvectors, // but I really like how the pipeline synchronizes with Wally so cleanly always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) begin PCtextE = "(reset)"; PCtextM = "(reset)"; //PCtextW = "(reset)"; end else begin /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- if (~dut.hart.StallW) if (dut.hart.FlushW) PCtextW = "(flushed)"; else PCtextW = PCtextM; -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ if (~dut.hart.StallM) if (dut.hart.FlushM) PCtextM = "(flushed)"; else PCtextM = PCtextE; if (~dut.hart.StallE) if (dut.hart.FlushE) PCtextE = "(flushed)"; else PCtextE = PCtextD; end // ------------------ // Address Translator // ------------------ /** * Walk the page table stored in dtim according to sv39 logic and translate a * virtual address to a physical address. * * See section 4.3.2 of the RISC-V Privileged specification for a full * explanation of the below algorithm. */ logic SvMode, PTE_R, PTE_X; logic [`XLEN-1:0] SATP, PTE; logic [55:0] BaseAdr, PAdr; logic [8:0] VPN [2:0]; logic [11:0] Offset; function logic [`XLEN-1:0] adrTranslator( input logic [`XLEN-1:0] adrIn); begin int i; // Grab the SATP register from privileged unit SATP = dut.hart.priv.csr.SATP_REGW; // Split the virtual address into page number segments and offset VPN[2] = adrIn[38:30]; VPN[1] = adrIn[29:21]; VPN[0] = adrIn[20:12]; Offset = adrIn[11:0]; // We do not support sv48; only sv39 SvMode = SATP[63]; // Only perform translation if translation is on and the processor is not // in machine mode if (SvMode && (dut.hart.priv.PrivilegeModeW != `M_MODE)) begin BaseAdr = SATP[43:0] << 12; for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) begin PAdr = BaseAdr + (VPN[i] << 3); // dtim.RAM is 64-bit addressed. PAdr specifies a byte. We right shift // by 3 (the PTE size) to get the requested 64-bit PTE. PTE = dut.uncore.dtim.RAM[PAdr >> 3]; PTE_R = PTE[1]; PTE_X = PTE[3]; if (PTE_R || PTE_X) begin // Leaf page found break; end else begin // Go to next level of table BaseAdr = PTE[53:10] << 12; end end // Determine which parts of the PTE page number to use based on the // level of the page table we reached. if (i == 2) begin // Gigapage assign adrTranslator = {8'b0, PTE[53:28], VPN[1], VPN[0], Offset}; end else if (i == 1) begin // Megapage assign adrTranslator = {8'b0, PTE[53:19], VPN[0], Offset}; end else begin // Kilopage assign adrTranslator = {8'b0, PTE[53:10], Offset}; end end else begin // Direct translation if address translation is not on assign adrTranslator = adrIn; end end endfunction endmodule