/////////////////////////////////////////// // testbench-imperas.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Wally Testbench and helper modules // Applies test programs from the Imperas suite // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module testbench(); logic clk; logic reset; int test, i, errors, totalerrors; logic [31:0] sig32[0:10000]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] signature[0:10000]; logic [`XLEN-1:0] testadr; string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName; logic [`XLEN-1:0] meminit; string tests[]; logic [`AHBW-1:0] HRDATAEXT; logic HREADYEXT, HRESPEXT; logic [31:0] HADDR; logic [`AHBW-1:0] HWDATA; logic HWRITE; logic [2:0] HSIZE; logic [2:0] HBURST; logic [3:0] HPROT; logic [1:0] HTRANS; logic HMASTLOCK; logic HCLK, HRESETn; // pick tests based on modes supported initial tests = {"../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-ovpsim-plus/examples/CoreMark/coremark.RV64I.bare.elf.memfile", "1000"}; string signame, memfilename; logic [31:0] GPIOPinsIn, GPIOPinsOut, GPIOPinsEn; logic UARTSin, UARTSout; // instantiate device to be tested assign GPIOPinsIn = 0; assign UARTSin = 1; assign HREADYEXT = 1; assign HRESPEXT = 0; assign HRDATAEXT = 0; wallypipelinedsoc dut(.*); // Track names of instructions instrTrackerTB it(clk, reset, dut.hart.ieu.dp.FlushE, dut.hart.ifu.InstrF, dut.hart.ifu.InstrD, dut.hart.ifu.InstrE, dut.hart.ifu.InstrM, dut.hart.ifu.InstrW, InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName); // initialize tests integer j; initial begin totalerrors = 0; // read test vectors into memory memfilename = tests[0]; $readmemh(memfilename, dut.imem.RAM); $readmemh(memfilename, dut.uncore.dtim.RAM); for(j=2371; j < 65535; j = j+1) dut.uncore.dtim.RAM[j] = 64'b0; reset = 1; # 22; reset = 0; end // generate clock to sequence tests always begin clk = 1; # 5; clk = 0; # 5; end always @(negedge clk) begin if (dut.hart.priv.ebreakM) begin #20; $display("Code ended with ebreakM"); $stop; end end initial begin $readmemb(`TWO_BIT_PRELOAD, dut.hart.ifu.bpred.DirPredictor.memory.memory); $readmemb(`BTB_PRELOAD, dut.hart.ifu.bpred.TargetPredictor.memory.memory); end endmodule /* verilator lint_on STMTDLY */ /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ module instrTrackerTB( input logic clk, reset, FlushE, input logic [31:0] InstrF, InstrD, input logic [31:0] InstrE, InstrM, input logic [31:0] InstrW, output string InstrFName, InstrDName, InstrEName, InstrMName, InstrWName); // stage Instr to Writeback for visualization instrNameDecTB fdec(InstrF, InstrFName); instrNameDecTB ddec(InstrD, InstrDName); instrNameDecTB edec(InstrE, InstrEName); instrNameDecTB mdec(InstrM, InstrMName); instrNameDecTB wdec(InstrW, InstrWName); endmodule // decode the instruction name, to help the test bench module instrNameDecTB( input logic [31:0] instr, output string name); logic [6:0] op; logic [2:0] funct3; logic [6:0] funct7; logic [11:0] imm; assign op = instr[6:0]; assign funct3 = instr[14:12]; assign funct7 = instr[31:25]; assign imm = instr[31:20]; // it would be nice to add the operands to the name // create another variable called decoded always_comb casez({op, funct3}) 10'b0000000_000: name = "BAD"; 10'b0000011_000: name = "LB"; 10'b0000011_001: name = "LH"; 10'b0000011_010: name = "LW"; 10'b0000011_011: name = "LD"; 10'b0000011_100: name = "LBU"; 10'b0000011_101: name = "LHU"; 10'b0000011_110: name = "LWU"; 10'b0010011_000: if (instr[31:15] == 0 && instr[11:7] ==0) name = "NOP/FLUSH"; else name = "ADDI"; 10'b0010011_001: if (funct7[6:1] == 6'b000000) name = "SLLI"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0010011_010: name = "SLTI"; 10'b0010011_011: name = "SLTIU"; 10'b0010011_100: name = "XORI"; 10'b0010011_101: if (funct7[6:1] == 6'b000000) name = "SRLI"; else if (funct7[6:1] == 6'b010000) name = "SRAI"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0010011_110: name = "ORI"; 10'b0010011_111: name = "ANDI"; 10'b0010111_???: name = "AUIPC"; 10'b0100011_000: name = "SB"; 10'b0100011_001: name = "SH"; 10'b0100011_010: name = "SW"; 10'b0100011_011: name = "SD"; 10'b0011011_000: name = "ADDIW"; 10'b0011011_001: name = "SLLIW"; 10'b0011011_101: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SRLIW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0100000) name = "SRAIW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0111011_000: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "ADDW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0100000) name = "SUBW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "MULW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0111011_001: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SLLW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "DIVW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0111011_101: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SRLW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0100000) name = "SRAW"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "DIVUW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0111011_110: if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "REMW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0111011_111: if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "REMUW"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_000: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "ADD"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "MUL"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0100000) name = "SUB"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_001: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SLL"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "MULH"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_010: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SLT"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "MULHSU"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_011: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SLTU"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "MULHU"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_100: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "XOR"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "DIV"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_101: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "SRL"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "DIVU"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0100000) name = "SRA"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_110: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "OR"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "REM"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110011_111: if (funct7 == 7'b0000000) name = "AND"; else if (funct7 == 7'b0000001) name = "REMU"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b0110111_???: name = "LUI"; 10'b1100011_000: name = "BEQ"; 10'b1100011_001: name = "BNE"; 10'b1100011_100: name = "BLT"; 10'b1100011_101: name = "BGE"; 10'b1100011_110: name = "BLTU"; 10'b1100011_111: name = "BGEU"; 10'b1100111_000: name = "JALR"; 10'b1101111_???: name = "JAL"; 10'b1110011_000: if (imm == 0) name = "ECALL"; else if (imm == 1) name = "EBREAK"; else if (imm == 2) name = "URET"; else if (imm == 258) name = "SRET"; else if (imm == 770) name = "MRET"; else name = "ILLEGAL"; 10'b1110011_001: name = "CSRRW"; 10'b1110011_010: name = "CSRRS"; 10'b1110011_011: name = "CSRRC"; 10'b1110011_101: name = "CSRRWI"; 10'b1110011_110: name = "CSRRSI"; 10'b1110011_111: name = "CSRRCI"; 10'b0001111_???: name = "FENCE"; default: name = "ILLEGAL"; endcase endmodule