#!/bin/bash # # Written 1 Mar 2021 by Domenico Ottolia (dottolia@hmc.edu) # # See README.md in this directory for more info # clear printf "\n\n#####\nStarting tests for $1\n#####\n\n" if [[ "$2" != "-simonly" ]] then cd $WALLY/testgen/privileged python3 "testgen-$1.py" printf "\n\n#####\nRan testgen-$1.py Making...\n#####\n\n\n" if [[ "$2" == "-c" ]] then printf "\n\n###\nWARNING\nThis seems to not be outputting begin_signature at the moment... Probably won't work in modelsim...\n###\n\n\n" cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv64p/src riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -march=rv64g "WALLY-$1".S -I../../../riscv-test-env -I../../../riscv-test-env/p -I../../../riscv-target/riscvOVPsimPlus -T../../../riscv-test-env/p/link.ld -o "../../../work/rv64p/WALLY-$1.elf" cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests/work/rv64p riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d "WALLY-$1".elf > "WALLY-$1".elf.objdump elif [[ "$2" != "-nosim" ]] then cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests make privileged exe2memfile.pl work/*/*.elf extractFunctionRadix.sh work/rv64p/*.elf.objdump fi fi if [[ "$2" == "-simonly" ]] then printf "\n\n###\nWARNING\nThis seems to not be outputting begin_signature at the moment... Probably won't work in modelsim...\n###\n\n\n" cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv64p/src riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -march=rv64g "WALLY-$1".S -I../../../riscv-test-env -I../../../riscv-test-env/p -I../../../riscv-target/riscvOVPsimPlus -T../../../riscv-test-env/p/link.ld -o "../../../work/rv64p/WALLY-$1.elf" cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests/work/rv64p riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d "WALLY-$1".elf > "WALLY-$1".elf.objdump # riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -nostdlib -nostartfiles -march=rv64g "WALLY-CAUSE".S -I../../../riscv-test-env -I../../../riscv-test-env/p -I../../../riscv-target/riscvOVPsimPlus -T../../../riscv-test-env/p/link.ld -o "../../../work/rv64p/WALLY-CAUSE.elf" # riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -d "WALLY-CAUSE.elf" > "WALLY-CAUSE.elf.objdump" fi if [[ "$2" == "-sim" || "$2" == "-simonly" ]] then printf "\n\n\n#####\nSimulating!\n#####\n\n" cd $WALLY/sim vsim -do wally-privileged.do -c fi cd $WALLY/pipelined printf "\n\n\n#####\nDone!\n#####\n\n" cd $WALLY/imperas-riscv-tests/work for isa in "rv64p" "rv32p"; do printf "$isa = '{" COMMA="" for file in "$isa"/*.elf.objdump; do if [[ "$file" == *"$1"* ]]; then RES=$(grep "^\s*0*8000.000 <begin_signature>" $file) RES=$(echo "$RES" | sed -r 's/^0*80+([0-9]+).+?$/\1/g') file=$(echo "$file" | sed -r 's/^(.+?)\.elf\.objdump/\1/g') printf "$COMMA\n '$file', '${RES}'" COMMA="," fi done printf "\n};\n\n" done cd $WALLY/pipelined