From c54d81ab0449c4588fcb8de513634bf98bce7138 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Harris Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 03:01:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Fixed generate statement name in csrm for buildroot regression --- wally-pipelined/src/privileged/ | 17 +++++------------ wally-pipelined/testbench/ | 8 ++++---- 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/wally-pipelined/src/privileged/ b/wally-pipelined/src/privileged/ index 2d6ff19d..f77310ca 100644 --- a/wally-pipelined/src/privileged/ +++ b/wally-pipelined/src/privileged/ @@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ module csrm #(parameter // CSRs flopenr #(`XLEN) MTVECreg(clk, reset, WriteMTVECM, {CSRWriteValM[`XLEN-1:2], 1'b0, CSRWriteValM[0]}, MTVEC_REGW); //busybear: changed reset value to 0 generate - if (`S_SUPPORTED | (`U_SUPPORTED & `N_SUPPORTED)) begin // DELEG registers should exist + if (`S_SUPPORTED | (`U_SUPPORTED & `N_SUPPORTED)) begin:deleg // DELEG registers should exist flopenr #(`XLEN) MEDELEGreg(clk, reset, WriteMEDELEGM, CSRWriteValM & MEDELEG_MASK /*12'h7FF*/, MEDELEG_REGW); flopenr #(`XLEN) MIDELEGreg(clk, reset, WriteMIDELEGM, CSRWriteValM & MIDELEG_MASK /*12'h222*/, MIDELEG_REGW); end else begin @@ -158,13 +158,12 @@ module csrm #(parameter flopenr #(`XLEN) MCAUSEreg(clk, reset, WriteMCAUSEM, NextCauseM, MCAUSE_REGW); if(`QEMU) assign MTVAL_REGW = `XLEN'b0; else flopenr #(`XLEN) MTVALreg(clk, reset, WriteMTVALM, NextMtvalM, MTVAL_REGW); - generate - if (`BUSYBEAR == 1) + generate // *** needs comment about bit 1 + if (`BUSYBEAR == 1) begin:counters flopenr #(32) MCOUNTERENreg(clk, reset, WriteMCOUNTERENM, {CSRWriteValM[31:2],1'b0,CSRWriteValM[0]}, MCOUNTEREN_REGW); - else if (`BUILDROOT == 1) + end else begin:counters flopenr #(32) MCOUNTERENreg(clk, reset, WriteMCOUNTERENM, CSRWriteValM[31:0], MCOUNTEREN_REGW); - else - flopens #(32) MCOUNTERENreg(clk, reset, WriteMCOUNTERENM, CSRWriteValM[31:0], MCOUNTEREN_REGW); + end endgenerate flopenr #(32) MCOUNTINHIBITreg(clk, reset, WriteMCOUNTINHIBITM, CSRWriteValM[31:0], MCOUNTINHIBIT_REGW); @@ -187,10 +186,6 @@ module csrm #(parameter entry = (CSRAdrM - PMPCFG0)*4; CSRMReadValM = {PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[entry+3],PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[entry+2],PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[entry+1],PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[entry]}; end - - /* - if (~CSRAdrM[0]) CSRMReadValM = {PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[]}; - else CSRMReadValM = {{(`XLEN-32){1'b0}}, PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[(CSRAdrM - PMPCFG0-1)/2][63:32]};*/ end else case (CSRAdrM) MISA_ADR: CSRMReadValM = MISA_REGW; @@ -201,8 +196,6 @@ module csrm #(parameter MSTATUS: CSRMReadValM = MSTATUS_REGW; MSTATUSH: CSRMReadValM = 0; // flush this out later if MBE and SBE fields are supported MTVEC: CSRMReadValM = MTVEC_REGW; - //MEDELEG: CSRMReadValM = {{(`XLEN-12){1'b0}}, MEDELEG_REGW}; - //MIDELEG: CSRMReadValM = {{(`XLEN-12){1'b0}}, MIDELEG_REGW}; MEDELEG: CSRMReadValM = MEDELEG_REGW; MIDELEG: CSRMReadValM = MIDELEG_REGW; MIP: CSRMReadValM = {{(`XLEN-12){1'b0}}, MIP_REGW}; diff --git a/wally-pipelined/testbench/ b/wally-pipelined/testbench/ index 915ceee8..2444a343 100644 --- a/wally-pipelined/testbench/ +++ b/wally-pipelined/testbench/ @@ -175,18 +175,18 @@ module testbench(); `define PC dut.hart.ifu.pcreg.q `define CSR_BASE dut.hart.priv.priv.csr `define HPMCOUNTER `CSR_BASE.counters.genblk1.HPMCOUNTER_REGW - `define PMP_BASE `CSR_BASE.csrm.genblk4 + `define PMP_BASE `CSR_BASE.csrm.pmp `define PMPCFG genblk2.PMPCFGreg.q `define PMPADDR PMPADDRreg.q - `define MEDELEG `CSR_BASE.csrm.genblk1.MEDELEGreg.q - `define MIDELEG `CSR_BASE.csrm.genblk1.MIDELEGreg.q + `define MEDELEG `CSR_BASE.csrm.deleg.MEDELEGreg.q + `define MIDELEG `CSR_BASE.csrm.deleg.MIDELEGreg.q `define MIE `CSR_BASE.csri.MIE_REGW `define MIP `CSR_BASE.csri.MIP_REGW `define MCAUSE `CSR_BASE.csrm.MCAUSEreg.q `define SCAUSE `CSR_BASE.csrs.genblk1.SCAUSEreg.q `define MEPC `CSR_BASE.csrm.MEPCreg.q `define SEPC `CSR_BASE.csrs.genblk1.SEPCreg.q - `define MCOUNTEREN `CSR_BASE.csrm.genblk3.MCOUNTERENreg.q + `define MCOUNTEREN `CSR_BASE.csrm.counters.MCOUNTERENreg.q `define SCOUNTEREN `CSR_BASE.csrs.genblk1.genblk2.SCOUNTERENreg.q `define MSCRATCH `CSR_BASE.csrm.MSCRATCHreg.q `define SSCRATCH `CSR_BASE.csrs.genblk1.SSCRATCHreg.q