diff --git a/src/ieu/bmu/bmuctrl.sv b/src/ieu/bmu/bmuctrl.sv
index 097ee27e..0ca949ef 100644
--- a/src/ieu/bmu/bmuctrl.sv
+++ b/src/ieu/bmu/bmuctrl.sv
@@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ module bmuctrl(
   output logic [2:0]  ALUSelectD,              // ALU Mux select signal
   output logic [3:0]  BSelectD,                // Indicates if ZBA_ZBB_ZBC_ZBS instruction in one-hot encoding in Decode stage
   output logic [2:0]  ZBBSelectD,              // ZBB mux select signal in Decode stage NOTE: do we need this in decode?
+  output logic        BRegWriteD,              // Indicates if it is a R type B instruction
+  output logic        BW64D,                   // Indiciates if it is a W type B instruction
+  output logic        BALUOpD,                 // Indicates if it is an ALU B instruction
   // Execute stage control signals             
   input  logic 	      StallE, FlushE,          // Stall, flush Execute stage
   output logic [2:0]  ALUSelectE,
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ module bmuctrl(
   logic [6:0] Funct7D;                         // Funct7 field in Decode stage
   logic [4:0] Rs2D;                            // Rs2 source register in Decode stage
-  `define BMUCTRLW 10
+  `define BMUCTRLW 13
   logic [`BMUCTRLW-1:0] BMUControlsD;                 // Main B Instructions Decoder control signals
@@ -64,7 +67,7 @@ module bmuctrl(
   // Main Instruction Decoder
     casez({OpD, Funct7D, Funct3D})
-    // ALUSelect_BSelect_ZBBSelect
+    // ALUSelect_BSelect_ZBBSelect_BRegWrite_BW64_BALUOp
       // ZBS
       17'b0010011_0100100_001:   BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b111_0001_000;  // bclri
       17'b0010011_0100101_001: if (`XLEN == 64)
@@ -146,12 +149,12 @@ module bmuctrl(
       17'b0110011_0000101_100:   BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_0100_110;  // min
       17'b0110011_0000101_101:   BMUControlsD = `BMUCTRLW'b000_0100_110;  // minu
-      default:                   BMUControlsD = {Funct3D, {7'b0}};        // not B instruction or shift
+      default:                   BMUControlsD = {Funct3D, {10'b0}};        // not B instruction or shift
   // Unpack Control Signals
-  assign {ALUSelectD,BSelectD,ZBBSelectD} = BMUControlsD;
+  assign {ALUSelectD,BSelectD,ZBBSelectD, BRegWriteD, BW64D, BALUOpD} = BMUControlsD;
diff --git a/src/ieu/controller.sv b/src/ieu/controller.sv
index 2520bbe2..e39c5cac 100644
--- a/src/ieu/controller.sv
+++ b/src/ieu/controller.sv
@@ -121,6 +121,9 @@ module controller(
   logic        IntDivM;                        // Integer divide instruction
   logic [3:0]  BSelectD;                       // One-Hot encoding if it's ZBA_ZBB_ZBC_ZBS instruction in decode stage
   logic [2:0]  ZBBSelectD;                     // ZBB Mux Select Signal
+  logic        BRegWriteD;                     // Indicates if it is a R type B instruction in decode stage
+  logic        BW64D;                          // Indiciates if it is a W type B instruction in decode stage
+  logic        BALUOpD;                        // Indicates if it is an ALU B instruction in decode stage
   // Extract fields
@@ -241,7 +244,7 @@ module controller(
   assign ALUControlD = {W64D, SubArithD, ALUOpD};
   if (`ZBS_SUPPORTED | `ZBA_SUPPORTED | `ZBB_SUPPORTED | `ZBC_SUPPORTED) begin: bitmanipi //change the conditional expression to OR any Z supported flags
-    bmuctrl bmuctrl(.clk, .reset, .StallD, .FlushD, .InstrD, .ALUSelectD, .BSelectD, .ZBBSelectD, .StallE, .FlushE, .ALUSelectE, .BSelectE, .ZBBSelectE);
+    bmuctrl bmuctrl(.clk, .reset, .StallD, .FlushD, .InstrD, .ALUSelectD, .BSelectD, .ZBBSelectD, .BRegWriteD, BW64D, BALUOpD, .StallE, .FlushE, .ALUSelectE, .BSelectE, .ZBBSelectE);
   end else begin: bitmanipi
     assign ALUSelectD = Funct3D;
     assign ALUSelectE = Funct3E;