diff --git a/pipelined/regression/fpga-wave.do b/pipelined/regression/fpga-wave.do index 53c80c17..e95321f5 100644 --- a/pipelined/regression/fpga-wave.do +++ b/pipelined/regression/fpga-wave.do @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/mdu/MulDi add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/mdu/DivBusyE add wave -noupdate -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/CurrState add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/BasePAdrF -add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/genblk1/cachereplacementpolicy/BlockReplacementBits add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/genblk1/cachereplacementpolicy/EncVicWay add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/VictimWay @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipel add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/InstrReadF add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/InstrAckF add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable -add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/ICacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ifu/bus/icache/ICacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group AHB -color Gold /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ebu/BusState add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ebu/NextBusState add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/ebu/AtomicMaskedM @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipeline add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SelAdrM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataBlockM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FlushWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/VictimDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/VDWriteEnableWay @@ -349,23 +349,23 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} - add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ClearValid add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SetDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ClearDirty -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataBlockWayMaskedM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataWordM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /t add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheStallM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FlushAdrFlag -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheHit add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FetchCount add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/wallypipelinedsoc/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FetchCountFlag diff --git a/pipelined/regression/linux-wave.do b/pipelined/regression/linux-wave.do index cf9ac014..e980372c 100644 --- a/pipelined/regression/linux-wave.do +++ b/pipelined/regression/linux-wave.do @@ -183,12 +183,12 @@ add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/ITLB add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/SelAdr add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCNextF add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/PCPF -add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/ICacheStallF add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group {fsm out and control} /testbench/dut/core/ifu/FinalInstrRawF add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheBusAdr add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm/CacheBusAck -add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/TLBWrite add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/core/ifu/ITLBMissF add wave -noupdate -group ifu -expand -group itlb /testbench/dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/PhysicalAddress @@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusAck add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusHRDATA add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusHWDATA add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/cachefsm/CurrState -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/WayHit -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FSMLineWriteEn -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FSMWordWriteEn +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/HitWay +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/SetValid +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/SetDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/SelAdr add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED/lsuvirtmem/SelReplayCPURequest add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrE @@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimDirtyWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimTag add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/CacheableM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/ClearDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/SelectedWriteWordEn} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/SetValidWay} @@ -298,23 +298,23 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} - add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/SetDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/ClearDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/RAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimTag add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group Victim /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimDirtyWay @@ -327,11 +327,11 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheStall add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/ReadDataWordM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/FinalWriteDataM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheHit add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheFetchLine add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWriteLine -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheBusAck add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group dtlb /testbench/dut/core/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/tlb/tlb/VAdr diff --git a/pipelined/regression/wave-coremark.do b/pipelined/regression/wave-coremark.do index cf883723..20248f35 100644 --- a/pipelined/regression/wave-coremark.do +++ b/pipelined/regression/wave-coremark.do @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/core/mdu/MulDivResultW add wave -noupdate -group muldiv /testbench/dut/core/mdu/DivBusyE add wave -noupdate -group icache -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/CurrState add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/BasePAdrF -add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group icache /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/VictimWay add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/CacheWays[0]/WriteEnable} add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/CacheWays[0]/SetValid} @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/b add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/InstrReadF add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/InstrAckF add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/controller/ICacheMemWriteEnable -add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/ICacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group icache -expand -group memory /testbench/dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/ICacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group AHB -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/ebu/BusState add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/NextBusState add wave -noupdate -group AHB -expand -group {input requests} /testbench/dut/core/ebu/AtomicMaskedM @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus. add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SRAMBlockWayWriteEnableM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SelAdrM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataBlockM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheMemWriteData +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheBusWriteData add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/WriteEnable} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/SetValid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/SetDirty} @@ -304,23 +304,23 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} - add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ClearValid add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/SetDirty add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group valid/dirty /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ClearDirty -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[0]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[1]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[2]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/WayHit} +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/HitWay} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/Valid} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/Dirty} add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheWays[3]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataBlockWayMaskedM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataWordM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataWordMuxM @@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/ReadDataM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {CPU side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/DCacheStallM add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FlushAdrFlag -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/WayHit +add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/HitWay add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status -color {Medium Orchid} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/CacheHit add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group status /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FetchCount add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Memory Side} /testbench/dut/core/lsu.bus.dcache/FetchCountFlag diff --git a/pipelined/regression/wave.do b/pipelined/regression/wave.do index 52eb8938..98869adc 100644 --- a/pipelined/regression/wave.do +++ b/pipelined/regression/wave.do @@ -175,195 +175,186 @@ add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/HMASTLOCK add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/HADDRD add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/HSIZED add wave -noupdate -group AHB /testbench/dut/core/ebu/HWRITED -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/lsu/VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED/lsuvirtmem/interlockfsm/InterlockCurrState -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/SelHPTW -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/InterlockStall -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUStallM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/ReadDataWordMuxM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/ReadDataM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/WriteDataM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/busdp/SelUncachedAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/busdp/busfsm/BusCurrState -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/BusStall -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusRead -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusWrite -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusAck -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusHRDATA -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -group bus /testbench/dut/core/lsu/LSUBusHWDATA -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -color Gold /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/cachefsm/CurrState -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/WayHit -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FSMLineWriteEn -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FSMWordWriteEn -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/SelAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED/lsuvirtmem/SelReplayCPURequest -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrE -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/IEUAdrM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/RAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/RAdrD} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/ClearDirtyWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/Dirty} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush -radix unsigned /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushAdr -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushWay -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimDirtyWay -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/VictimTag -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group flush /testbench/dut/core/lsu/CacheableM -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheMemWriteData -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/ClearDirty - -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/SelectedWriteWordEn} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/SetValidWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/SetDirtyWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/CacheTagMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/DirtyBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/ValidBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way0 -expand -group Way0Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[0]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} - - -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/SelectedWriteWordEn} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/SetValidWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/SetDirtyWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/CacheTagMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/DirtyBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/ValidBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way1 -expand -group Way1Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} - -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/SelectedWriteWordEn} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/SetValidWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/SetDirtyWay} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -label TAG {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/CacheTagMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/DirtyBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/ValidBits} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word0 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[0]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[1]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[2]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/WriteEnable} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way2 -expand -group Way2Word3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/word[3]/CacheDataMem/StoredData} - -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/SelectedWriteWordEn} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -expand -group {Cache SRAM writes} -expand -group way3 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-noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/Valid} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/Dirty} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way1 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[1]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/WayHit} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/Valid} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/Dirty} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way2 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[2]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/WayHit} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/Valid} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/Dirty} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} -expand -group way3 {/testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheWays[3]/ReadTag} -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group {Cache SRAM read} /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/WayHit -add wave -noupdate -group lsu -expand -group dcache -group Victim 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wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -label MINSTRET -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[2]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -label {LOAD STORE HAZARD} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[3]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {BP DIRECTION WRONG} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[4]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {BP INSTRUCTION} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[5]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {BTA/JTA WRONG} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[6]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {JAL(R) INSTRUCTION} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[7]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {RAS WRONG} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[8]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {RETURN INSTRUCTION} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[9]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group BRP -label {BP CLASS WRONG} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[10]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group ICACHE -label {ICACHE ACCESS} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[13]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group ICACHE -label {ICACHE MISS} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[14]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group DCACHE -label {DCACHE ACCESS} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[11]} +add wave -noupdate -group {Performance Counters} -expand -group DCACHE -label {DCACHE MISS} -radix unsigned {/testbench/dut/core/priv/priv/csr/counters/counters/HPMCOUNTER_REGW[12]} +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushAdrAllThreshold +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/CacheStall +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushAdrAll +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushAdrAllP1 +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushAdrAllFlag +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushSetAdrAll +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushWayEncAll +add wave -noupdate /testbench/dut/core/lsu/bus/dcache/dcache/FlushWayAll TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] -WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 7} {6451242 ns} 0} {{Cursor 5} {49445 ns} 1} {{Cursor 3} {235459 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {217231 ns} 1} +WaveRestoreCursors {{Cursor 7} {34475 ns} 0} {{Cursor 5} {49445 ns} 1} {{Cursor 3} {235459 ns} 1} {{Cursor 4} {217231 ns} 1} quietly wave cursor active 1 configure wave -namecolwidth 250 configure wave -valuecolwidth 314 @@ -500,4 +499,4 @@ configure wave -griddelta 40 configure wave -timeline 0 configure wave -timelineunits ns update -WaveRestoreZoom {593782 ns} {7438712 ns} +WaveRestoreZoom {34303 ns} {34653 ns} diff --git a/pipelined/src/cache/cache.sv b/pipelined/src/cache/cache.sv index a4f73e8f..52d543a3 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/cache/cache.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/cache/cache.sv @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, DCACHE = 1) ( output logic CacheWriteLine, input logic CacheBusAck, output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] CacheBusAdr, - input logic [LINELEN-1:0] CacheMemWriteData, + input logic [LINELEN-1:0] CacheBusWriteData, output logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine); // Cache parameters @@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, DCACHE = 1) ( localparam WORDSPERLINE = LINELEN/`XLEN; localparam FlushAdrThreshold = NUMLINES - 1; - logic [1:0] SelAdr; + logic SelAdr; logic [SETLEN-1:0] RAdr; logic [LINELEN-1:0] CacheWriteData; - logic SetValid, ClearValid; - logic SetDirty, ClearDirty; + logic ClearValid; + logic ClearDirty; logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineWay [NUMWAYS-1:0]; - logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] WayHit; + logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay, HitWaySaved, HitWayFinal; logic CacheHit; - logic FSMWordWriteEn; - logic FSMLineWriteEn; + logic SetDirty; + logic SetValid; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimDirtyWay; logic VictimDirty; @@ -97,10 +97,8 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, DCACHE = 1) ( logic LRUWriteEn; logic SelFlush; logic ResetOrFlushAdr, ResetOrFlushWay; - logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] WayHitSaved, WayHitFinal; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] SelectedWay; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] SetValidWay, ClearValidWay, SetDirtyWay, ClearDirtyWay; - logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] WriteWordWayEn, WriteLineWayEn; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Path @@ -110,19 +108,19 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, DCACHE = 1) ( // and FlushAdr when handling D$ flushes mux3 #(SETLEN) AdrSelMux( .d0(NextAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN]), .d1(PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN]), .d2(FlushAdr), - .s(SelAdr), .y(RAdr)); + .s({SelFlush, SelAdr}), .y(RAdr)); // Array of cache ways, along with victim, hit, dirty, and read merging logic cacheway #(NUMLINES, LINELEN, TAGLEN, OFFSETLEN, SETLEN) CacheWays[NUMWAYS-1:0]( - .clk, .reset, .RAdr, .PAdr, .WriteWordWayEn, .WriteLineWayEn, .CacheWriteData, + .clk, .reset, .RAdr, .PAdr, .CacheWriteData, .SetValidWay, .ClearValidWay, .SetDirtyWay, .ClearDirtyWay, .SelEvict, .VictimWay, - .FlushWay, .SelFlush, .ReadDataLineWay, .WayHit, .VictimDirtyWay, .VictimTagWay, - .InvalidateAll(InvalidateCacheM)); + .FlushWay, .SelFlush, .ReadDataLineWay, .HitWay, .VictimDirtyWay, .VictimTagWay, + .Invalidate(InvalidateCacheM)); if(NUMWAYS > 1) begin:vict cachereplacementpolicy #(NUMWAYS, SETLEN, OFFSETLEN, NUMLINES) cachereplacementpolicy( - .clk, .reset, .WayHit(WayHitFinal), .VictimWay, .PAdr, .RAdr, .LRUWriteEn); + .clk, .reset, .HitWay(HitWayFinal), .VictimWay, .PAdr, .RAdr, .LRUWriteEn); end else assign VictimWay = 1'b1; // one hot. - assign CacheHit = | WayHit; + assign CacheHit = | HitWay; assign VictimDirty = | VictimDirtyWay; // ReadDataLineWay is a 2d array of cache line len by number of ways. // Need to OR together each way in a bitwise manner. @@ -130,69 +128,59 @@ module cache #(parameter LINELEN, NUMLINES, NUMWAYS, DCACHE = 1) ( or_rows #(NUMWAYS, LINELEN) ReadDataAOMux(.a(ReadDataLineWay), .y(ReadDataLine)); or_rows #(NUMWAYS, TAGLEN) VictimTagAOMux(.a(VictimTagWay), .y(VictimTag)); - // Because of the sram clocked read when the ieu is stalled the read data maybe lost. // There are two ways to resolve. 1. We can replay the read of the sram or we can save // the data. Replay is eaiser but creates a longer critical path. // save/restore only wayhit and readdata. if(!`REPLAY) begin - flopenr #(NUMWAYS) wayhitsavereg(clk, save, reset, WayHit, WayHitSaved); - mux2 #(NUMWAYS) saverestoremux(WayHit, WayHitSaved, restore, WayHitFinal); - end else assign WayHitFinal = WayHit; + flopenr #(NUMWAYS) wayhitsavereg(clk, save, reset, HitWay, HitWaySaved); + mux2 #(NUMWAYS) saverestoremux(HitWay, HitWaySaved, restore, HitWayFinal); + end else assign HitWayFinal = HitWay; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Path: Write data and address. Muxes between writes from bus and writes from CPU. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - mux2 #(LINELEN) WriteDataMux(.d0({WORDSPERLINE{FinalWriteData}}), - .d1(CacheMemWriteData), .s(FSMLineWriteEn), .y(CacheWriteData)); + .d1(CacheBusWriteData), .s(SetValid), .y(CacheWriteData)); mux3 #(`PA_BITS) CacheBusAdrMux(.d0({PAdr[`PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN], {{OFFSETLEN}{1'b0}}}), .d1({VictimTag, PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], {{OFFSETLEN}{1'b0}}}), .d2({VictimTag, FlushAdr, {{OFFSETLEN}{1'b0}}}), - .s({SelFlush, SelEvict}), - .y(CacheBusAdr)); + .s({SelFlush, SelEvict}), .y(CacheBusAdr)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flush address and way generation during flush ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - assign ResetOrFlushAdr = reset | FlushAdrCntRst; - flopenr #(SETLEN) FlushAdrReg(.clk, .reset(ResetOrFlushAdr), - .en(FlushAdrCntEn), .d(FlushAdrP1), .q(FlushAdr)); + flopenr #(SETLEN) FlushAdrReg(.clk, .reset(ResetOrFlushAdr), .en(FlushAdrCntEn), + .d(FlushAdrP1), .q(FlushAdr)); assign FlushAdrP1 = FlushAdr + 1'b1; assign FlushAdrFlag = (FlushAdr == FlushAdrThreshold[SETLEN-1:0]); - assign ResetOrFlushWay = reset | FlushWayCntRst; - flopenl #(NUMWAYS) FlushWayReg(.clk, .load(ResetOrFlushWay), - .en(FlushWayCntEn), .val({{NUMWAYS-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1}), - .d(NextFlushWay), .q(FlushWay)); + flopenl #(NUMWAYS) FlushWayReg(.clk, .load(ResetOrFlushWay), .en(FlushWayCntEn), + .val({{NUMWAYS-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1}), .d(NextFlushWay), .q(FlushWay)); assign FlushWayFlag = FlushWay[NUMWAYS-1]; assign NextFlushWay = {FlushWay[NUMWAYS-2:0], FlushWay[NUMWAYS-1]}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Path: Write Enables ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - // *** change to structural - mux3 #(NUMWAYS) selectwaymux(WayHitFinal, VictimWay, FlushWay, {SelFlush, FSMLineWriteEn}, SelectedWay); + mux3 #(NUMWAYS) selectwaymux(HitWayFinal, VictimWay, FlushWay, + {SelFlush, SetValid}, SelectedWay); assign SetValidWay = SetValid ? SelectedWay : '0; assign ClearValidWay = ClearValid ? SelectedWay : '0; assign SetDirtyWay = SetDirty ? SelectedWay : '0; assign ClearDirtyWay = ClearDirty ? SelectedWay : '0; - assign WriteWordWayEn = FSMWordWriteEn ? SelectedWay : '0; - assign WriteLineWayEn = FSMLineWriteEn ? SelectedWay : '0; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cache FSM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - cachefsm cachefsm(.clk, .reset, .CacheFetchLine, .CacheWriteLine, .CacheBusAck, .RW, .Atomic, .CPUBusy, .IgnoreRequestTLB, .IgnoreRequestTrapM, .CacheHit, .VictimDirty, .CacheStall, .CacheCommitted, - .CacheMiss, .CacheAccess, .SelAdr, .SetValid, - .ClearValid, .SetDirty, .ClearDirty, .FSMWordWriteEn, - .FSMLineWriteEn, .SelEvict, .SelFlush, + .CacheMiss, .CacheAccess, .SelAdr, + .ClearValid, .ClearDirty, .SetDirty, + .SetValid, .SelEvict, .SelFlush, .FlushAdrCntEn, .FlushWayCntEn, .FlushAdrCntRst, .FlushWayCntRst, .FlushAdrFlag, .FlushWayFlag, .FlushCache, .save, .restore, diff --git a/pipelined/src/cache/cachefsm.sv b/pipelined/src/cache/cachefsm.sv index 0fd7f5d5..df05e6cb 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/cache/cachefsm.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/cache/cachefsm.sv @@ -32,78 +32,74 @@ module cachefsm (input logic clk, - input logic reset, + input logic reset, // inputs from IEU - input logic [1:0] RW, - input logic [1:0] Atomic, - input logic FlushCache, + input logic [1:0] RW, + input logic [1:0] Atomic, + input logic FlushCache, // hazard inputs - input logic CPUBusy, + input logic CPUBusy, // interlock fsm - input logic IgnoreRequestTLB, - input logic IgnoreRequestTrapM, + input logic IgnoreRequestTLB, + input logic IgnoreRequestTrapM, // Bus inputs - input logic CacheBusAck, + input logic CacheBusAck, // dcache internals - input logic CacheHit, - input logic VictimDirty, - input logic FlushAdrFlag, - input logic FlushWayFlag, + input logic CacheHit, + input logic VictimDirty, + input logic FlushAdrFlag, + input logic FlushWayFlag, // hazard outputs - output logic CacheStall, + output logic CacheStall, // counter outputs - output logic CacheMiss, - output logic CacheAccess, + output logic CacheMiss, + output logic CacheAccess, // Bus outputs - output logic CacheCommitted, - output logic CacheWriteLine, - output logic CacheFetchLine, + output logic CacheCommitted, + output logic CacheWriteLine, + output logic CacheFetchLine, // dcache internals - output logic [1:0] SelAdr, - output logic SetValid, - output logic ClearValid, - output logic SetDirty, - output logic ClearDirty, - output logic FSMWordWriteEn, - output logic FSMLineWriteEn, - output logic SelEvict, - output logic LRUWriteEn, - output logic SelFlush, - output logic FlushAdrCntEn, - output logic FlushWayCntEn, - output logic FlushAdrCntRst, - output logic FlushWayCntRst, - output logic save, - output logic restore); + output logic SelAdr, + output logic ClearValid, + output logic ClearDirty, + output logic SetDirty, + output logic SetValid, + output logic SelEvict, + output logic LRUWriteEn, + output logic SelFlush, + output logic FlushAdrCntEn, + output logic FlushWayCntEn, + output logic FlushAdrCntRst, + output logic FlushWayCntRst, + output logic save, + output logic restore); - logic [1:0] PreSelAdr; logic resetDelay; - logic Read, Write, AMO; + logic AMO; logic DoAMO, DoRead, DoWrite, DoFlush; - logic DoAMOHit, DoReadHit, DoWriteHit; - logic DoAMOMiss, DoReadMiss, DoWriteMiss; - logic FlushFlag; + logic DoAnyUpdateHit, DoAnyHit; + logic DoAnyMiss; + logic FlushFlag, FlushWayAndNotAdrFlag; - typedef enum logic [3:0] {STATE_READY, - - STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV, - STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE, - STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY, - STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE, - STATE_MISS_READ_WORD, - STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY, - STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD, - - STATE_CPU_BUSY, - STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO, - - STATE_FLUSH, - STATE_FLUSH_CHECK, - STATE_FLUSH_INCR, - STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK, - STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY} statetype; + typedef enum logic [3:0] {STATE_READY, // hit states + // miss states + STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV, + STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE, + STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY, + STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE, + STATE_MISS_READ_WORD, + STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY, + STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD, + // cpu stalled replay/restore state + STATE_CPU_BUSY, + // flush cache + STATE_FLUSH, + STATE_FLUSH_CHECK, + STATE_FLUSH_INCR, + STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK, + STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY} statetype; (* mark_debug = "true" *) statetype CurrState, NextState; logic IgnoreRequest; @@ -112,21 +108,15 @@ module cachefsm // if the command is used in the READY state then the cache needs to be able to supress // using both IgnoreRequestTLB and IgnoreRequestTrapM. Otherwise we can just use IgnoreRequestTLB. - // need to re organize all of these. Low priority though. assign DoFlush = FlushCache & ~IgnoreRequestTrapM; // do NOT suppress flush on DTLBMissM. Does not depend on address translation. assign AMO = Atomic[1] & (&RW); assign DoAMO = AMO & ~IgnoreRequest; - assign DoAMOHit = DoAMO & CacheHit; - assign DoAMOMiss = DoAMO & ~CacheHit; - assign Read = RW[1]; - assign DoRead = Read & ~IgnoreRequest; - assign DoReadHit = DoRead & CacheHit; - assign DoReadMiss = DoRead & ~CacheHit; - assign Write = RW[0]; - assign DoWrite = Write & ~IgnoreRequest; - assign DoWriteHit = DoWrite & CacheHit; - assign DoWriteMiss = DoWrite & ~CacheHit; + assign DoRead = RW[1] & ~IgnoreRequest; + assign DoWrite = RW[0] & ~IgnoreRequest; + assign DoAnyMiss = (DoAMO | DoRead | DoWrite) & ~CacheHit; + assign DoAnyUpdateHit = (DoAMO | DoWrite) & CacheHit; + assign DoAnyHit = DoAnyUpdateHit | (DoRead & CacheHit); assign FlushFlag = FlushAdrFlag & FlushWayFlag; // outputs for the performance counters. @@ -137,7 +127,6 @@ module cachefsm // PCNextF will no longer be pointing to the correct address. // But PCF will be the reset vector. flop #(1) resetDelayReg(.clk, .d(reset), .q(resetDelay)); - assign SelAdr = resetDelay ? 2'b01 : PreSelAdr; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) CurrState <= #1 STATE_READY; @@ -146,54 +135,49 @@ module cachefsm always_comb begin NextState = STATE_READY; case (CurrState) - STATE_READY: if(IgnoreRequest) NextState = STATE_READY; - else if(DoFlush) NextState = STATE_FLUSH; - else if(DoAMOHit & CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO; // change - else if(DoReadHit & CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; - else if(DoWriteHit & CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; - else if(DoReadMiss | DoWriteMiss | DoAMOMiss) NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV; // change - else NextState = STATE_READY; - STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV: if (CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE; - else NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV; - STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE: if(VictimDirty) NextState = STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY; - else NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE; - STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE: NextState = STATE_MISS_READ_WORD; - STATE_MISS_READ_WORD: if (Write & ~AMO) NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD; - else NextState = STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY; - STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY: if(AMO & CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO; - else if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; - else NextState = STATE_READY; - STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; - else NextState = STATE_READY; - STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY: if(CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE; - else NextState = STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY; - STATE_CPU_BUSY: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; - else NextState = STATE_READY; - STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO; - else NextState = STATE_READY; - STATE_FLUSH: NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; - STATE_FLUSH_CHECK: if(VictimDirty) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK; - else if (FlushFlag) NextState = STATE_READY; - else if(FlushWayFlag) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_INCR; - else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; - STATE_FLUSH_INCR: NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; - STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK: if(CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY; - else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK; - STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY: if(FlushAdrFlag & FlushWayFlag) NextState = STATE_READY; - else if (FlushWayFlag) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_INCR; - else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; - default: NextState = STATE_READY; + STATE_READY: if(IgnoreRequest) NextState = STATE_READY; + else if(DoFlush) NextState = STATE_FLUSH; + else if(DoAnyHit & CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; + else if(DoAnyMiss) NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV; // change + else NextState = STATE_READY; + STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV: if(CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE; + else NextState = STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV; + STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE: if(VictimDirty) NextState = STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY; + else NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE; + STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE: NextState = STATE_MISS_READ_WORD; + STATE_MISS_READ_WORD: if(RW[0] & ~AMO) NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD; + else NextState = STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY; + STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; + else NextState = STATE_READY; + STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; + else NextState = STATE_READY; + STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY: if(CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE; + else NextState = STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY; + STATE_CPU_BUSY: if(CPUBusy) NextState = STATE_CPU_BUSY; + else NextState = STATE_READY; + STATE_FLUSH: NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; + STATE_FLUSH_CHECK: if(VictimDirty) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK; + else if(FlushFlag) NextState = STATE_READY; + else if(FlushWayFlag) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_INCR; + else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; + STATE_FLUSH_INCR: NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; + STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK: if(CacheBusAck) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY; + else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK; + STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY: if(FlushFlag) NextState = STATE_READY; + else if(FlushWayFlag) NextState = STATE_FLUSH_INCR; + else NextState = STATE_FLUSH_CHECK; + default: NextState = STATE_READY; endcase end // com back to CPU assign CacheCommitted = CurrState != STATE_READY; - assign CacheStall = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoFlush | DoAMOMiss | DoReadMiss | DoWriteMiss)) | + assign CacheStall = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoFlush | DoAnyMiss)) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & ~(FlushFlag)) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_INCR) | @@ -201,18 +185,13 @@ module cachefsm (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & ~(FlushFlag)); // write enables internal to cache assign SetValid = CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE; - assign ClearValid = '0; - assign SetDirty = (CurrState == STATE_READY & DoAMO) | - (CurrState == STATE_READY & DoWrite) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & AMO) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD); - assign ClearDirty = (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY); - assign FSMWordWriteEn = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoAMOHit | DoWriteHit)) | + assign SetDirty = (CurrState == STATE_READY & DoAnyUpdateHit) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & AMO) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD); - assign FSMLineWriteEn = (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE); - assign LRUWriteEn = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoAMOHit | DoReadHit | DoWriteHit)) | + assign ClearValid = '0; + assign ClearDirty = (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE) | + (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY); + assign LRUWriteEn = (CurrState == STATE_READY & DoAnyHit) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD); // Flush and eviction controls @@ -220,42 +199,38 @@ module cachefsm assign SelFlush = (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_INCR) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY); - assign FlushAdrCntEn = (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & ~VictimDirty & FlushWayFlag & ~FlushAdrFlag) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & FlushWayFlag & ~FlushAdrFlag); + assign FlushWayAndNotAdrFlag = FlushWayFlag & ~FlushAdrFlag; + assign FlushAdrCntEn = (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & ~VictimDirty & FlushWayAndNotAdrFlag) | + (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & FlushWayAndNotAdrFlag); assign FlushWayCntEn = (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & ~VictimDirty & ~(FlushFlag)) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & ~(FlushFlag)); + (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & ~FlushFlag); assign FlushAdrCntRst = (CurrState == STATE_READY); assign FlushWayCntRst = (CurrState == STATE_READY) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_INCR); // Bus interface controls - assign CacheFetchLine = (CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoAMOMiss | DoWriteMiss | DoReadMiss)); + assign CacheFetchLine = (CurrState == STATE_READY & DoAnyMiss); assign CacheWriteLine = (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE & VictimDirty) | (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & VictimDirty); // handle cpu stall. - assign restore = ((CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY) | (CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO)) & ~`REPLAY; - assign save = ((CurrState == STATE_READY & (DoAMOHit | DoReadHit | DoWriteHit) & CPUBusy) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & (AMO | Read) & CPUBusy) | + assign restore = ((CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY)) & ~`REPLAY; + assign save = ((CurrState == STATE_READY & DoAnyHit & CPUBusy) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & (AMO | RW[1]) & CPUBusy) | (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD & DoWrite & CPUBusy)) & ~`REPLAY; // **** can this be simplified? - assign PreSelAdr = ((CurrState == STATE_READY & IgnoreRequestTLB) | // Ignore Request is needed on TLB miss. - (CurrState == STATE_READY & (AMO & CacheHit)) | - (CurrState == STATE_READY & (Read & CacheHit) & (CPUBusy & `REPLAY)) | - (CurrState == STATE_READY & (Write & CacheHit)) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & (AMO | (CPUBusy & `REPLAY))) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD) | - (CurrState == STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY) | - (CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY & (CPUBusy & `REPLAY)) | - (CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY_FINISH_AMO)) ? 2'b01 : - ((CurrState == STATE_FLUSH) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CHECK & ~(VictimDirty & FlushFlag)) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_INCR) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_WRITE_BACK) | - (CurrState == STATE_FLUSH_CLEAR_DIRTY & ~(FlushFlag))) ? 2'b10 : - 2'b00; - + assign SelAdr = (CurrState == STATE_READY & IgnoreRequestTLB) | // Ignore Request is needed on TLB miss. + // use the raw requests as we don't want IgnoreRequestTrapM in the critical path + (CurrState == STATE_READY & ((AMO | RW[0]) & CacheHit)) | // changes if store delay hazard removed + (CurrState == STATE_READY & (RW[1] & CacheHit) & (CPUBusy & `REPLAY)) | + + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_WDV) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_FETCH_DONE) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_EVICT_DIRTY) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_CACHE_LINE) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_READ_WORD_DELAY & (AMO | (CPUBusy & `REPLAY))) | + (CurrState == STATE_MISS_WRITE_WORD) | + + (CurrState == STATE_CPU_BUSY & (CPUBusy & `REPLAY)) | + resetDelay; endmodule // cachefsm diff --git a/pipelined/src/cache/cachereplacementpolicy.sv b/pipelined/src/cache/cachereplacementpolicy.sv index 49f0f79c..818a0abe 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/cache/cachereplacementpolicy.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/cache/cachereplacementpolicy.sv @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy #(parameter NUMWAYS = 4, SETLEN = 9, OFFSETLEN = 5, NUMLINES = 128)( input logic clk, reset, - input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] WayHit, + input logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay, output logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay, input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr, input logic [SETLEN-1:0] RAdr, @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy genvar index; if(NUMWAYS == 2) begin : PseudoLRU assign LRUEn[0] = 1'b0; - assign NewReplacement[0] = WayHit[1]; + assign NewReplacement[0] = HitWay[1]; assign VictimWay[1] = ~LineReplacementBits[0]; assign VictimWay[0] = LineReplacementBits[0]; end else if (NUMWAYS == 4) begin : PseudoLRU @@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy assign VictimWay[2] = LineReplacementBits[2] & ~LineReplacementBits[1]; assign VictimWay[3] = LineReplacementBits[2] & LineReplacementBits[1]; - // New LRU bits which are updated is function only of the WayHit. + // New LRU bits which are updated is function only of the HitWay. // However the not updated bits come from the old LRU. - assign LRUEn[2] = |WayHit; - assign LRUEn[1] = WayHit[3] | WayHit[2]; - assign LRUEn[0] = WayHit[1] | WayHit[0]; + assign LRUEn[2] = |HitWay; + assign LRUEn[1] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2]; + assign LRUEn[0] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0]; - assign LRUMask[2] = WayHit[1] | WayHit[0]; - assign LRUMask[1] = WayHit[2]; - assign LRUMask[0] = WayHit[0]; + assign LRUMask[2] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0]; + assign LRUMask[1] = HitWay[2]; + assign LRUMask[0] = HitWay[0]; mux2 #(1) LRUMuxes[NUMWAYS-2:0](LineReplacementBits, LRUMask, LRUEn, NewReplacement); end @@ -101,21 +101,21 @@ module cachereplacementpolicy // selects assign LRUEn[6] = 1'b1; - assign LRUEn[5] = WayHit[7] | WayHit[6] | WayHit[5] | WayHit[4]; - assign LRUEn[4] = WayHit[7] | WayHit[6]; - assign LRUEn[3] = WayHit[5] | WayHit[4]; - assign LRUEn[2] = WayHit[3] | WayHit[2] | WayHit[1] | WayHit[0]; - assign LRUEn[1] = WayHit[3] | WayHit[2]; - assign LRUEn[0] = WayHit[1] | WayHit[0]; + assign LRUEn[5] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6] | HitWay[5] | HitWay[4]; + assign LRUEn[4] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6]; + assign LRUEn[3] = HitWay[5] | HitWay[4]; + assign LRUEn[2] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2] | HitWay[1] | HitWay[0]; + assign LRUEn[1] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2]; + assign LRUEn[0] = HitWay[1] | HitWay[0]; // mask - assign LRUMask[6] = WayHit[7] | WayHit[6] | WayHit[5] | WayHit[4]; - assign LRUMask[5] = WayHit[7] | WayHit[6]; - assign LRUMask[4] = WayHit[7]; - assign LRUMask[3] = WayHit[5]; - assign LRUMask[2] = WayHit[3] | WayHit[2]; - assign LRUMask[1] = WayHit[2]; - assign LRUMask[0] = WayHit[0]; + assign LRUMask[6] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6] | HitWay[5] | HitWay[4]; + assign LRUMask[5] = HitWay[7] | HitWay[6]; + assign LRUMask[4] = HitWay[7]; + assign LRUMask[3] = HitWay[5]; + assign LRUMask[2] = HitWay[3] | HitWay[2]; + assign LRUMask[1] = HitWay[2]; + assign LRUMask[0] = HitWay[0]; for(index = 0; index < NUMWAYS-1; index++) assign NewReplacement[index] = LRUEn[index] ? LRUMask[index] : LineReplacementBits[index]; diff --git a/pipelined/src/cache/cacheway.sv b/pipelined/src/cache/cacheway.sv index a5bb5281..d9dfdfff 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/cache/cacheway.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/cache/cacheway.sv @@ -37,21 +37,20 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, input logic [$clog2(NUMLINES)-1:0] RAdr, input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr, - input logic WriteWordWayEn, - input logic WriteLineWayEn, input logic [LINELEN-1:0] CacheWriteData, input logic SetValidWay, input logic ClearValidWay, input logic SetDirtyWay, input logic ClearDirtyWay, input logic SelEvict, - input logic VictimWay, - input logic InvalidateAll, input logic SelFlush, + input logic VictimWay, input logic FlushWay, + input logic Invalidate, + output logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineWay, - output logic WayHit, + output logic HitWay, output logic VictimDirtyWay, output logic [TAGLEN-1:0] VictimTagWay); @@ -59,28 +58,25 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, localparam LOGWPL = $clog2(WORDSPERLINE); localparam LOGXLENBYTES = $clog2(`XLEN/8); - logic [NUMLINES-1:0] ValidBits; - logic [NUMLINES-1:0] DirtyBits; - logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine; - logic [TAGLEN-1:0] ReadTag; - logic Valid; - logic Dirty; - logic SelData; - logic SelTag; - - logic [$clog2(NUMLINES)-1:0] RAdrD; - - logic [2**LOGWPL-1:0] MemPAdrDecoded; - logic [LINELEN/`XLEN-1:0] SelectedWriteWordEn; + logic [NUMLINES-1:0] ValidBits; + logic [NUMLINES-1:0] DirtyBits; + logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine; + logic [TAGLEN-1:0] ReadTag; + logic Valid; + logic Dirty; + logic SelData; + logic SelTag; + logic [$clog2(NUMLINES)-1:0] RAdrD; + logic [2**LOGWPL-1:0] MemPAdrDecoded; + logic [LINELEN/`XLEN-1:0] SelectedWriteWordEn; - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Enable demux ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// onehotdecoder #(LOGWPL) adrdec( .bin(PAdr[LOGWPL+LOGXLENBYTES-1:LOGXLENBYTES]), .decoded(MemPAdrDecoded)); // If writing the whole line set all write enables to 1, else only set the correct word. - assign SelectedWriteWordEn = WriteLineWayEn ? '1 : WriteWordWayEn ? MemPAdrDecoded : '0; // OR-AND + assign SelectedWriteWordEn = SetValidWay ? '1 : SetDirtyWay ? MemPAdrDecoded : '0; // OR-AND ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tag Array @@ -88,12 +84,13 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, sram1p1rw #(.DEPTH(NUMLINES), .WIDTH(TAGLEN)) CacheTagMem(.clk, .Adr(RAdr), .ReadData(ReadTag), - .CacheWriteData(PAdr[`PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN+INDEXLEN]), .WriteEnable(WriteLineWayEn)); + .CacheWriteData(PAdr[`PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN+INDEXLEN]), .WriteEnable(SetValidWay)); // AND portion of distributed tag multiplexer - assign SelTag = SelFlush ? FlushWay : VictimWay; + mux2 #(1) seltagmux(VictimWay, FlushWay, SelFlush, SelTag); assign VictimTagWay = SelTag ? ReadTag : '0; // AND part of AOMux assign VictimDirtyWay = SelTag & Dirty & Valid; + assign HitWay = Valid & (ReadTag == PAdr[`PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN+INDEXLEN]); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Data Array @@ -109,8 +106,7 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, end // AND portion of distributed read multiplexers - assign WayHit = Valid & (ReadTag == PAdr[`PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN+INDEXLEN]); - mux3 #(1) selecteddatamux(WayHit, VictimWay, FlushWay, {SelFlush, SelEvict}, SelData); + mux3 #(1) selecteddatamux(HitWay, VictimWay, FlushWay, {SelFlush, SelEvict}, SelData); assign ReadDataLineWay = SelData ? ReadDataLine : '0; // AND part of AO mux. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @@ -118,9 +114,9 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always_ff @(posedge clk) begin // Valid bit array, - if (reset | InvalidateAll) ValidBits <= #1 '0; - else if (SetValidWay) ValidBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b1; - else if (ClearValidWay) ValidBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b0; + if (reset | Invalidate) ValidBits <= #1 '0; + else if (SetValidWay) ValidBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b1; + else if (ClearValidWay) ValidBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b0; end flop #($clog2(NUMLINES)) RAdrDelayReg(clk, RAdr, RAdrD); assign Valid = ValidBits[RAdrD]; @@ -132,8 +128,8 @@ module cacheway #(parameter NUMLINES=512, parameter LINELEN = 256, TAGLEN = 26, // Dirty bits if (DIRTY_BITS) begin:dirty always_ff @(posedge clk) begin - if (reset) DirtyBits <= #1 {NUMLINES{1'b0}}; - else if (SetDirtyWay) DirtyBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b1; + if (reset) DirtyBits <= #1 {NUMLINES{1'b0}}; + else if (SetDirtyWay) DirtyBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b1; else if (ClearDirtyWay) DirtyBits[RAdr] <= #1 1'b0; end assign Dirty = DirtyBits[RAdrD]; diff --git a/pipelined/src/ifu/ifu.sv b/pipelined/src/ifu/ifu.sv index 996b6fec..49956847 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/ifu/ifu.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/ifu/ifu.sv @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ module ifu ( localparam integer LINELEN = (`IMEM == `MEM_CACHE) ? `ICACHE_LINELENINBITS : `XLEN; localparam integer LOGWPL = (`DMEM == `MEM_CACHE) ? $clog2(WORDSPERLINE) : 1; logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine; - logic [LINELEN-1:0] ICacheMemWriteData; + logic [LINELEN-1:0] ICacheBusWriteData; logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] ICacheBusAdr; logic ICacheBusAck; logic save,restore; @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ module ifu ( .WordCount(), .LSUBusHWDATA(), .DCacheFetchLine(ICacheFetchLine), .DCacheWriteLine(1'b0), .DCacheBusAck(ICacheBusAck), - .DCacheMemWriteData(ICacheMemWriteData), .LSUPAdrM(PCPF), + .DCacheBusWriteData(ICacheBusWriteData), .LSUPAdrM(PCPF), .FinalAMOWriteDataM(), .ReadDataWordM(FinalInstrRawF), .ReadDataWordMuxM(AllInstrRawF[31:0]), .IgnoreRequest(ITLBMissF), .LSURWM(2'b10), .CPUBusy, .CacheableM(CacheableF), .BusStall, .BusCommittedM()); @@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ module ifu ( .NUMLINES(`ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES*8/`ICACHE_LINELENINBITS), .NUMWAYS(`ICACHE_NUMWAYS), .DCACHE(0)) icache(.clk, .reset, .CPUBusy, .IgnoreRequestTLB(ITLBMissF), .IgnoreRequestTrapM('0), - .CacheMemWriteData(ICacheMemWriteData), .CacheBusAck(ICacheBusAck), + .CacheBusWriteData(ICacheBusWriteData), .CacheBusAck(ICacheBusAck), .CacheBusAdr(ICacheBusAdr), .CacheStall(ICacheStallF), .CacheFetchLine(ICacheFetchLine), .CacheWriteLine(), .ReadDataLine(ReadDataLine), diff --git a/pipelined/src/lsu/busdp.sv b/pipelined/src/lsu/busdp.sv index 79545254..54bfa4e4 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/lsu/busdp.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/lsu/busdp.sv @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module busdp #(parameter WORDSPERLINE, LINELEN, WORDLEN, LOGWPL, LSU=0) input logic DCacheFetchLine, input logic DCacheWriteLine, output logic DCacheBusAck, - output logic [LINELEN-1:0] DCacheMemWriteData, + output logic [LINELEN-1:0] DCacheBusWriteData, // lsu interface input logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] LSUPAdrM, @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ module busdp #(parameter WORDSPERLINE, LINELEN, WORDLEN, LOGWPL, LSU=0) for (index = 0; index < WORDSPERLINE; index++) begin:fetchbuffer flopen #(`XLEN) fb(.clk, .en(LSUBusAck & LSUBusRead & (index == WordCount)), - .d(LSUBusHRDATA), .q(DCacheMemWriteData[(index+1)*`XLEN-1:index*`XLEN])); + .d(LSUBusHRDATA), .q(DCacheBusWriteData[(index+1)*`XLEN-1:index*`XLEN])); end @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ module busdp #(parameter WORDSPERLINE, LINELEN, WORDLEN, LOGWPL, LSU=0) else assign LSUBusHWDATA = '0; mux2 #(3) lsubussizemux(.d0(`XLEN == 32 ? 3'b010 : 3'b011), .d1(LSUFunct3M), .s(SelUncachedAdr), .y(LSUBusSize)); - mux2 #(WORDLEN) UnCachedDataMux(.d0(ReadDataWordM), .d1(DCacheMemWriteData[WORDLEN-1:0]), + mux2 #(WORDLEN) UnCachedDataMux(.d0(ReadDataWordM), .d1(DCacheBusWriteData[WORDLEN-1:0]), .s(SelUncachedAdr), .y(ReadDataWordMuxM)); busfsm #(WordCountThreshold, LOGWPL, (`DMEM == `MEM_CACHE)) // *** cleanup Icache? must fix. diff --git a/pipelined/src/lsu/lsu.sv b/pipelined/src/lsu/lsu.sv index f6c8ec47..60f35ec4 100644 --- a/pipelined/src/lsu/lsu.sv +++ b/pipelined/src/lsu/lsu.sv @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ module lsu ( localparam integer LINELEN = (`DMEM == `MEM_CACHE) ? `DCACHE_LINELENINBITS : `XLEN; localparam integer LOGWPL = (`DMEM == `MEM_CACHE) ? $clog2(WORDSPERLINE) : 1; logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineM; - logic [LINELEN-1:0] DCacheMemWriteData; + logic [LINELEN-1:0] DCacheBusWriteData; logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] DCacheBusAdr; logic DCacheWriteLine; logic DCacheFetchLine; @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ module lsu ( .LSUBusHRDATA, .LSUBusHWDATA, .LSUBusAck, .LSUBusWrite, .LSUBusRead, .LSUBusSize, .WordCount, .LSUBusWriteCrit, .LSUFunct3M, .LSUBusAdr, .DCacheBusAdr, .DCacheFetchLine, - .DCacheWriteLine, .DCacheBusAck, .DCacheMemWriteData, .LSUPAdrM, .FinalAMOWriteDataM, + .DCacheWriteLine, .DCacheBusAck, .DCacheBusWriteData, .LSUPAdrM, .FinalAMOWriteDataM, .ReadDataWordM, .ReadDataWordMuxM, .IgnoreRequest, .LSURWM, .CPUBusy, .CacheableM, .BusStall, .BusCommittedM); @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ module lsu ( .CacheStall(DCacheStallM), .CacheMiss(DCacheMiss), .CacheAccess(DCacheAccess), .IgnoreRequestTLB, .IgnoreRequestTrapM, .CacheCommitted(DCacheCommittedM), .CacheBusAdr(DCacheBusAdr), .ReadDataLine(ReadDataLineM), - .CacheMemWriteData(DCacheMemWriteData), .CacheFetchLine(DCacheFetchLine), + .CacheBusWriteData(DCacheBusWriteData), .CacheFetchLine(DCacheFetchLine), .CacheWriteLine(DCacheWriteLine), .CacheBusAck(DCacheBusAck), .InvalidateCacheM(1'b0)); subcachelineread #(LINELEN, `XLEN, `XLEN) subcachelineread(