import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_meas = 4 # speed of sound m/s sos = 1500 # depth of the tub in mm tub_depth = 690 # distances from the top measured at in mm distance = [0,138,276,414] # distance from the bottom distance_to_bot = np.empty(num_meas) for i in range(num_meas): distance_to_bot[i] = tub_depth - distance[i] # time from pulse to reflection measuredin uS tof = [912,758,614,486] # tot distance traveled distance_traveled = np.empty(num_meas) for i in range(num_meas): distance_traveled[i] = (690*2) - (distance[i] * 2) # ideal time from pulse to reflection measured uS tof_expected = np.empty(num_meas) for i in range(num_meas): tof_expected[i] = ((distance_traveled[i] * 1e-3) / sos) * 1e6 plt.figure(1) plt.plot(distance_to_bot, tof, label = 'tof measured in uS') plt.plot(distance_to_bot, tof_expected, label = 'tof expected in uS') plt.xlabel('Distance to bottom [mm]') plt.ylabel('Time [uS]') plt.title('Tof Data') plt.xlim(max(distance_to_bot),min(distance_to_bot)) plt.legend()