2023-01-12 16:09:30 -06:00

169 lines
6.4 KiB

`include "wally-config.vh"
`define NUM_REGS 32
`define NUM_CSRS 4096
`define PRINT_PC_INSTR 1
`define PRINT_MOST 1
`define PRINT_ALL 0
module rvviTrace #(
parameter int ILEN = `XLEN, // Instruction length in bits
parameter int XLEN = `XLEN, // GPR length in bits
parameter int FLEN = `FLEN, // FPR length in bits
parameter int VLEN = 0, // Vector register size in bits
parameter int NHART = 1, // Number of harts reported
parameter int RETIRE = 1) // Number of instructions that can retire during valid event
localparam NUMREGS = `E_SUPPORTED ? 16 : 32;
// wally specific signals
logic reset;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF, PCF, PCD, PCE, PCM, PCW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] InstrRawD, InstrRawE, InstrRawM, InstrRawW;
logic InstrValidM, InstrValidW;
logic StallE, StallM, StallW;
logic FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, FlushW;
logic TrapM, TrapW;
logic HaltM, HaltW;
logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] rf[NUMREGS];
logic [NUMREGS-1:0] rf_wb;
logic [4:0] rf_a3;
logic rf_we3;
logic [`XLEN-1:0] frf[32];
logic [`NUM_REGS-1:0] frf_wb;
logic [4:0] frf_a4;
logic frf_we4;
// tracer signals
logic clk;
logic valid;
logic [63:0] order [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [ILEN-1:0] insn [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [(XLEN-1):0] pc_rdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [(XLEN-1):0] pc_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic trap [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic halt [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic intr [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [1:0] mode [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [1:0] ixl [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [`NUM_REGS-1:0][(XLEN-1):0] x_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [`NUM_REGS-1:0] x_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [`NUM_REGS-1:0][(XLEN-1):0] f_wdata [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
logic [`NUM_REGS-1:0] f_wb [(NHART-1):0][(RETIRE-1):0];
assign clk = testbench.dut.clk;
// assign InstrValidF = testbench.dut.core.ieu.InstrValidF; // not needed yet
assign InstrValidD = testbench.dut.core.ieu.c.InstrValidD;
assign InstrValidE = testbench.dut.core.ieu.c.InstrValidE;
assign InstrValidM = testbench.dut.core.ieu.InstrValidM;
assign InstrRawD = testbench.dut.core.ifu.InstrRawD;
assign PCNextF = testbench.dut.core.ifu.PCNextF;
assign PCF = testbench.dut.core.ifu.PCF;
assign PCD = testbench.dut.core.ifu.PCD;
assign PCE = testbench.dut.core.ifu.PCE;
assign PCM = testbench.dut.core.ifu.PCM;
assign reset = testbench.reset;
assign StallE = testbench.dut.core.StallE;
assign StallM = testbench.dut.core.StallM;
assign StallW = testbench.dut.core.StallW;
assign FlushD = testbench.dut.core.FlushD;
assign FlushE = testbench.dut.core.FlushE;
assign FlushM = testbench.dut.core.FlushM;
assign FlushW = testbench.dut.core.FlushW;
assign TrapM = testbench.dut.core.TrapM;
assign HaltM = testbench.DCacheFlushStart;
assign PrivilegeModeW = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.privmode.PrivilegeModeW;
assign STATUS_SXL = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrsr.STATUS_SXL;
assign STATUS_UXL = testbench.dut.core.priv.priv.csr.csrsr.STATUS_UXL;
genvar index;
assign rf[0] = '0;
for(index = 1; index < NUMREGS; index += 1)
assign rf[index] = testbench.dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.rf[index];
assign rf_a3 = testbench.dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.a3;
assign rf_we3 = testbench.dut.core.ieu.dp.regf.we3;
always_comb begin
rf_wb = '0;
rf_wb[rf_a3] = 1'b1;
for(index = 0; index < NUMREGS; index += 1)
assign frf[index] = testbench.dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.rf[index];
assign frf_a4 = testbench.dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.a4;
assign frf_we4 = testbench.dut.core.fpu.fpu.fregfile.we4;
always_comb begin
frf_wb = '0;
frf_wb[frf_a4] = 1'b1;
// pipeline to writeback stage
flopenrc #(`XLEN) InstrRawEReg (clk, reset, FlushE, ~StallE, InstrRawD, InstrRawE);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) InstrRawMReg (clk, reset, FlushM, ~StallM, InstrRawE, InstrRawM);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) InstrRawWReg (clk, reset, FlushW, ~StallW, InstrRawM, InstrRawW);
flopenrc #(`XLEN) PCWReg (clk, reset, FlushW, ~StallW, PCM, PCW);
flopenrc #(1) InstrValidMReg (clk, reset, FlushW, ~StallW, InstrValidM, InstrValidW);
flopenrc #(1) TrapWReg (clk, reset, 1'b0, ~StallW, TrapM, TrapW);
flopenrc #(1) HaltWReg (clk, reset, 1'b0, ~StallW, HaltM, HaltW);
// Initially connecting the writeback stage signals, but may need to use M stage
// and gate on ~FlushW.
assign valid = InstrValidW & ~StallW & ~FlushW;
assign insn[0][0] = InstrRawW;
assign pc_rdata[0][0] = PCW;
assign trap[0][0] = TrapW;
assign halt[0][0] = HaltW;
assign intr[0][0] = '0; // *** first retired instruction of trap handler. Not sure how i'm going to get this yet.
assign mode[0][0] = PrivilegeModeW;
assign ixl[0][0] = PrivilegeModeW == 2'b11 ? 2'b10 :
PrivilegeModeW == 2'b01 ? STATUS_SXL : STATUS_UXL;
assign pc_wdata[0][0] = ~FlushW ? PCM :
~FlushM ? PCE :
~FlushE ? PCD :
~FlushD ? PCF : PCNextF;
for(index = 0; index < `NUM_REGS; index += 1) begin
assign x_wdata[0][0][index] = rf[index];
assign x_wb[0][0][index] = rf_wb[index];
assign f_wdata[0][0][index] = frf[index];
assign f_wb[0][0][index] = frf_wb[index];
integer index2;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if(valid) begin
$display("PC = %08x, insn = %08x", pc_rdata[0][0], insn[0][0]);
else if(`PRINT_MOST & !`PRINT_ALL)
$display("PC = %08x, insn = %08x, trap = %1d, halt = %1d, mode = %1x, ixl = %1x, pc_wdata = %08x, x%02d = %08x", pc_rdata[0][0], insn[0][0], trap[0][0], halt[0][0], mode[0][0], ixl[0][0], pc_wdata[0][0], rf_a3, x_wdata[0][0][rf_a3]);
else if(`PRINT_ALL) begin
$display("PC = %08x, insn = %08x, trap = %1d, halt = %1d, mode = %1x, ixl = %1x, pc_wdata = %08x", pc_rdata[0][0], insn[0][0], trap[0][0], halt[0][0], mode[0][0], ixl[0][0], pc_wdata[0][0]);
for(index2 = 0; index2 < `NUM_REGS; index2 += 1) begin
$display("x%02d = %08x", index2, x_wdata[0][0][index2]);
for(index2 = 0; index2 < `NUM_REGS; index2 += 1) begin
$display("f%02d = %08x", index2, f_wdata[0][0][index2]);
if(HaltW) $stop();