Rose Thompson 8030b7d100 Added partial code for uncached amo operations.
Minor fix for Makefile so coverage tests build.
2023-12-29 15:07:20 -06:00

129 lines
7.6 KiB

// Written: Ross Thompson
// Created: August 29, 2022
// Modified: 18 January 2023
// Purpose: Translates cache bus requests and uncached ieu memory requests into AHB transactions.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 9 (Figure 9.8)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module ahbcacheinterface #(
parameter AHBW,
parameter LLEN,
parameter PA_BITS,
parameter BEATSPERLINE, // Number of AHBW words (beats) in cacheline
parameter AHBWLOGBWPL, // Log2 of ^
parameter LINELEN, // Number of bits in cacheline
parameter LLENPOVERAHBW, // Number of AHB beats in a LLEN word. AHBW cannot be larger than LLEN. (implementation limitation)
input logic HCLK, HRESETn,
// bus interface controls
input logic HREADY, // AHB peripheral ready
output logic [1:0] HTRANS, // AHB transaction type, 00: IDLE, 10 NON_SEQ, 11 SEQ
output logic HWRITE, // AHB 0: Read operation 1: Write operation
output logic [2:0] HSIZE, // AHB transaction width
output logic [2:0] HBURST, // AHB burst length
// bus interface buses
input logic [AHBW-1:0] HRDATA, // AHB read data
output logic [PA_BITS-1:0] HADDR, // AHB address
output logic [AHBW-1:0] HWDATA, // AHB write data
output logic [AHBW/8-1:0] HWSTRB, // AHB byte mask
// cache interface
input logic [PA_BITS-1:0] CacheBusAdr, // Address of cache line
input logic [LLEN-1:0] CacheReadDataWordM, // One word of cache line during a writeback
input logic CacheableOrFlushCacheM, // Memory operation is cacheable or flushing D$
input logic Cacheable, // Memory operation is cachable
input logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // Cache bus operation, 01: writeback, 10: fetch
output logic CacheBusAck, // Handshake to $ indicating bus transaction completed
output logic [LINELEN-1:0] FetchBuffer, // Register to hold beats of cache line as the arrive from bus
output logic [AHBWLOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCount, // Beat position within the cache line in the Address Phase
output logic SelBusBeat, // Tells the cache to select the word from ReadData or WriteData from BeatCount rather than PAdr
// uncached interface
input logic [PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr, // Physical address of uncached memory operation
input logic [LLEN-1:0] WriteDataM, // IEU write data for uncached store
input logic [1:0] BusRW, // Uncached memory operation read/write control: 10: read, 01: write
input logic BusAtomic, // Uncache atomic memory operation
input logic [2:0] Funct3, // Size of uncached memory operation
input logic BusCMOZero, // Uncached must write zero to full sized cacheline without going through the cache
// lsu/ifu interface
input logic Stall, // Core pipeline is stalled
input logic Flush, // Pipeline stage flush. Prevents bus transaction from starting
output logic BusStall, // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation
output logic BusCommitted); // Bus is busy with an in flight memory operation and it is not safe to take an interrupt
localparam BeatCountThreshold = BEATSPERLINE - 1; // Largest beat index
logic [PA_BITS-1:0] LocalHADDR; // Address after selecting between cached and uncached operation
logic [AHBWLOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCountDelayed; // Beat within the cache line in the second (Data) cache stage
logic CaptureEn; // Enable updating the Fetch buffer with valid data from HRDATA
logic [AHBW/8-1:0] BusByteMaskM; // Byte enables within a word. For cache request all 1s
logic [AHBW-1:0] PreHWDATA; // AHB Address phase write data
logic [PA_BITS-1:0] PAdrZero;
genvar index;
// fetch buffer is made of BEATSPERLINE flip-flops
for (index = 0; index < BEATSPERLINE; index++) begin:fetchbuffer
logic [BEATSPERLINE-1:0] CaptureBeat;
assign CaptureBeat[index] = CaptureEn & (index == BeatCountDelayed);
flopen #(AHBW) fb(.clk(HCLK), .en(CaptureBeat[index]), .d(HRDATA),
assign PAdrZero = BusCMOZero ? {PAdr[PA_BITS-1:$clog2(LINELEN/8)], {$clog2(LINELEN/8){1'b0}}} : PAdr;
mux2 #(PA_BITS) localadrmux(PAdrZero, CacheBusAdr, Cacheable, LocalHADDR);
assign HADDR = ({{PA_BITS-AHBWLOGBWPL{1'b0}}, BeatCount} << $clog2(AHBW/8)) + LocalHADDR;
mux2 #(3) sizemux(.d0(Funct3), .d1(AHBW == 32 ? 3'b010 : 3'b011), .s(Cacheable | BusCMOZero), .y(HSIZE));
// When AHBW is less than LLEN need extra muxes to select the subword from cache's read data.
logic [AHBW-1:0] CacheReadDataWordAHB;
if(LLENPOVERAHBW > 1) begin
logic [AHBW-1:0] AHBWordSets [(LLENPOVERAHBW)-1:0];
genvar index;
for (index = 0; index < LLENPOVERAHBW; index++) begin:readdatalinesetsmux
assign AHBWordSets[index] = CacheReadDataWordM[(index*AHBW)+AHBW-1: (index*AHBW)];
assign CacheReadDataWordAHB = AHBWordSets[BeatCount[$clog2(LLENPOVERAHBW)-1:0]];
end else assign CacheReadDataWordAHB = CacheReadDataWordM[AHBW-1:0];
mux2 #(AHBW) HWDATAMux(.d0(CacheReadDataWordAHB), .d1(WriteDataM[AHBW-1:0]),
.s(~(CacheableOrFlushCacheM)), .y(PreHWDATA));
flopen #(AHBW) wdreg(HCLK, HREADY, PreHWDATA, HWDATA); // delay HWDATA by 1 cycle per spec
// *** bummer need a second byte mask for bus as it is AHBW rather than LLEN.
// probably can merge by muxing PAdrM's LLEN/8-1 index bit based on HTRANS being != 0.
swbytemask #(AHBW) busswbytemask(.Size(HSIZE), .Adr(HADDR[$clog2(AHBW/8)-1:0]), .ByteMask(BusByteMaskM), .ByteMaskExtended());
flopen #(AHBW/8) HWSTRBReg(HCLK, HREADY, BusByteMaskM[AHBW/8-1:0], HWSTRB);
buscachefsm #(BeatCountThreshold, AHBWLOGBWPL, READ_ONLY_CACHE) AHBBuscachefsm(
.HCLK, .HRESETn, .Flush, .BusRW, .BusAtomic, .Stall, .BusCommitted, .BusStall, .CaptureEn, .SelBusBeat,
.CacheBusRW, .BusCMOZero, .CacheBusAck, .BeatCount, .BeatCountDelayed,