2024-12-17 15:30:05 -08:00

136 lines
6.1 KiB

import os
import re
import shutil
import logging
import riscof.utils as utils
from riscof.pluginTemplate import pluginTemplate
logger = logging.getLogger()
class sail_cSim(pluginTemplate):
__model__ = "sail_c_simulator"
__version__ = "0.5.0"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
sclass = super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
config = kwargs.get('config')
if config is None:
logger.error("Config node for sail_cSim missing.")
raise SystemExit(1)
self.num_jobs = str(config['jobs'] if 'jobs' in config else 1)
self.pluginpath = os.path.abspath(config['pluginpath'])
self.sail_exe = { '32' : os.path.join(config['PATH'] if 'PATH' in config else "","riscv_sim_RV32"),
'64' : os.path.join(config['PATH'] if 'PATH' in config else "","riscv_sim_RV64")}
self.isa_spec = os.path.abspath(config['ispec']) if 'ispec' in config else ''
self.platform_spec = os.path.abspath(config['pspec']) if 'ispec' in config else ''
self.make = config['make'] if 'make' in config else 'make'
logger.debug("SAIL CSim plugin initialised using the following configuration.")
for entry in config:
logger.debug(entry+' : '+config[entry])
return sclass
def initialise(self, suite, work_dir, archtest_env):
self.suite = suite
self.work_dir = work_dir
self.objdump_cmd = 'riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -D {0} > {2};'
self.compile_cmd = 'riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march={0} \
-static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles\
-T '+self.pluginpath+'/env/link.ld\
-I '+self.pluginpath+'/env/\
-I ' + archtest_env
def build(self, isa_yaml, platform_yaml):
ispec = utils.load_yaml(isa_yaml)['hart0']
self.xlen = ('64' if 64 in ispec['supported_xlen'] else '32')
self.isa = 'rv' + self.xlen
self.sailargs = ' --pmp-count=16 --pmp-grain=0 ' # Hardcode pmp-count and pmp-grain for now. Make configurable later once Sail has easier configuration
self.compile_cmd = self.compile_cmd+' -mabi='+('lp64 ' if 64 in ispec['supported_xlen'] else ('ilp32e ' if "E" in ispec["ISA"] else 'ilp32 '))
if "I" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'i'
if "E" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'e'
if "M" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'm'
if "A" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'a'
if "C" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'c'
if "F" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'f'
if "D" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'd'
if "Zcb" in ispec["ISA"]: # for some strange reason, Sail requires a command line argument to enable Zcb
self.sailargs += "--enable-zcb"
if "Q" in ispec["ISA"]:
self.isa += 'q'
objdump = "riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump"
if shutil.which(objdump) is None:
logger.error(objdump+": executable not found. Please check environment setup.")
raise SystemExit(1)
compiler = "riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc"
if shutil.which(compiler) is None:
logger.error(compiler+": executable not found. Please check environment setup.")
raise SystemExit(1)
if shutil.which(self.sail_exe[self.xlen]) is None:
logger.error(self.sail_exe[self.xlen]+ ": executable not found. Please check environment setup.")
raise SystemExit(1)
if shutil.which(self.make) is None:
logger.error(self.make+": executable not found. Please check environment setup.")
raise SystemExit(1)
def runTests(self, testList, cgf_file=None):
if os.path.exists(self.work_dir+ "/Makefile." +[:-1]):
os.remove(self.work_dir+ "/Makefile." +[:-1])
make = utils.makeUtil(makefilePath=os.path.join(self.work_dir, "Makefile." +[:-1]))
make.makeCommand = self.make + ' -j' + self.num_jobs
for file in testList:
testentry = testList[file]
test = testentry['test_path']
test_dir = testentry['work_dir']
test_name = test.rsplit('/',1)[1][:-2]
elf = 'ref.elf'
execute = "@cd "+testentry['work_dir']+";"
cmd = self.compile_cmd.format(testentry['isa'].lower(), self.xlen) + ' ' + test + ' -o ' + elf
compile_cmd = cmd + ' -D' + " -D".join(testentry['macros'])
execute += self.objdump_cmd.format(elf, self.xlen, 'ref.elf.objdump')
sig_file = os.path.join(test_dir,[:-1] + ".signature")
# Check if the tests can be run on SAIL
if ('NO_SAIL=True' in testentry['macros']):
# if the tests can't run on SAIL we copy the reference output to the src directory
reference_output = re.sub("/src/","/references/", re.sub(".S",".reference_output", test))
execute += 'cut -c-{0:g} {1} > {2}'.format(8, reference_output, sig_file) #use cut to remove comments when copying
execute += self.sail_exe[self.xlen] + ' -z268435455 -i --trace=step ' + self.sailargs + ' --test-signature={0} {1} > {2}.log 2>&1;'.format(sig_file, elf, test_name)
cov_str = ' '
for label in testentry['coverage_labels']:
cov_str+=' -l '+label
if cgf_file is not None:
coverage_cmd = 'riscv_isac --verbose info coverage -d \
-t {0}.log --parser-name c_sail -o coverage.rpt \
--sig-label begin_signature end_signature \
--test-label rvtest_code_begin rvtest_code_end \
-e ref.elf -c {1} -x{2} {3};'.format(\
test_name, ' -c '.join(cgf_file), self.xlen, cov_str)
coverage_cmd = ''
# make.execute_all(self.work_dir)
# DH 7/26/22 increase timeout so sim will finish on slow machines
# DH 5/17/23 increase timeout to 3600 seconds
make.execute_all(self.work_dir, timeout = 3600)