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// riscvsingle.sv
// RISC-V single-cycle processor
// From Section 7.6 of Digital Design & Computer Architecture
// 27 April 2020
// David_Harris@hmc.edu
// Sarah.Harris@unlv.edu
// run 210
// Expect simulator to print "Simulation succeeded"
// when the value 25 (0x19) is written to address 100 (0x64)
// Single-cycle implementation of RISC-V (RV32I)
// User-level Instruction Set Architecture V2.2 (May 7, 2017)
// Implements a subset of the base integer instructions:
// lw, sw
// add, sub, and, or, slt,
// addi, andi, ori, slti
// beq
// jal
// Exceptions, traps, and interrupts not implemented
// little-endian memory
// 31 32-bit registers x1-x31, x0 hardwired to 0
// R-Type instructions
// add, sub, and, or, slt
// INSTR rd, rs1, rs2
// Instr[31:25] = funct7 (funct7b5 & opb5 = 1 for sub, 0 for others)
// Instr[24:20] = rs2
// Instr[19:15] = rs1
// Instr[14:12] = funct3
// Instr[11:7] = rd
// Instr[6:0] = opcode
// I-Type Instructions
// lw, I-type ALU (addi, andi, ori, slti)
// lw: INSTR rd, imm(rs1)
// I-type ALU: INSTR rd, rs1, imm (12-bit signed)
// Instr[31:20] = imm[11:0]
// Instr[24:20] = rs2
// Instr[19:15] = rs1
// Instr[14:12] = funct3
// Instr[11:7] = rd
// Instr[6:0] = opcode
// S-Type Instruction
// sw rs2, imm(rs1) (store rs2 into address specified by rs1 + immm)
// Instr[31:25] = imm[11:5] (offset[11:5])
// Instr[24:20] = rs2 (src)
// Instr[19:15] = rs1 (base)
// Instr[14:12] = funct3
// Instr[11:7] = imm[4:0] (offset[4:0])
// Instr[6:0] = opcode
// B-Type Instruction
// beq rs1, rs2, imm (PCTarget = PC + (signed imm x 2))
// Instr[31:25] = imm[12], imm[10:5]
// Instr[24:20] = rs2
// Instr[19:15] = rs1
// Instr[14:12] = funct3
// Instr[11:7] = imm[4:1], imm[11]
// Instr[6:0] = opcode
// J-Type Instruction
// jal rd, imm (signed imm is multiplied by 2 and added to PC, rd = PC+4)
// Instr[31:12] = imm[20], imm[10:1], imm[11], imm[19:12]
// Instr[11:7] = rd
// Instr[6:0] = opcode
// Instruction opcode funct3 funct7
// add 0110011 000 0000000
// sub 0110011 000 0100000
// and 0110011 111 0000000
// or 0110011 110 0000000
// slt 0110011 010 0000000
// addi 0010011 000 immediate
// andi 0010011 111 immediate
// ori 0010011 110 immediate
// slti 0010011 010 immediate
// beq 1100011 000 immediate
// lw 0000011 010 immediate
// sw 0100011 010 immediate
// jal 1101111 immediate immediate
module testbench();
logic clk;
logic reset;
logic [31:0] WriteData, DataAdr;
logic MemWrite;
// instantiate device to be tested
top dut(clk, reset, WriteData, DataAdr, MemWrite);
// initialize test
reset <= 1; # 22; reset <= 0;
// generate clock to sequence tests
clk <= 1; # 5; clk <= 0; # 5;
// check results
always @(negedge clk)
if(MemWrite) begin
if(DataAdr === 100 & WriteData === 25) begin
$display("Simulation succeeded");
end else if (DataAdr !== 96) begin
$display("Simulation failed");
module top(input logic clk, reset,
output logic [31:0] WriteData, DataAdr,
output logic MemWrite);
logic [31:0] PC, Instr, ReadData;
// instantiate processor and memories
riscvsingle rvsingle(clk, reset, PC, Instr, MemWrite, DataAdr,
WriteData, ReadData);
imem imem(PC, Instr);
dmem dmem(clk, MemWrite, DataAdr, WriteData, ReadData);
module riscvsingle(input logic clk, reset,
output logic [31:0] PC,
input logic [31:0] Instr,
output logic MemWrite,
output logic [31:0] ALUResult, WriteData,
input logic [31:0] ReadData);
logic ALUSrc, RegWrite, Jump, Zero;
logic [1:0] ResultSrc, ImmSrc;
logic [2:0] ALUControl;
controller c(Instr[6:0], Instr[14:12], Instr[30], Zero,
ResultSrc, MemWrite, PCSrc,
ALUSrc, RegWrite, Jump,
ImmSrc, ALUControl);
datapath dp(clk, reset, ResultSrc, PCSrc,
ALUSrc, RegWrite,
ImmSrc, ALUControl,
Zero, PC, Instr,
ALUResult, WriteData, ReadData);
module controller(input logic [6:0] op,
input logic [2:0] funct3,
input logic funct7b5,
input logic Zero,
output logic [1:0] ResultSrc,
output logic MemWrite,
output logic PCSrc, ALUSrc,
output logic RegWrite, Jump,
output logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
output logic [2:0] ALUControl);
logic [1:0] ALUOp;
logic Branch;
maindec md(op, ResultSrc, MemWrite, Branch,
ALUSrc, RegWrite, Jump, ImmSrc, ALUOp);
aludec ad(op[5], funct3, funct7b5, ALUOp, ALUControl);
assign PCSrc = Branch & Zero | Jump;
module maindec(input logic [6:0] op,
output logic [1:0] ResultSrc,
output logic MemWrite,
output logic Branch, ALUSrc,
output logic RegWrite, Jump,
output logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
output logic [1:0] ALUOp);
logic [10:0] controls;
assign {RegWrite, ImmSrc, ALUSrc, MemWrite,
ResultSrc, Branch, ALUOp, Jump} = controls;
// RegWrite_ImmSrc_ALUSrc_MemWrite_ResultSrc_Branch_ALUOp_Jump
7'b0000011: controls = 11'b1_00_1_0_01_0_00_0; // lw
7'b0100011: controls = 11'b0_01_1_1_00_0_00_0; // sw
7'b0110011: controls = 11'b1_xx_0_0_00_0_10_0; // R-type
7'b1100011: controls = 11'b0_10_0_0_00_1_01_0; // beq
7'b0010011: controls = 11'b1_00_1_0_00_0_10_0; // I-type ALU
7'b1101111: controls = 11'b1_11_0_0_10_0_00_1; // jal
default: controls = 11'bx_xx_x_x_xx_x_xx_x; // non-implemented instruction
module aludec(input logic opb5,
input logic [2:0] funct3,
input logic funct7b5,
input logic [1:0] ALUOp,
output logic [2:0] ALUControl);
logic RtypeSub;
assign RtypeSub = funct7b5 & opb5; // TRUE for R-type subtract instruction
2'b00: ALUControl = 3'b000; // addition
2'b01: ALUControl = 3'b001; // subtraction
default: case(funct3) // R-type or I-type ALU
3'b000: if (RtypeSub)
ALUControl = 3'b001; // sub
ALUControl = 3'b000; // add, addi
3'b010: ALUControl = 3'b101; // slt, slti
3'b110: ALUControl = 3'b011; // or, ori
3'b111: ALUControl = 3'b010; // and, andi
default: ALUControl = 3'bxxx; // ???
module datapath(input logic clk, reset,
input logic [1:0] ResultSrc,
input logic PCSrc, ALUSrc,
input logic RegWrite,
input logic [1:0] ImmSrc,
input logic [2:0] ALUControl,
output logic Zero,
output logic [31:0] PC,
input logic [31:0] Instr,
output logic [31:0] ALUResult, WriteData,
input logic [31:0] ReadData);
logic [31:0] PCNext, PCPlus4, PCTarget;
logic [31:0] ImmExt;
logic [31:0] SrcA, SrcB;
logic [31:0] Result;
// next PC logic
flopr #(32) pcreg(clk, reset, PCNext, PC);
adder pcadd4(PC, 32'd4, PCPlus4);
adder pcaddbranch(PC, ImmExt, PCTarget);
mux2 #(32) pcmux(PCPlus4, PCTarget, PCSrc, PCNext);
// register file logic
regfile rf(clk, RegWrite, Instr[19:15], Instr[24:20],
Instr[11:7], Result, SrcA, WriteData);
extend ext(Instr[31:7], ImmSrc, ImmExt);
// ALU logic
mux2 #(32) srcbmux(WriteData, ImmExt, ALUSrc, SrcB);
alu alu(SrcA, SrcB, ALUControl, ALUResult, Zero);
mux3 #(32) resultmux(ALUResult, ReadData, PCPlus4, ResultSrc, Result);
module regfile(input logic clk,
input logic we3,
input logic [ 4:0] a1, a2, a3,
input logic [31:0] wd3,
output logic [31:0] rd1, rd2);
logic [31:0] rf[31:0];
// three ported register file
// read two ports combinationally (A1/RD1, A2/RD2)
// write third port on rising edge of clock (A3/WD3/WE3)
// register 0 hardwired to 0
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if (we3) rf[a3] <= wd3;
assign rd1 = (a1 != 0) ? rf[a1] : 0;
assign rd2 = (a2 != 0) ? rf[a2] : 0;
module adder(input [31:0] a, b,
output [31:0] y);
assign y = a + b;
module extend(input logic [31:7] instr,
input logic [1:0] immsrc,
output logic [31:0] immext);
// I-type
2'b00: immext = {{20{instr[31]}}, instr[31:20]};
// S-type (stores)
2'b01: immext = {{20{instr[31]}}, instr[31:25], instr[11:7]};
// B-type (branches)
2'b10: immext = {{20{instr[31]}}, instr[7], instr[30:25], instr[11:8], 1'b0};
// J-type (jal)
2'b11: immext = {{12{instr[31]}}, instr[19:12], instr[20], instr[30:21], 1'b0};
default: immext = 32'bx; // undefined
module flopr #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic clk, reset,
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] q);
always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset)
if (reset) q <= 0;
else q <= d;
module mux2 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1,
input logic s,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
assign y = s ? d1 : d0;
module mux3 #(parameter WIDTH = 8)
(input logic [WIDTH-1:0] d0, d1, d2,
input logic [1:0] s,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] y);
assign y = s[1] ? d2 : (s[0] ? d1 : d0);
module imem(input logic [31:0] a,
output logic [31:0] rd);
logic [31:0] RAM[63:0];
assign rd = RAM[a[31:2]]; // word aligned
module dmem(input logic clk, we,
input logic [31:0] a, wd,
output logic [31:0] rd);
logic [31:0] RAM[63:0];
assign rd = RAM[a[31:2]]; // word aligned
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if (we) RAM[a[31:2]] <= wd;
module alu(input logic [31:0] a, b,
input logic [2:0] alucontrol,
output logic [31:0] result,
output logic zero);
logic [31:0] condinvb, sum;
logic v; // overflow
logic isAddSub; // true when is add or subtract operation
assign condinvb = alucontrol[0] ? ~b : b;
assign sum = a + condinvb + alucontrol[0];
assign isAddSub = ~alucontrol[2] & ~alucontrol[1] |
~alucontrol[1] & alucontrol[0];
case (alucontrol)
3'b000: result = sum; // add
3'b001: result = sum; // subtract
3'b010: result = a & b; // and
3'b011: result = a | b; // or
3'b100: result = a ^ b; // xor
3'b101: result = sum[31] ^ v; // slt
3'b110: result = a << b[4:0]; // sll
3'b111: result = a >> b[4:0]; // srl
default: result = 32'bx;
assign zero = (result == 32'b0);
assign v = ~(alucontrol[0] ^ a[31] ^ b[31]) & (a[31] ^ sum[31]) & isAddSub;