mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 02:05:21 +00:00
Rewrote copyflash to take advantage of the new peripheral. The new peripheral has the neat ability to use CMD18 in the SD card specification, allowing us to load multiple blocks in succession, ending the chain of CMD18 commands with a CMD17.
413 lines
12 KiB
413 lines
12 KiB
#include "boot.h"
/* Card type flags (card_type) */
#define CT_MMC 0x01 /* MMC ver 3 */
#define CT_SD1 0x02 /* SD ver 1 */
#define CT_SD2 0x04 /* SD ver 2 */
#define CT_SDC (CT_SD1|CT_SD2) /* SD */
#define CT_BLOCK 0x08 /* Block addressing */
#define CMD0 (0) /* GO_IDLE_STATE */
#define CMD1 (1) /* SEND_OP_COND */
#define CMD2 (2) /* SEND_CID */
#define CMD3 (3) /* RELATIVE_ADDR */
#define CMD4 (4)
#define CMD5 (5) /* SLEEP_WAKE (SDC) */
#define CMD6 (6) /* SWITCH_FUNC */
#define CMD7 (7) /* SELECT */
#define CMD8 (8) /* SEND_IF_COND */
#define CMD9 (9) /* SEND_CSD */
#define CMD10 (10) /* SEND_CID */
#define CMD11 (11)
#define CMD12 (12) /* STOP_TRANSMISSION */
#define CMD13 (13)
#define CMD15 (15)
#define CMD16 (16) /* SET_BLOCKLEN */
#define CMD17 (17) /* READ_SINGLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD18 (18) /* READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK */
#define CMD19 (19)
#define CMD20 (20)
#define CMD23 (23)
#define CMD24 (24)
#define CMD25 (25)
#define CMD27 (27)
#define CMD28 (28)
#define CMD29 (29)
#define CMD30 (30)
#define CMD32 (32)
#define CMD33 (33)
#define CMD38 (38)
#define CMD42 (42)
#define CMD55 (55) /* APP_CMD */
#define CMD56 (56)
#define ACMD6 (0x80+6) /* define the data bus width */
#define ACMD41 (0x80+41) /* SEND_OP_COND (ACMD) */
// Capability bits
#define SDC_CAPABILITY_SD_4BIT 0x0001
#define SDC_CAPABILITY_ADDR 0xff00
// Control bits
#define SDC_CONTROL_SD_4BIT 0x0001
#define SDC_CONTROL_SD_RESET 0x0002
// Card detect bits
#define SDC_CARD_INSERT_INT_EN 0x0001
#define SDC_CARD_INSERT_INT_REQ 0x0002
#define SDC_CARD_REMOVE_INT_EN 0x0004
#define SDC_CARD_REMOVE_INT_REQ 0x0008
// Command status bits
#define SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CC 0x0001 // Command complete
#define SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_EI 0x0002 // Any error
#define SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CTE 0x0004 // Timeout
#define SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CCRC 0x0008 // CRC error
#define SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CIE 0x0010 // Command code check error
// Data status bits
#define SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_TRS 0x0001 // Transfer complete
#define SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_ERR 0x0002 // Any error
#define SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CTE 0x0004 // Timeout
#define SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CRC 0x0008 // CRC error
#define SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CFE 0x0010 // Data FIFO underrun or overrun
#define ERR_EOF 30
#define ERR_NOT_ELF 31
#define ERR_ELF_BITS 32
#define ERR_CMD_CRC 34
#define ERR_CMD_CHECK 35
#define ERR_DATA_CRC 36
#define ERR_DATA_FIFO 37
struct sdc_regs {
volatile uint32_t argument;
volatile uint32_t command;
volatile uint32_t response1;
volatile uint32_t response2;
volatile uint32_t response3;
volatile uint32_t response4;
volatile uint32_t data_timeout;
volatile uint32_t control;
volatile uint32_t cmd_timeout;
volatile uint32_t clock_divider;
volatile uint32_t software_reset;
volatile uint32_t power_control;
volatile uint32_t capability;
volatile uint32_t cmd_int_status;
volatile uint32_t cmd_int_enable;
volatile uint32_t dat_int_status;
volatile uint32_t dat_int_enable;
volatile uint32_t block_size;
volatile uint32_t block_count;
volatile uint32_t card_detect;
volatile uint32_t res_50;
volatile uint32_t res_54;
volatile uint32_t res_58;
volatile uint32_t res_5c;
volatile uint64_t dma_addres;
static struct sdc_regs * const regs __attribute__((section(".rodata"))) = (struct sdc_regs *)0x00013100;
static int errno __attribute__((section(".bss")));
static DSTATUS drv_status __attribute__((section(".bss")));
static BYTE card_type __attribute__((section(".bss")));
static uint32_t response[4] __attribute__((section(".bss")));
static int alt_mem __attribute__((section(".bss")));
static const char * errno_to_str(void) {
switch (errno) {
case FR_OK: return "No error";
case FR_DISK_ERR: return "Disk I/O error";
case FR_INT_ERR: return "Assertion failed";
case FR_NOT_READY: return "Disk not ready";
case FR_NO_FILE: return "File not found";
case FR_NO_PATH: return "Path not found";
case FR_INVALID_NAME: return "Invalid path";
case FR_DENIED: return "Access denied";
case FR_EXIST: return "Already exist";
case FR_INVALID_OBJECT: return "The FS object is invalid";
case FR_WRITE_PROTECTED: return "The drive is write protected";
case FR_INVALID_DRIVE: return "The drive number is invalid";
case FR_NOT_ENABLED: return "The volume has no work area";
case FR_NO_FILESYSTEM: return "Not a valid FAT volume";
case FR_MKFS_ABORTED: return "The f_mkfs() aborted";
case FR_TIMEOUT: return "Timeout";
case FR_LOCKED: return "Locked";
case FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE: return "Not enough memory";
case FR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES: return "Too many open files";
case ERR_EOF: return "Unexpected EOF";
case ERR_NOT_ELF: return "Not an ELF file";
case ERR_ELF_BITS: return "Wrong ELF word size";
case ERR_ELF_ENDIANNESS: return "Wrong ELF endianness";
case ERR_CMD_CRC: return "Command CRC error";
case ERR_CMD_CHECK: return "Command code check error";
case ERR_DATA_CRC: return "Data CRC error";
case ERR_DATA_FIFO: return "Data FIFO error";
case ERR_BUF_ALIGNMENT: return "Bad buffer alignment";
return "Unknown error code";
static void usleep(unsigned us) {
uintptr_t cycles0;
uintptr_t cycles1;
asm volatile ("csrr %0, 0xB00" : "=r" (cycles0));
for (;;) {
asm volatile ("csrr %0, 0xB00" : "=r" (cycles1));
if (cycles1 - cycles0 >= us * 100) break;
static int sdc_cmd_finish(unsigned cmd) {
while (1) {
unsigned status = regs->cmd_int_status;
if (status) {
// clear interrupts
regs->cmd_int_status = 0;
while (regs->software_reset != 0) {}
if (status == SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CC) {
// get response
response[0] = regs->response1;
response[1] = regs->response2;
response[2] = regs->response3;
response[3] = regs->response4;
return 0;
errno = FR_DISK_ERR;
if (status & SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CTE) errno = FR_TIMEOUT;
if (status & SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CCRC) errno = ERR_CMD_CRC;
if (status & SDC_CMD_INT_STATUS_CIE) errno = ERR_CMD_CHECK;
return -1;
static int sdc_data_finish(void) {
int status;
while ((status = regs->dat_int_status) == 0) {}
regs->dat_int_status = 0;
while (regs->software_reset != 0) {}
if (status == SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_TRS) return 0;
errno = FR_DISK_ERR;
if (status & SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CTE) errno = FR_TIMEOUT;
if (status & SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CRC) errno = ERR_DATA_CRC;
if (status & SDC_DAT_INT_STATUS_CFE) errno = ERR_DATA_FIFO;
return -1;
static int send_data_cmd(unsigned cmd, unsigned arg, void * buf, unsigned blocks) {
unsigned command = (cmd & 0x3f) << 8;
switch (cmd) {
case CMD0:
case CMD4:
case CMD15:
// No responce
case CMD11:
case CMD13:
case CMD16:
case CMD17:
case CMD18:
case CMD19:
case CMD23:
case CMD24:
case CMD25:
case CMD27:
case CMD30:
case CMD32:
case CMD33:
case CMD42:
case CMD55:
case CMD56:
case ACMD6:
// R1
command |= 1; // 48 bits
command |= 1 << 3; // resp CRC
command |= 1 << 4; // resp OPCODE
case CMD7:
case CMD12:
case CMD20:
case CMD28:
case CMD29:
case CMD38:
// R1b
command |= 1; // 48 bits
command |= 1 << 2; // busy
command |= 1 << 3; // resp CRC
command |= 1 << 4; // resp OPCODE
case CMD2:
case CMD9:
case CMD10:
// R2
command |= 2; // 136 bits
command |= 1 << 3; // resp CRC
case ACMD41:
// R3
command |= 1; // 48 bits
case CMD3:
// R6
command |= 1; // 48 bits
command |= 1 << 2; // busy
command |= 1 << 3; // resp CRC
command |= 1 << 4; // resp OPCODE
case CMD8:
// R7
command |= 1; // 48 bits
command |= 1 << 3; // resp CRC
command |= 1 << 4; // resp OPCODE
if (blocks) {
command |= 1 << 5;
if ((intptr_t)buf & 3) {
return -1;
regs->dma_addres = (uint64_t)(intptr_t)buf;
regs->block_size = 511;
regs->block_count = blocks - 1;
regs->data_timeout = 0xFFFFFF;
regs->command = command;
regs->cmd_timeout = 0xFFFFF;
regs->argument = arg;
if (sdc_cmd_finish(cmd) < 0) return -1;
if (blocks) return sdc_data_finish();
return 0;
#define send_cmd(cmd, arg) send_data_cmd(cmd, arg, NULL, 0)
static int ini_sd(void) {
unsigned rca;
/* Reset controller */
regs->software_reset = 1;
while ((regs->software_reset & 1) == 0) {}
// This clock divider is meant to initialize the card at
// 400kHz
regs->clock_divider = 0x7c;
regs->software_reset = 0;
while (regs->software_reset) {}
card_type = 0;
drv_status = STA_NOINIT;
if (regs->capability & SDC_CAPABILITY_SD_RESET) {
/* Power cycle SD card */
regs->control |= SDC_CONTROL_SD_RESET;
regs->control &= ~SDC_CONTROL_SD_RESET;
/* Enter Idle state */
send_cmd(CMD0, 0);
card_type = CT_SD1;
if (send_cmd(CMD8, 0x1AA) == 0) {
if ((response[0] & 0xfff) != 0x1AA) {
errno = ERR_CMD_CHECK;
return -1;
card_type = CT_SD2;
/* Wait for leaving idle state (ACMD41 with HCS bit) */
while (1) {
/* ACMD41, Set Operating Conditions: Host High Capacity & 3.3V */
if (send_cmd(CMD55, 0) < 0 || send_cmd(ACMD41, 0x40300000) < 0) return -1;
if (response[0] & (1 << 31)) {
if (response[0] & (1 << 30)) card_type |= CT_BLOCK;
/* Enter Identification state */
if (send_cmd(CMD2, 0) < 0) return -1;
/* Get RCA (Relative Card Address) */
rca = 0x1234;
if (send_cmd(CMD3, rca << 16) < 0) return -1;
rca = response[0] >> 16;
/* Select card */
if (send_cmd(CMD7, rca << 16) < 0) return -1;
/* Clock 25MHz */
regs->clock_divider = 3;
/* Bus width 1-bit */
regs->control = 0;
if (send_cmd(CMD55, rca << 16) < 0 || send_cmd(ACMD6, 0) < 0) return -1;
/* Set R/W block length to 512 */
if (send_cmd(CMD16, 512) < 0) return -1;
drv_status &= ~STA_NOINIT;
return 0;
int disk_read(BYTE * buf, LBA_t sector, UINT count) {
/* This is not needed. This has everything to do with the FAT
filesystem stuff that I'm not including. All I need to do is
initialize the SD card and read from it. Anything in here that is
checking for potential errors, I'm going to have to temporarily
do without.
// if (!count) return RES_PARERR;
/* if (drv_status & STA_NOINIT) return RES_NOTRDY; */
/* Convert LBA to byte address if needed */
if (!(card_type & CT_BLOCK)) sector *= 512;
while (count > 0) {
UINT bcnt = count > MAX_BLOCK_CNT ? MAX_BLOCK_CNT : count;
unsigned bytes = bcnt * 512;
if (send_data_cmd(bcnt == 1 ? CMD17 : CMD18, sector, buf, bcnt) < 0) return RES_ERROR;
if (bcnt > 1 && send_cmd(CMD12, 0) < 0) return RES_ERROR;
sector += (card_type & CT_BLOCK) ? bcnt : bytes;
count -= bcnt;
buf += bytes;
return RES_OK;
void copyFlash(QWORD address, QWORD * Dst, DWORD numBlocks) {
BYTE * buf = (BYTE *)Dst;
if (disk_read(buf, (LBA_t)address, (UINT)numBlocks) < 0) /* UART Print function?*/;
int main() {
return 0;