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synced 2025-02-03 10:15:19 +00:00
40 lines
788 B
40 lines
788 B
module sbtm2 (input logic [11:0] a, output logic [10:0] y);
// bit partitions
logic [4:0] x0;
logic [2:0] x1;
logic [3:0] x2;
logic [2:0] x2_1cmp;
// mem outputs
logic [12:0] y0;
logic [5:0] y1;
// input to CPA
logic [14:0] op1;
logic [14:0] op2;
logic [14:0] p;
logic cout;
assign x0 = a[11:7];
assign x1 = a[6:4];
assign x2 = a[3:0];
sbtm_a2 mem1 ({x0[3:0], x1}, y0);
assign op1 = {1'b0, y0, 1'b0};
// 1s cmp per sbtm/stam
assign x2_1cmp = x2[3] ? ~x2[2:0] : x2[2:0];
sbtm_a3 mem2 ({x0, x2_1cmp}, y1);
// 1s cmp per sbtm/stam
assign op2 = x2[3] ? {{8{1'b1}}, ~y1, 1'b1} :
{8'b0, y1, 1'b1};
// CPA
bk15 cp1 (cout, p, op1, op2, 1'b0);
assign y = p[14:4];
endmodule // sbtm2