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# testgen-CAUSE.py
# dottolia@hmc.edu 1 Mar 2021
# Generate directed and random test vectors for RISC-V Design Validation.
# Most of the comments explaining what everything
# does can be found in testgen-TVAL.py
# libraries
from datetime import datetime
from random import randint
from random import seed
from random import getrandbits
# functions
#For instruction-fetch access or page-fault exceptions on systems with variable-length instructions, mtval will contain the virtual address of the portion of the instruction that caused the fault while mepc will point to the beginning of the instruction.
def randRegs():
reg1 = randint(1,20)
reg2 = randint(1,20)
reg3 = randint(1,20)
if (reg1 == 6 or reg2 == 6 or reg3 == 6 or reg1 == reg2):
return randRegs()
return str(reg1), str(reg2), str(reg3)
def writeVectors(storecmd, returningInstruction):
global testnum
# Page 6 of unpriviledged spec
# For both CSRRS and CSRRC, if rs1=x0, then the instruction will not write to the CSR at all, and so shall not cause any of the side effects
# User Software Interrupt: True, 0
# Supervisor Software Interrupt: True, 1
# Machine Software Interrupt: True, 2
# When running run.sh CAUSE -c, everything works, but begin_signature doesn't appear
# 0x2000000 in wally
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# la x10, 0x2000000 #clint
# li x1, 42
# sw x1, 0(x10)
# """, True, 2, "m", f"""
# lw x0, 0(x10)
# """)
# User Timer Interrupt: True, 4
# Supervior timer interrupt: True, 5
# Machine timer interrupt: True, 7
# if fromMode == "m":
# clintAddr = "0x2004000"
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# li x1, 0x8
# csrrs x0, {fromMode}status, x1
# la x18, {clintAddr}
# lw x11, 0(x18)
# li x1, 1
# # {storecmd} x1, 0(x18)
# li x1, 0x80
# csrrs x0, {fromMode}ie, x1
# nop
# nop
# nop
# nop
# nop
# nop
# nop
# """, True, 4, f"""
# li x1, 0x80
# # csrrc x0, {fromMode}ie, x1
# li x1, 0x8
# # csrrc x0, {fromMode}status, x1
# la x18, {clintAddr}
# {storecmd} x11, 0(x18)
# """)
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# li x10, MASK_XLEN(0x8)
# csrrs x0, mstatus, x10
# li x11, MASK_XLEN(0x80)
# csrrs x0, mie, x11
# la x18, 0x2004000
# lw x11, 0(x18)
# lw x12, 4(x18)
# {storecmd} x0, 0(x18)
# {storecmd} x0, 4(x18)
# nop
# nop
# """, True, 7, "m", f"""
# la x18, 0x2004000
# {storecmd} x11, 0(x18)
# {storecmd} x12, 4(x18)
# """)
#writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# li x2, 0x0
# li x4, 0x80
# csrrs x0, mie, x4
# la x2, 0x2004000
# li x3, 0x0
# lw x5, 0(x2)
# sd x3, 0(x2)
# wfi
# """, True, 7, "m", f"""
# t
# """)
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# csrr x18, mstatus
# # csrsi mstatus, 0b11111
# csrr x19, mie
# li x17, 0b1111111111111
# # csrs mie, x17
# la x10, 0x2004000 #clint timer
# li x1, 0
# lw x11, 0(x10)
# lw x12, 4(x10)
# {storecmd} x0, 0(x10)
# {storecmd} x0, 4(x10)
# """, True, 7, "m", f"""
# {storecmd} x11, 0(x10)
# {storecmd} x12, 4(x10)
# csrw mstatus, x18
# csrw mie, x19
# """)
# User external input: True, 8
# Supervisor external input: True, 9
# Machine externa input: True, 11
# Instruction address misaligned: False, 0
# looks like this is giving us an infinite loop for wally
# BUG: jumping to a misaligned instruction address doesn't cause an exception: we actually jump...
# Either that, or somehow at the end we always end up at 0x80004002
# This is fine in OVPsim
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# li x1, 11
# jr x1 # Something about this instruction is funky on wally, but fine with ovpsim
# """, False, 0)
# Instruction access fault: False, 1
# Illegal Instruction
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
.fill 1, 4, 0
""", False, 2)
# Breakpoint
if returningInstruction != "ebreak":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 3)
# Load Address Misaligned
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
lw x0, 11(x0)
""", False, 4)
# Load Access fault: False, 5
# Store/AMO address misaligned
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
sw x0, 11(x0)
""", False, 6)
# Environment call from u-mode: only for when only M and U mode enabled?
# writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
# ecall
# """, False, 8, "u")
if returningInstruction != "ecall":
if fromMode == "u":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 8, "u")
# Environment call from s-mode
if fromMode == "s":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 9, "s")
# Environment call from m-mode
if fromMode == "m":
writeTest(storecmd, f, r, f"""
""", False, 11, "m")
# Instruction page fault: 12
# Load page fault: 13
# Store/AMO page fault: 15
def writeTest(storecmd, f, r, test, interrupt, code, mode = "m", resetHander = ""):
global testnum
global testMode
expected = code
expected+=(1 << (xlen - 1))
trapEnd = ""
before = ""
if mode != "m":
before = f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, {testMode}status, x1
li x1, 0b{"01" if mode == "s" else "00"}00000000000
csrrs x28, {testMode}status, x1
auipc x1, 0
addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the mret instruction
csrrw x27, {testMode}epc, x1
# From {testMode}, we're now in {mode} mode...
trapEnd = f"""j _jend{testnum}"""
lines = f"""
li x25, 0xDEADBEA7
lines += storecmd + " x25, " + str(wordsize*testnum) + "(x6)\n"
if (xlen == 32):
line = formatrefstr.format(expected)+"\n"
line = formatrefstr.format(expected % 2**32)+"\n" + formatrefstr.format(expected >> 32) + "\n"
testnum = testnum+1
# main body
# change these to suite your tests
author = "dottolia@hmc.edu"
xlens = [32, 64]
numrand = 4;
# setup
seed(0xC365DDEB9173AB42) # make tests reproducible
# generate files for each test
for xlen in xlens:
formatstrlen = str(int(xlen/4))
formatstr = "0x{:0" + formatstrlen + "x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number
formatrefstr = "{:08x}" # format as xlen-bit hexadecimal number with no leading 0x
if (xlen == 32):
storecmd = "sw"
wordsize = 4
storecmd = "sd"
wordsize = 8
for testMode in ["m", "s"]:
imperaspath = "../../../imperas-riscv-tests/riscv-test-suite/rv" + str(xlen) + "p/"
basename = "WALLY-" + testMode.upper() + "CAUSE"
fname = imperaspath + "src/" + basename + ".S"
refname = imperaspath + "references/" + basename + ".reference_output"
testnum = 0
# print custom header part
f = open(fname, "w")
r = open(refname, "w")
line = "///////////////////////////////////////////\n"
lines="// "+fname+ "\n// " + author + "\n"
line ="// Created " + str(datetime.now())
# insert generic header
h = open("../testgen_header.S", "r")
for line in h:
# We need to leave at least one bit in medeleg unset so that we have a way to get
# back to machine mode when the tests are complete (otherwise we'll only ever be able
# to get up to supervisor mode).
# So, we define a returning instruction which will be used to cause the exception that
# brings us into machine mode. The bit for this returning instruction is NOT set in
# medeleg. However, this also means that we can't test that instruction. So, we have
# two different returning instructions.
# Current code is written to only support ebreak and ecall.
for returningInstruction in ["ebreak", "ecall"]:
# All registers used:
# x30: set to 1 if we should return to & stay in machine mode after trap, 0 otherwise
# ...
# x26: expected epc value
# x25: value to write to memory
# ...
# x19: mtvec old value
# x18: medeleg old value
# x17: sedeleg old value
lines = f"""
add x7, x6, x0
csrr x19, mtvec
# Not used — user mode traps are deprecated
if testMode == "u":
lines += f"""
csrr x17, sedeleg
li x9, {"0b1100000000" if testMode == "u" else "0b0000000000"}
csrs sedeleg, x9
clintAddr = "0x2004000"
lines += f"""
li x30, 0
la x1, _j_m_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw mtvec, x1
la x1, _j_s_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw stvec, x1
la x1, _j_u_trap_{returningInstruction}
csrw utvec, x1
j _j_t_begin_{returningInstruction}
#li x1, 0x20
#csrrw x0, mie, x1
li x11, 0x3fffffffffffffff
la x18, {clintAddr}
{storecmd} x11, 0(x18)
li x1, 0x8
csrrc x0, mstatus, x1
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
sub x1, x2, x3
csrrs x1, mepc, x0
{"csrr x25, mcause" if testMode == "m" else "li x25, 0xBAD00003"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, mepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_all_end_{returningInstruction}
csrrs x1, sepc, x0
{"csrr x25, scause" if testMode == "s" else "li x25, 0xBAD00001"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, sepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction}
csrrs x1, uepc, x0
{"csrr x25, ucause" if testMode == "u" else "li x25, 0xBAD00000"}
addi x1, x1, 4
csrrw x0, uepc, x1
bnez x30, _j_goto_supervisor_mode_{returningInstruction}
j _j_goto_machine_mode_{returningInstruction}
li x30, 1
fromModeOptions = ["m", "s", "u"] if testMode == "m" else (["s", "u"] if testMode == "s" else ["u"])
medelegMask = "0b1111111111110111" if returningInstruction == "ebreak" else "0b1111000011111111"
lines += f"""
csrr x18, medeleg
li x9, {medelegMask if testMode == "s" or testMode == "u" else "0"}
csrw medeleg, x9
for fromMode in fromModeOptions:
lines = ""
if fromMode == "s" or fromMode == "u":
lines += f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, mstatus, x1
li x1, 0b0100000000000
csrrs x28, mstatus, x1
auipc x1, 0
addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the mret instruction
csrw mepc, x1
# We're now in supervisor mode...
if fromMode == "u":
lines += f"""
li x1, 0b110000000000
csrrc x28, sstatus, x1
auipc x1, 0
addi x1, x1, 16 # x1 is now right after the sret instruction
csrw sepc, x1
# We're now in user mode...
# print directed and random test vectors
for i in range(0,numrand):
writeVectors(storecmd, returningInstruction)
li x30, 1
csrw mtvec, x19
csrw medeleg, x18
# if we're in supervisor mode, this leaves the ebreak instruction untested (we need a way to)
# get back to machine mode.
# print footer
h = open("../testgen_footer.S", "r")
for line in h:
# Finish
lines = ".fill " + str(testnum) + ", " + str(wordsize) + ", -1\n"
lines = lines + "\nRV_COMPLIANCE_DATA_END\n"