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// Block Name: add.v
// Author: David Harris
// Date: 11/12/1995
// Block Description:
// This block performs the addition of the product and addend. It also
// contains logic necessary to adjust the signs for effective subtracts
// and negative results.
module add(rM, sM, tM, sum,
negsum, invz, selsum1, negsum0, negsum1, killprodM);
input logic [105:0] rM; // partial product 1
input logic [105:0] sM; // partial product 2
input logic [163:0] tM; // aligned addend
input logic invz; // invert addend
input logic selsum1; // select +1 mode of compound adder
input logic killprodM; // z >> product
input logic negsum; // Negate sum
output logic [163:0] sum; // sum
output logic negsum0; // sum was negative in +0 mode
output logic negsum1; // sum was negative in +1 mode
// Internal nodes
wire [105:0] r2; // partial product possibly zeroed out
wire [105:0] s2; // partial product possibly zeroed out
wire [164:0] t2; // addend after inversion if necessary
wire [164:0] sum0; // sum of compound adder +0 mode
wire [164:0] sum1; // sum of compound adder +1 mode
wire [163:0] prodshifted; // sum of compound adder +1 mode
wire [164:0] tmp; // sum of compound adder +1 mode
// Invert addend if z'sM sign is diffrent from the product'sM sign
assign t2 = invz ? ~{1'b0,tM} : {1'b0,tM};
// Zero out product if Z >> product or product really should be
assign r2 = killprodM ? 106'b0 : rM;
assign s2 = killprodM ? 106'b0 : sM;
//***replace this with a more structural cpa that synthisises better
// Compound adder
// Consists of 3:2 CSA followed by long compound CPA
//assign prodshifted = killprodM ? 0 : {56'b0, r2+s2, 2'b0};
//assign tmp = ({{57{r2[105]}},r2, 2'b0} + {{57{s2[105]}},s2, 2'b0});
assign sum0 = t2 + 164'b0 + {57'b0, r2+s2, 2'b0};
assign sum1 = t2 + 164'b1 + {57'b0, r2+s2, 2'b0}; // +1 from invert of z above
// Check sign bits in +0/1 modes
assign negsum0 = sum0[164];
assign negsum1 = sum1[164];
// Mux proper result (+Oil mode and inversion) using 4:1 mux
//assign sumzero = |sum;
assign sum = selsum1 ? (negsum ? -sum1[163:0] : sum1[163:0]) : (negsum ? -sum0[163:0] : sum0[163:0]);