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#// coverage-exclusions-rv64gc.do
#// Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 19 March 2023
#// Purpose: Set of exclusions from coverage for rv64gc configuration
#// For example, signals hardwired to 0 should not be checked for toggle coverage
#// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
#// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
#// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
#// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
#// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
#// may obtain a copy of the License at
#// https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/
#// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
#// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
#// and limitations under the License.
# This file should be a last resort. It's preferable to put
# // coverage off
# statements inline with the code whenever possible.
# a hack to describe coverage exclusions without hardcoding linenumbers:
do GetLineNum.do
# LZA (i<64) statement confuses coverage tool
# This is ugly to exlcude the whole file - is there a better option? // coverage off isn't working
coverage exclude -srcfile lzc.sv
coverage exclude -scope /core/fpu/fpu/fdivsqrt/fdivsqrtfsm -ftrans state DONE->BUSY
### Exclude D$ states and logic for the I$ instance
# This is cleaner than trying to set an I$-specific pragma in cachefsm.sv (which would exclude it for the D$ instance too)
# Also exclude the write line to ready transition for the I$ since we can't get a flush during this operation.
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -fstate CurrState STATE_FLUSH STATE_FLUSH_WRITEBACK STATE_FLUSH_WRITEBACK STATE_WRITEBACK
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -ftrans CurrState STATE_WRITE_LINE->STATE_READY
# exclude unused transitions from case statement. Unfortunately the whole branch needs to be excluded I think. Expression coverage should still work.
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache state-case"] -item b 1
# exclude branch/condition coverage: LineDirty if statement
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache FETCHStatement"] -item bc 1
# exclude the unreachable logic
set start [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag-start: icache case"]
set end [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag-end: icache case"]
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange $start-$end
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache WRITEBACKStatement"]
# exclude Atomic Operation logic
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache storeAMO"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 6
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache storeAMO1"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 2-4
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache AnyUpdateHit"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 2
# cache write logic
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache CacheW"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 4
# output signal logic
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache StallStates"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 8 12 14
set start [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag-start: icache flushdirtycontrols"]
set end [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag-end: icache flushdirtycontrols"]
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange $start-$end
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache CacheBusW"]
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache SelAdrCauses"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 4 10
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/cachefsm -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cachefsm.sv "exclusion-tag: icache CacheBusRCauses"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 1-2 12
# cache.sv AdrSelMux and CacheBusAdrMux, excluding unhit Flush branch
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/AdrSelMux -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/generic/mux.sv "exclusion-tag: mux3"] -item b 1
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheBusAdrMux -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/generic/mux.sv "exclusion-tag: mux3"] -item b 1 3
# CacheWay Dirty logic. -scope does not accept wildcards.
set numcacheways 4
for {set i 0} {$i < $numcacheways} {incr i} {
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheWays[$i] -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cacheway.sv "exclusion-tag: icache SetDirtyWay"] -item e 1
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheWays[$i] -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cacheway.sv "exclusion-tag: icache SelectedWiteWordEn"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 4 6
# below: flushD can't go high during an icache write b/c of pipeline stall
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/bus/icache/icache/CacheWays[$i] -linerange [GetLineNum ../src/cache/cacheway.sv "exclusion-tag: icache SetValidEN"] -item e 1 -fecexprrow 4
# Excluding peripherals as sources of instructions for the ifu
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/clintdec
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/gpiodec
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/uartdec
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/plicdec
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/bootromdec
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/ifu/immu/immu/pmachecker/adrdecs/uncoreramdec
#Excluding the bootrom, uncoreran, and clint as sources for the lsu
coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/pmachecker/adrdecs/bootromdec
#set line [GetLineNum ../src/mmu/adrdec.sv "& SizeValid"]
#coverage exclude -scope /dut/core/lsu/dmmu/dmmu/pmachecker/adrdecs/clintdec -linerange $line-$line -item e 1 -fecexprrow 5