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130 lines
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Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# torturegen.pl
# David_Harris@hmc.edu 19 April 2022
# Convert TestFloat cases into format for fma16 project torture test
# Strip out cases involving denorms
use strict;
my @basenames = ("add", "mul", "mulAdd");
my @roundingmodes = ("rz", "rd", "ru", "rne");
my @names = ();
foreach my $name (@basenames) {
foreach my $mode (@roundingmodes) {
push(@names, "f16_${name}_$mode.tv");
open(TORTURE, ">work/torture.tv") || die("Can't write torture.tv");
my $datestring = localtime();
print(TORTURE "// Torture tests generated $datestring by $0\n");
foreach my $tv (@names) {
open(TV, "work/$tv") || die("Can't read $tv");
my $type = &getType($tv); # is it mul, add, mulAdd
my $rm = &getRm($tv); # rounding mode
# if ($rm != 0) { next; } # only do rz
print (TORTURE "\n////////// Testcases from $tv of type $type rounding mode $rm\n");
print ("\n////////// Testcases from $tv of type $type rounding mode $rm\n");
my $linecount = 0;
my $babyTorture = 0;
while (<TV>) {
my $line = $_;
my $density = 10;
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$density = 500;}
if ($babyTorture) {
$density = 100;
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$density = 50000;}
if ((($linecount + $rm) % $density) != 0) { next }; # too many tests to use
chomp($line); # strip off newline
my @parts = split(/_/, $line);
my ($x, $y, $z, $op, $w, $flags);
$x = $parts[0];
if ($type eq "add") { $y = "0000"; } else {$y = $parts[1]};
if ($type eq "mul") { $z = "3CFF"; } elsif ($type eq "add") {$z = $parts[1]} else { $z = $parts[2]};
$op = $rm << 4;
if ($type eq "mul" || $type eq "mulAdd") { $op = $op + 8; }
if ($type eq "add" || $type eq "mulAdd") { $op = $op + 4; }
my $opname = sprintf("%02x", $op);
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$w = $parts[3];} else {$w = $parts[2]};
if ($type eq "mulAdd") {$flags = $parts[4];} else {$flags = $parts[3]};
$flags = substr($flags, -1); # take last character
if (&fpval($w) eq "NaN") { $w = "7e00"; }
my $vec = "${x}_${y}_${z}_${opname}_${w}_${flags}";
my $skip = "";
if (&isdenorm($x) || &isdenorm($y) || &isdenorm($z) || &isdenorm($w)) {
$skip = "Skipped denorm";
my $summary = &summary($x, $y, $z, $w, $type);
if ($skip ne "") {
print TORTURE "// $skip $tv line $linecount $line $summary\n"
else { print TORTURE "$vec // $tv line $linecount $line $summary\n";}
sub fpval {
my $val = shift;
$val = hex($val); # convert hex string to number
my $frac = $val & 0x3FF;
my $exp = ($val >> 10) & 0x1F;
my $sign = $val >> 15;
my $res;
if ($exp == 31 && $frac != 0) { return "NaN"; }
elsif ($exp == 31) { $res = "INF"; }
elsif ($val == 0) { $res = 0; }
elsif ($exp == 0) { $res = "Denorm"; }
else { $res = sprintf("1.%011b x 2^%d", $frac, $exp-15); }
if ($sign == 1) { $res = "-$res"; }
return $res;
sub summary {
my $x = shift; my $y = shift; my $z = shift; my $w = shift; my $type = shift;
my $xv = &fpval($x);
my $yv = &fpval($y);
my $zv = &fpval($z);
my $wv = &fpval($w);
if ($type eq "add") { return "$xv + $zv = $wv"; }
elsif ($type eq "mul") { return "$xv * $yv = $wv"; }
else {return "$xv * $yv + $zv = $wv"; }
sub getType {
my $tv = shift;
if ($tv =~ /mulAdd/) { return("mulAdd"); }
elsif ($tv =~ /mul/) { return "mul"; }
else { return "add"; }
sub getRm {
my $tv = shift;
if ($tv =~ /rz/) { return 0; }
elsif ($tv =~ /rne/) { return 1; }
elsif ($tv =~ /rd/) {return 2; }
elsif ($tv =~ /ru/) { return 3; }
else { return "bad"; }
sub isdenorm {
my $fp = shift;
my $val = hex($fp);
my $expv = $val >> 10;
$expv = $expv & 0x1F;
my $denorm = 0;
if ($expv == 0 && $val != 0) { $denorm = 1;}
# my $e0 = ($expv == 0);
# my $vn0 = ($val != 0);
# my $denorm = 0; #($exp == 0 && $val != 0); # denorm exponent but not all zero
# print("Num $fp Exp $expv Denorm $denorm Done\n");
return $denorm;
} |