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synced 2025-01-24 21:44:29 +00:00
mig 7 is completely different from the ddr4 mig in that the internal pll does not general the required clocks. An external mmcm is required to general two inputs clocks and the required user clock.
107 lines
3.9 KiB
107 lines
3.9 KiB
# start by reading in all the IP blocks generated by vivado
set partNumber $::env(XILINX_PART)
set boardName $::env(XILINX_BOARD)
set boardSubName [lindex [split ${boardName} :] 1]
set board $::env(board)
set ipName WallyFPGA
create_project $ipName . -force -part $partNumber
if {$boardName!="ArtyA7"} {
set_property board_part $boardName [current_project]
read_ip IP/xlnx_proc_sys_reset.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_proc_sys_reset/xlnx_proc_sys_reset.xci
read_ip IP/xlnx_ahblite_axi_bridge.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_ahblite_axi_bridge/xlnx_ahblite_axi_bridge.xci
read_ip IP/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_axi_clock_converter/xlnx_axi_clock_converter.xci
if {$board=="ArtyA7"} {
read_ip IP/xlnx_ddr3.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_ddr3/xlnx_ddr3.xci
read_ip IP/xlnx_mmcm.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_mmcm/xlnx_mmcm.xci
} else {
read_ip IP/xlnx_ddr4.srcs/sources_1/ip/xlnx_ddr4/xlnx_ddr4.xci
read_verilog -sv [glob -type f ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/*/*.sv ../src/CopiedFiles_do_not_add_to_repo/*/*/*.sv]
if {$board=="ArtyA7"} {
read_verilog {../src/fpgaTopArtyA7.v}
} else {
read_verilog {../src/fpgaTop.v}
read_verilog -sv [glob -type f ../src/sdc/*.sv]
set_property include_dirs {../../config/fpga ../../config/shared} [current_fileset]
if {$board=="ArtyA7"} {
add_files -fileset constrs_1 -norecurse ../constraints/constraints-$board.xdc
set_property PROCESSING_ORDER NORMAL [get_files ../constraints/constraints-$board.xdc]
} else {
add_files -fileset constrs_1 -norecurse ../constraints/constraints-$boardSubName.xdc
set_property PROCESSING_ORDER NORMAL [get_files ../constraints/constraints-$boardSubName.xdc]
# define top level
set_property top fpgaTop [current_fileset]
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
# This is important as the ddr3/4 IP contains the generate clock constraint which the user constraints depend on.
exec mkdir -p reports/
exec rm -rf reports/*
report_compile_order -constraints > reports/compile_order.rpt
# this is elaboration not synthesis.
synth_design -rtl -name rtl_1
report_clocks -file reports/clocks.rpt
# this does synthesis.
launch_runs synth_1 -jobs 4
wait_on_run synth_1
open_run synth_1
check_timing -verbose -file reports/check_timing.rpt
report_timing -max_paths 10 -nworst 10 -delay_type max -sort_by slack -file reports/timing_WORST_10.rpt
report_timing -nworst 1 -delay_type max -sort_by group -file reports/timing.rpt
report_utilization -hierarchical -file reports/utilization.rpt
report_cdc -file reports/cdc.rpt
report_clock_interaction -file reports/clock_interaction.rpt
write_verilog -force -mode funcsim sim/syn-funcsim.v
if {$board=="ArtyA7"} {
# source ../constraints/small-debug.xdc
} else {
source ../constraints/debug4.xdc
# set for RuntimeOptimized implementation
#set_property "steps.place_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" [get_runs impl_1]
#set_property "steps.route_design.args.directive" "RuntimeOptimized" [get_runs impl_1]
launch_runs impl_1
wait_on_run impl_1
launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream
wait_on_run impl_1
open_run impl_1
# output Verilog netlist + SDC for timing simulation
exec mkdir -p sim/
exec rm -rf sim/*
write_verilog -force -mode funcsim sim/imp-funcsim.v
write_verilog -force -mode timesim sim/imp-timesim.v
write_sdf -force sim/imp-timesim.sdf
# reports
check_timing -file reports/imp_check_timing.rpt
report_timing -max_paths 10 -nworst 10 -delay_type max -sort_by slack -file reports/imp_timing_WORST_10.rpt
report_timing -nworst 1 -delay_type max -sort_by group -file reports/imp_timing.rpt
report_utilization -hierarchical -file reports/imp_utilization.rpt