2024-03-16 11:20:32 -07:00

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// Written: Rose Thompson
// Created: 26 October 2023
// Modified: 26 October 2023
// Purpose: This module implements native alignment support for the Zicclsm extension
// It is simlar to the IFU's spill module and probably could be merged together with
// some effort.
// Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design Chapter 11 (Figure 11.5)
// A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project.
// Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
// Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You
// may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
module align import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P) (
input logic clk,
input logic reset,
input logic StallM, FlushM,
input logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrM, // 2 byte aligned PC in Fetch stage
input logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrE, // The next IEUAdrM
input logic [2:0] Funct3M, // Size of memory operation
input logic FpLoadStoreM, // Floating point Load or Store
input logic [1:0] MemRWM,
input logic [P.LLEN*2-1:0] DCacheReadDataWordM, // Instruction from the IROM, I$, or bus. Used to check if the instruction if compressed
input logic CacheBusHPWTStall, // I$ or bus are stalled. Transition to second fetch of spill after the first is fetched
input logic SelHPTW,
input logic [(P.LLEN-1)/8:0] ByteMaskM,
input logic [(P.LLEN-1)/8:0] ByteMaskExtendedM,
input logic [P.LLEN-1:0] LSUWriteDataM,
output logic [(P.LLEN*2-1)/8:0] ByteMaskSpillM,
output logic [P.LLEN*2-1:0] LSUWriteDataSpillM,
output logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrSpillE, // The next PCF for one of the two memory addresses of the spill
output logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrSpillM, // IEUAdrM for one of the two memory addresses of the spill
output logic SelSpillE, // During the transition between the two spill operations, the IFU should stall the pipeline
output logic [P.LLEN-1:0] DCacheReadDataWordSpillM, // The final 32 bit instruction after merging the two spilled fetches into 1 instruction
output logic SpillStallM);
localparam LLENINBYTES = P.LLEN/8;
// Spill threshold occurs when all the cache offset PC bits are 1 (except [0]). Without a cache this is just PCF[1]
typedef enum logic [1:0] {STATE_READY, STATE_SPILL, STATE_STORE_DELAY} statetype;
statetype CurrState, NextState;
logic ValidSpillM;
logic SelSpillM;
logic SpillSaveM;
logic [P.LLEN-1:0] ReadDataWordFirstHalfM;
logic MisalignedM;
logic [P.LLEN*2-1:0] ReadDataWordSpillAllM;
logic [P.LLEN*2-1:0] ReadDataWordSpillShiftedM;
logic [P.XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrIncrementM;
localparam OFFSET_LEN = $clog2(LLENINBYTES);
logic [$clog2(LLENINBYTES)-1:0] AccessByteOffsetM;
logic [$clog2(LLENINBYTES)+2:0] ShiftAmount;
logic PotentialSpillM;
/* verilator lint_off WIDTHEXPAND */
assign IEUAdrIncrementM = IEUAdrM + LLENINBYTES;
/* verilator lint_on WIDTHEXPAND */
mux2 #(P.XLEN) ieuadrspillemux(.d0(IEUAdrE), .d1(IEUAdrIncrementM), .s(SelSpillE), .y(IEUAdrSpillE));
mux2 #(P.XLEN) ieuadrspillmmux(.d0(IEUAdrM), .d1(IEUAdrIncrementM), .s(SelSpillM), .y(IEUAdrSpillM));
// Detect spill
// spill detection in lsu is more complex than ifu, depends on 3 factors
// 1) operation size
// 2) offset
// 3) access location within the cacheline
// compute misalignement
always_comb begin
case (Funct3M & {FpLoadStoreM, 2'b11})
3'b000: AccessByteOffsetM = 0; // byte access
3'b001: AccessByteOffsetM = {{OFFSET_LEN-1{1'b0}}, IEUAdrM[0]}; // half access
3'b010: AccessByteOffsetM = {{OFFSET_LEN-2{1'b0}}, IEUAdrM[1:0]}; // word access
3'b011: if(P.LLEN >= 64) AccessByteOffsetM = {{OFFSET_LEN-3{1'b0}}, IEUAdrM[2:0]}; // double access
else AccessByteOffsetM = 0; // shouldn't happen
3'b100: if(P.LLEN == 128) AccessByteOffsetM = IEUAdrM[OFFSET_LEN-1:0]; // quad access
else AccessByteOffsetM = IEUAdrM[OFFSET_LEN-1:0];
default: AccessByteOffsetM = 0; // shouldn't happen
case (Funct3M[1:0])
2'b00: PotentialSpillM = 0; // byte access
2'b01: PotentialSpillM = IEUAdrM[OFFSET_BIT_POS-1:1] == '1; // half access
2'b10: PotentialSpillM = IEUAdrM[OFFSET_BIT_POS-1:2] == '1; // word access
2'b11: PotentialSpillM = IEUAdrM[OFFSET_BIT_POS-1:3] == '1; // double access
default: PotentialSpillM = 0;
assign MisalignedM = (|MemRWM) & (AccessByteOffsetM != 0);
assign ValidSpillM = MisalignedM & PotentialSpillM & ~CacheBusHPWTStall; // Don't take the spill if there is a stall
always_ff @(posedge clk)
if (reset | FlushM) CurrState <= STATE_READY;
else CurrState <= NextState;
always_comb begin
case (CurrState)
STATE_READY: if (ValidSpillM) NextState = STATE_SPILL; // load spill
else NextState = STATE_READY; // no spill
STATE_SPILL: if(StallM) NextState = STATE_SPILL;
else NextState = STATE_READY;
default: NextState = STATE_READY;
assign SelSpillM = CurrState == STATE_SPILL;
assign SelSpillE = (CurrState == STATE_READY & ValidSpillM) | (CurrState == STATE_SPILL & CacheBusHPWTStall);
assign SpillSaveM = (CurrState == STATE_READY) & ValidSpillM & ~FlushM;
assign SpillStallM = SelSpillE;
// Merge spilled data
// save the first native word
flopenr #(P.LLEN) SpillDataReg(clk, reset, SpillSaveM, DCacheReadDataWordM[P.LLEN-1:0], ReadDataWordFirstHalfM);
// merge together
mux2 #(2*P.LLEN) postspillmux(DCacheReadDataWordM, {DCacheReadDataWordM[P.LLEN-1:0], ReadDataWordFirstHalfM}, SelSpillM, ReadDataWordSpillAllM);
// shifter (4:1 mux for 32 bit, 8:1 mux for 64 bit)
// 8 * is for shifting by bytes not bits
assign ShiftAmount = SelHPTW ? 0 : {AccessByteOffsetM, 3'b0}; // AND gate
assign ReadDataWordSpillShiftedM = ReadDataWordSpillAllM >> ShiftAmount;
assign DCacheReadDataWordSpillM = ReadDataWordSpillShiftedM[P.LLEN-1:0];
// write path. Also has the 8:1 shifter muxing for the byteoffset
// then it also has the mux to select when a spill occurs
logic [P.LLEN*3-1:0] LSUWriteDataShiftedExtM; // *** RT: Find a better way. I've extending in both directions so we don't shift in zeros. The cache expects the writedata to not have any zero data, but instead replicated data.
assign LSUWriteDataShiftedExtM = {LSUWriteDataM, LSUWriteDataM, LSUWriteDataM} << ShiftAmount;
assign LSUWriteDataSpillM = LSUWriteDataShiftedExtM[P.LLEN*3-1:P.LLEN];
mux3 #(2*P.LLEN/8) bytemaskspillmux({ByteMaskExtendedM, ByteMaskM}, // no spill
{{{P.LLEN/8}{1'b0}}, ByteMaskM}, // spill, first half
{{{P.LLEN/8}{1'b0}}, ByteMaskExtendedM}, // spill, second half
{SelSpillM, SelSpillE}, ByteMaskSpillM);