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139 lines
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BUILDROOT := buildroot
IMAGE_DIR := ${BUILDROOT}/output/images
BR2_EXTERNAL_TREE := $(WALLYLINUX)/br2-external-tree
LINUX_TESTVECTORS := $(RISCV)/linux-testvectors
BUILDROOT_OUTPUTS := Image fw_jump.bin fw_jump.elf rootfs.cpio vmlinux busybox
BUILDROOT_OUTPUTS := $(foreach name, $(BUILDROOT_OUTPUTS), $(IMAGE_DIR)/$(name))
# Device tree files
DTS ?= $(wildcard devicetree/*.dts)
DTB := $(foreach name, $(DTS:%.dts=%.dtb), $(IMAGE_DIR)/$(notdir $(name)))
# Disassembly files
BINARIES := fw_jump.elf vmlinux busybox
OBJDUMPS := $(foreach name, $(basename $(BINARIES) .elf), $(DISASSEMBLY_DIR)/$(name).objdump)
# Testvector files
.PHONY: all check_environment check_write_permissions config build disassemble devicetrees install dumptvs clean cleanDTB
# Default target
all: check_write_permissions clean config build disassemble install dumptvs
# Check if the environment variables are set correctly
check_environment: $(RISCV) $(WALLY)
ifeq ($(findstring :$(RISCV)/lib:,:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):),)
@(echo "ERROR: Your environment variables are not set correctly." >&2 \
&& echo "Make sure to source setup.sh or install buildroot using the wally-tool-chain-install.sh script." >&2 \
&& exit 1)
# Check if the user has write permissions to the RISCV directory, potentially using sudo
SUDO := $(shell mkdir -p $(RISCV)/.test > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo sudo)
check_write_permissions: check_environment
ifeq ($(SUDO), sudo)
@echo "Cannot write to '$(RISCV)'." \
"Using sudo (you may be prompted for your password several times throughout the install)"
@$(SUDO) mkdir -p $(RISCV)/.test || \
(echo "ERROR: Still unable to write to '$(RISCV)'." >&2 \
&& exit 1)
@$(SUDO) rm -r $(RISCV)/.test
# Build buildroot and device tree binaries
build: $(BUILDROOT_OUTPUTS) devicetrees
# Build buildroot itself
# LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be unset to avoid conflicts between the host and cross compiler
bash -c "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDROOT)"
# Install buildroot to $RISCV
install: check_write_permissions
$(SUDO) rm -rf $(RISCV)/$(BUILDROOT)
# Generate linux boot testvectors
dumptvs: ${RAM_FILE} ${BOOTMEM_FILE}
# Format QEMU memory dumps for use as testvectors
truncate -s %8 $^ # Extend file to 8 byte multiple
objcopy --reverse-bytes=8 -F binary $^ $@ # Reverse bytes
# Generate memory dumps from QEMU buildroot boot
TCP_PORT := 1235
${WALLYLINUX}/qemuBoot.sh --gdb ${TCP_PORT} &
riscv64-unknown-elf-gdb -batch \
-ex "target remote :${TCP_PORT}" \
-ex "maintenance packet Qqemu.PhyMemMode:1" \
-ex "printf \"Creating ${RAW_BOOTMEM_FILE}\n\"" \
-ex "dump binary memory ${RAW_BOOTMEM_FILE} 0x1000 0x1fff" \
-ex "printf \"Creating ${RAW_RAM_FILE}\n\"" \
-ex "dump binary memory ${RAW_RAM_FILE} 0x80000000 0x8fffffff" \
-ex "kill"
# Generate device tree binaries
devicetrees: $(DTB)
$(IMAGE_DIR)/%.dtb: ${WALLYLINUX}/devicetree/%.dts | $(IMAGE_DIR)
dtc -I dts -O dtb $< > $@
# Create disassembly files
disassemble: check_environment $(OBJDUMPS) $(DISASSEMBLY_DIR)/rootfs
# Extract rootfs
$(DISASSEMBLY_DIR)/rootfs: $(IMAGE_DIR)/rootfs.cpio
@echo "Ignore error about dev/console when extracting rootfs from rootfs.cpio"
-cpio -id -D $(DISASSEMBLY_DIR)/rootfs -F $(IMAGE_DIR)/rootfs.cpio
# Disassemble binaries
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S $< >> $@
$(WALLY)/bin/extractFunctionRadix.sh $@
# Disassemble binaries ending in .elf
riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -SD $< >> $@
$(WALLY)/bin/extractFunctionRadix.sh $@
# Load wally buildroot configuration
config: $(BUILDROOT) $(BR2_EXTERNAL_TREE)/configs/wally_defconfig
# Clone buildroot and checkout the correct version
git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot.git $@
cd $@; git checkout 2024.11.x
# Create directories
$(LINUX_TESTVECTORS): check_write_permissions
$(SUDO) mkdir -p $@
mkdir -p $@
# Remove device tree binaries
rm -f $(IMAGE_DIR)/*.dtb
# Remove buildroot directory
rm -rf $(BUILDROOT)
# Check if the RISCV environment variable is set
@ echo "ERROR: No $(RISCV) directory. Make sure you have installed the Wally Toolchain."
@ echo "and sourced setup.sh"
# Check if the WALLY environment variable is set
@ echo "ERROR: $$WALLY is not set. Make sure you have sourced setup.sh"