# # Makefile for synthesis # Shreya Sanghai (ssanghai@hmc.edu) 2/28/2022 # Madeleine Masser-Frye (mmasserfrye@hmc.edu) 1/27/2023 NAME := synth # defaults export DESIGN ?= wallypipelinedcore export FREQ ?= 10000 export CONFIG ?= rv64gc export MOD ?= orig # title to add a note in the synth's directory name TITLE = # tsmc28, sky130, and sky90 presently supported export TECH ?= sky130 # MAXCORES allows parallel compilation, which is faster but less CPU-efficient # Avoid when doing sweeps of many optimization points in parallel export MAXCORES ?= 1 # MAXOPT turns on flattening, boundary optimization, and retiming # The output netlist is hard to interpret, but significantly better PPA export MAXOPT ?= 0 export DRIVE ?= FLOP export USESRAM ?= 0 export WIDTH ?= 32 time := $(shell date +%F-%H-%M) hash := $(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) export OUTPUTDIR := runs/$(DESIGN)_$(CONFIG)_$(MOD)_$(TECH)nm_$(FREQ)_MHz_$(time)_$(TITLE)_$(hash) export SAIFPOWER ?= 0 OLDCONFIGDIR ?= ${WALLY}/config export CONFIGDIR ?= $(OUTPUTDIR)/config default: @echo " Basic synthesis procedure for Wally:" @echo " Invoke with make synth" @echo "Use wallySynth.py to run a concurrent sweep " DIRS32 = rv32e rv32gc rv32imc rv32i DIRS64 = rv64i rv64gc DIRS = $(DIRS32) $(DIRS64) configs: $(CONFIG) $(CONFIG): @echo $(CONFIG) cp -r $(OLDCONFIGDIR)/shared/*.vh $(CONFIGDIR) ifeq ($(MOD), orig) cp -rf $(OLDCONFIGDIR)/deriv/$(CONFIG)/config.vh $(CONFIGDIR) | true else cp -rf $(OLDCONFIGDIR)/deriv/$(CONFIG)_$(MOD)/config.vh $(CONFIGDIR) | true endif ifeq ($(SAIFPOWER), 1) cp -f ../sim/power.saif . endif mkdirecs: @echo "DC Synthesis" @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR) @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/hdl @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/config @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/reports @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/mapped @mkdir -p $(OUTPUTDIR)/unmapped synth: mkdirecs configs rundc # clean rundc: ifeq ($(TECH), tsmc28psyn) dc_shell-xg-t -64bit -topographical_mode -f scripts/$(NAME).tcl | tee $(OUTPUTDIR)/$(NAME).out else dc_shell-xg-t -64bit -f scripts/$(NAME).tcl | tee $(OUTPUTDIR)/$(NAME).out endif clean: rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)/hdl rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)/WORK rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)/alib-52 rm -f default.svf rm -f command.log rm -f filenames*.log rm -f power.saif rm -f Synopsys_stack_trace_*.txt rm -f crte_*.txt