#!/bin/bash ########################################### ## Get Linux distro information ## ## Written: Jordan Carlin, jcarlin@hmc.edu ## Created: 30 June 2024 ## Modified: ## ## Purpose: Check for compatible Linux distibution and set variables accordingly ## ## A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. ## https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw ## ## Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University ## ## SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 ## ## Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file ## except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You ## may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## https:##solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the ## License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, ## either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions ## and limitations under the License. ################################################################################################ set -e # break on error # Colors BOLD='\033[1m' UNDERLINE='\033[4m' SECTION_COLOR='\033[95m'$BOLD OK_COLOR='\033[94m' WARNING_COLOR='\033[93m' FAIL_COLOR='\033[91m' ENDC='\033[0m' # Reset to default color # Print section header section_header() { if tput cols > /dev/null 2>&1; then printf "${SECTION_COLOR}%$(tput cols)s\n" | tr ' ' '#' printf "%$(tput cols)s\n" | tr ' ' '#' printf "%s\n" "$1" printf "%$(tput cols)s\n" | tr ' ' '#' printf "%$(tput cols)s${ENDC}\n" | tr ' ' '#' else printf "${SECTION_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "$1" fi } section_header "Checking System Requirements and Configuring Installation" # Get distribution information if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release else printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "/etc/os-release file not found. Distribution unknown." PRETTY_NAME=UNKNOWN fi # Check for compatible distro if [[ "$ID" == rhel || "$ID_LIKE" == *rhel* ]]; then export FAMILY=rhel if [ "$ID" != rhel ] && [ "$ID" != rocky ] && [ "$ID" != almalinux ]; then printf "${WARNING_COLOR}%s%s\n${ENDC}" "For Red Hat family distros, the Wally installation script has only been tested on RHEL, Rocky Linux," \ " and AlmaLinux. Your distro is $PRETTY_NAME. The regular Red Hat install will be attempted, but there may be issues." fi export RHEL_VERSION="${VERSION_ID:0:1}" if (( RHEL_VERSION < 8 )); then printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "The Wally installation script is only compatible with versions 8 and 9 of RHEL, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux. You have version $VERSION." exit 1 fi elif [[ "$ID" == ubuntu || "$ID_LIKE" == *ubuntu* ]]; then export FAMILY=ubuntu if [ "$ID" != ubuntu ]; then printf "${WARNING_COLOR}%s%s\n${ENDC}" "For Ubuntu family distros, the Wally installation script has only been tested on standard Ubuntu. Your distro " \ "is $PRETTY_NAME. The regular Ubuntu install will be attempted, but there may be issues." fi export UBUNTU_VERSION="${VERSION_ID:0:2}" if (( UBUNTU_VERSION < 20 )); then printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "The Wally installation script has only been tested with Ubuntu versions 20.04 LTS, 22.04 LTS, and 24.04 LTS. You have version $VERSION." exit 1 fi elif [[ "$ID" == debian || "$ID_LIKE" == *debian* ]]; then export FAMILY=debian if [ "$ID" != debian ]; then printf "${WARNING_COLOR}%s%s\n${ENDC}" "For Debian family distros, the Wally installation script has only been tested on standard Debian (and Ubuntu). Your distro " \ "is $PRETTY_NAME. The regular Debian install will be attempted, but there may be issues." fi export DEBIAN_VERSION="$VERSION_ID" if (( DEBIAN_VERSION < 11 )); then printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "The Wally installation script has only been tested with Debian versions 11 and 12. You have version $VERSION." exit 1 fi elif [[ "$ID" == opensuse-leap || "$ID" == sles || "$ID_LIKE" == *suse* ]]; then export FAMILY=suse if [[ "$ID" != opensuse-leap && "$ID" != sles ]]; then printf "${WARNING_COLOR}%s%s\n${ENDC}" "For SUSE family distros, the Wally installation script has only been tested on OpenSUSE Leap and SLES. Your distro " \ "is $PRETTY_NAME. The regular SUSE install will be attempted, but there may be issues. If you are using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, the version check will fail." fi export SUSE_VERSION="${VERSION_ID//.}" if (( SUSE_VERSION < 156 )); then printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s\n${ENDC}" "The Wally installation script has only been tested with SUSE version 15.6. You have version $VERSION." exit 1 fi else printf "${FAIL_COLOR}%s%s%s\n${ENDC}" "The Wally installation script is currently only compatible with Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE, and Red Hat family " \ "(RHEL, Rocky Linux, or AlmaLinux) distros. Your detected distro is $PRETTY_NAME. You may try manually running the " \ "commands in this script, but it is likely that some will need to be altered." exit 1 fi printf "${OK_COLOR}${UNDERLINE}%s\n${ENDC}" "Detected information" echo "Distribution: $PRETTY_NAME" echo "Version: $VERSION"