/////////////////////////////////////////// // cache.sv // // Written: Rose Thompson ross1728@gmail.com // Created: 7 July 2021 // Modified: 20 January 2023 // // Purpose: Implements the I$ and D$. Interfaces with requests from IEU and HPTW and ahbcacheinterface // // Documentation: RISC-V System on Chip Design // // A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. // https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw // // Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module cache import cvw::*; #(parameter cvw_t P, parameter PA_BITS, XLEN, LINELEN, NUMSETS, NUMWAYS, LOGBWPL, WORDLEN, MUXINTERVAL, READ_ONLY_CACHE) ( input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic Stall, // Stall the cache, preventing new accesses. In-flight access finished but does not return to READY input logic FlushStage, // Pipeline flush of second stage (prevent writes and bus operations) // cpu side input logic [1:0] CacheRW, // [1] Read, [0] Write input logic FlushCache, // Flush all dirty lines back to memory input logic InvalidateCache, // Clear all valid bits input logic [3:0] CMOpM, // 1: cbo.inval; 2: cbo.flush; 4: cbo.clean; 8: cbo.zero input logic [11:0] NextSet, // Virtual address, but we only use the lower 12 bits. input logic [PA_BITS-1:0] PAdr, // Physical address input logic [(WORDLEN-1)/8:0] ByteMask, // Which bytes to write (D$ only) input logic [WORDLEN-1:0] WriteData, // Data to write to cache (D$ only) output logic CacheCommitted, // Cache has started bus operation that shouldn't be interrupted output logic CacheStall, // Cache stalls pipeline during multicycle operation output logic [WORDLEN-1:0] ReadDataWord, // Word read from cache (goes to CPU and bus) // to performance counters to cpu output logic CacheMiss, // Cache miss output logic CacheAccess, // Cache access // lsu control input logic SelHPTW, // Use PAdr from Hardware Page Table Walker rather than NextSet // Bus fsm interface input logic CacheBusAck, // Bus operation completed input logic SelBusBeat, // Word in cache line comes from BeatCount input logic [LOGBWPL-1:0] BeatCount, // Beat in burst input logic [LINELEN-1:0] FetchBuffer, // Buffer long enough to hold entire cache line arriving from bus output logic [1:0] CacheBusRW, // [1] Read (cache line fetch) or [0] write bus (cache line writeback) output logic [PA_BITS-1:0] CacheBusAdr // Address for bus access ); // Cache parameters localparam LINEBYTELEN = LINELEN/8; // Line length in bytes localparam OFFSETLEN = $clog2(LINEBYTELEN); // Number of bits in offset field localparam SETLEN = $clog2(NUMSETS); // Number of set bits localparam SETTOP = SETLEN+OFFSETLEN; // Number of set plus offset bits localparam TAGLEN = PA_BITS - SETTOP; // Number of tag bits localparam CACHEWORDSPERLINE = LINELEN/WORDLEN;// Number of words in cache line localparam LOGCWPL = $clog2(CACHEWORDSPERLINE);// Log2 of ^ localparam FLUSHADRTHRESHOLD = NUMSETS - 1; // Used to determine when flush is complete localparam LOGLLENBYTES = $clog2(WORDLEN/8); // Number of bits to address a word logic SelAdrData; logic SelAdrTag; logic [1:0] AdrSelMuxSelData; logic [1:0] AdrSelMuxSelTag; logic [SETLEN-1:0] CacheSetData; logic [SETLEN-1:0] CacheSetTag; logic [LINELEN-1:0] LineWriteData; logic ClearDirty, SetDirty, SetValid, ClearValid; logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLineWay [NUMWAYS-1:0]; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] HitWay, ValidWay; logic Hit; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] VictimWay, DirtyWay, HitDirtyWay; logic LineDirty, HitLineDirty; logic [TAGLEN-1:0] TagWay [NUMWAYS-1:0]; logic [TAGLEN-1:0] Tag; logic [SETLEN-1:0] FlushAdr; logic FlushAdrCntEn, FlushCntRst; logic FlushAdrFlag, FlushWayFlag; logic [NUMWAYS-1:0] FlushWay, NextFlushWay; logic FlushWayCntEn; logic SelWriteback; logic LRUWriteEn; logic [LINELEN-1:0] ReadDataLine, ReadDataLineCache; logic SelFetchBuffer; logic CacheEn; logic SelVictim; logic [LINELEN/8-1:0] LineByteMask; logic [$clog2(LINELEN/8) - $clog2(MUXINTERVAL/8) - 1:0] WordOffsetAddr; genvar index; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read Path ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Choose read address (CacheSet). Normally use NextSet, but use PAdr during stalls // and FlushAdr when handling D$ flushes // The icache must update to the newest PCNextF on flush as it is probably a trap. Trap // sets PCNextF to XTVEC and the icache must start reading the instruction. assign AdrSelMuxSelData = {FlushCache, ((SelAdrData | SelHPTW) & ~((READ_ONLY_CACHE == 1) & FlushStage))}; mux3 #(SETLEN) AdrSelMuxData(NextSet[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], FlushAdr, AdrSelMuxSelData, CacheSetData); assign AdrSelMuxSelTag = {FlushCache, ((SelAdrTag | SelHPTW) & ~((READ_ONLY_CACHE == 1) & FlushStage))}; mux3 #(SETLEN) AdrSelMuxTag(NextSet[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], FlushAdr, AdrSelMuxSelTag, CacheSetTag); // Array of cache ways, along with victim, hit, dirty, and read merging logic cacheway #(P, PA_BITS, XLEN, NUMSETS, LINELEN, TAGLEN, OFFSETLEN, SETLEN, READ_ONLY_CACHE) CacheWays[NUMWAYS-1:0]( .clk, .reset, .CacheEn, .CacheSetData, .CacheSetTag, .PAdr, .LineWriteData, .LineByteMask, .SelVictim, .SetValid, .ClearValid, .SetDirty, .ClearDirty, .VictimWay, .FlushWay, .FlushCache, .ReadDataLineWay, .HitWay, .ValidWay, .DirtyWay, .HitDirtyWay, .TagWay, .FlushStage, .InvalidateCache); // Select victim way for associative caches if(NUMWAYS > 1) begin:vict cacheLRU #(NUMWAYS, SETLEN, OFFSETLEN, NUMSETS) cacheLRU( .clk, .reset, .FlushStage, .CacheEn, .HitWay, .ValidWay, .VictimWay, .CacheSetTag, .LRUWriteEn, .SetValid, .PAdr(PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN]), .InvalidateCache); end else assign VictimWay = 1'b1; // one hot. assign Hit = |HitWay; assign LineDirty = |DirtyWay; assign HitLineDirty = |HitDirtyWay; // ReadDataLineWay is a 2d array of cache line len by number of ways. // Need to OR together each way in a bitwise manner. // Final part of the AO Mux. First is the AND in the cacheway. or_rows #(NUMWAYS, LINELEN) ReadDataAOMux(.a(ReadDataLineWay), .y(ReadDataLineCache)); or_rows #(NUMWAYS, TAGLEN) TagAOMux(.a(TagWay), .y(Tag)); // Data cache needs to choose word offset from PAdr or BeatCount to writeback dirty lines if(!READ_ONLY_CACHE) mux2 #(LOGBWPL) WordAdrrMux(.d0(PAdr[$clog2(LINELEN/8) - 1 : $clog2(MUXINTERVAL/8)]), .d1(BeatCount), .s(SelBusBeat), .y(WordOffsetAddr)); else assign WordOffsetAddr = PAdr[$clog2(LINELEN/8) - 1 : $clog2(MUXINTERVAL/8)]; // Bypass cache array to save a cycle when finishing a load miss mux2 #(LINELEN) EarlyReturnMux(ReadDataLineCache, FetchBuffer, SelFetchBuffer, ReadDataLine); // Select word from cache line subcachelineread #(LINELEN, WORDLEN, MUXINTERVAL) subcachelineread( .PAdr(WordOffsetAddr), .ReadDataLine, .ReadDataWord); // Bus address for fetch, writeback, or flush writeback mux3 #(PA_BITS) CacheBusAdrMux(.d0({PAdr[PA_BITS-1:OFFSETLEN], {OFFSETLEN{1'b0}}}), .d1({Tag, PAdr[SETTOP-1:OFFSETLEN], {OFFSETLEN{1'b0}}}), .d2({Tag, FlushAdr, {OFFSETLEN{1'b0}}}), .s({FlushCache, SelWriteback}), .y(CacheBusAdr)); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Write Path ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!READ_ONLY_CACHE) begin:WriteSelLogic logic [LINELEN/8-1:0] DemuxedByteMask, FetchBufferByteSel; // Adjust byte mask from word to cache line localparam CACHEMUXINVERALPERLINE = LINELEN/MUXINTERVAL;// Number of words in cache line localparam LOGMIPL = $clog2(CACHEMUXINVERALPERLINE);// Log2 of ^ logic [LINELEN/8-1:0] BlankByteMask; assign BlankByteMask[WORDLEN/8-1:0] = ByteMask; assign BlankByteMask[LINELEN/8-1:WORDLEN/8] = 0; assign DemuxedByteMask = BlankByteMask << ((MUXINTERVAL/8) * WordOffsetAddr); assign FetchBufferByteSel = SetDirty ? ~DemuxedByteMask : '1; // If load miss set all muxes to 1. // Merge write data into fetched cache line for store miss for(index = 0; index < LINELEN/8; index++) begin mux2 #(8) WriteDataMux(.d0(WriteData[(8*index)%WORDLEN+7:(8*index)%WORDLEN]), .d1(FetchBuffer[8*index+7:8*index]), .s(FetchBufferByteSel[index] & ~CMOpM[3]), .y(LineWriteData[8*index+7:8*index])); end assign LineByteMask = SetDirty ? DemuxedByteMask : '1; end else begin:WriteSelLogic // No need for this mux if the cache does not handle writes. assign LineWriteData = FetchBuffer; assign LineByteMask = '1; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flush logic ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!READ_ONLY_CACHE) begin:flushlogic // D$ can be flushed logic ResetOrFlushCntRst; logic [SETLEN-1:0] NextFlushAdr, FlushAdrP1; // Flush address (line number) assign ResetOrFlushCntRst = reset | FlushCntRst; flopenr #(SETLEN) FlushAdrReg(clk, ResetOrFlushCntRst, FlushAdrCntEn, FlushAdrP1, NextFlushAdr); mux2 #(SETLEN) FlushAdrMux(NextFlushAdr, FlushAdrP1, FlushAdrCntEn, FlushAdr); assign FlushAdrP1 = NextFlushAdr + 1'b1; assign FlushAdrFlag = (NextFlushAdr == FLUSHADRTHRESHOLD[SETLEN-1:0]); // Flush way flopenl #(NUMWAYS) FlushWayReg(clk, FlushWayCntEn, ResetOrFlushCntRst, {{NUMWAYS-1{1'b0}}, 1'b1}, NextFlushWay, FlushWay); if(NUMWAYS > 1) assign NextFlushWay = {FlushWay[NUMWAYS-2:0], FlushWay[NUMWAYS-1]}; else assign NextFlushWay = FlushWay[NUMWAYS-1]; assign FlushWayFlag = FlushWay[NUMWAYS-1]; end // block: flushlogic else begin:flushlogic // I$ is never flushed because it is never dirty assign FlushWay = '0; assign FlushWayFlag = 1'b0; assign FlushAdrFlag = 1'b0; assign FlushAdr = '0; end ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cache FSM ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cachefsm #(P, READ_ONLY_CACHE) cachefsm(.clk, .reset, .CacheBusRW, .CacheBusAck, .FlushStage, .CacheRW, .Stall, .Hit, .LineDirty, .HitLineDirty, .CacheStall, .CacheCommitted, .CacheMiss, .CacheAccess, .SelAdrData, .SelAdrTag, .SelVictim, .ClearDirty, .SetDirty, .SetValid, .ClearValid, .SelWriteback, .FlushAdrCntEn, .FlushWayCntEn, .FlushCntRst, .FlushAdrFlag, .FlushWayFlag, .FlushCache, .SelFetchBuffer, .InvalidateCache, .CMOpM, .CacheEn, .LRUWriteEn); endmodule