// softfloat_calc.c // David_Harris@hmc.edu 27 February 2022 // // Use SoftFloat as a calculator #include #include #include #include #include "softfloat.h" #include "softfloat_types.h" typedef union hp { uint16_t v; float16_t h; } hp; typedef union sp { uint32_t v; float32_t ft; float f; } sp; typedef union dp { uint64_t v; double d; } dp; int opSize = 0; void long2binstr(long val, char *str, int bits) { int i; long masked; if (val == 0) { // just return zero str[0] = '0'; str[1] = 0; } else { for (i=0; i> 10) & ((1<<5) -1); sign = f.v >> 15 ? '-' : '+'; //printf("%c %d %d ", sign, exp, fract); if (exp == 0 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%czero", sign); else if (exp == 0 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "Denorm: %c0.%s x 2^-14", sign, fractstr); else if (exp == 31 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%cinf", sign); else if (exp == 31 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "NaN Payload: %c%s", sign, fractstr); else sprintf(sci, "%c1.%s x 2^%d", sign, fractstr, exp-15); printf ("%s: 0x%04x = %g = %s: Biased Exp %d Fract 0x%lx\n", msg, convh.v, convf.f, sci, exp, fract); // no easy way to print half prec. } void printF32(char *msg, float32_t f) { sp conv; long exp, fract; char sign; char sci[80], fractstr[80]; conv.v = f.v; // use union to convert between hexadecimal and floating-point views fract = f.v & ((1<<23) - 1); long2binstr(fract, fractstr, 23); exp = (f.v >> 23) & ((1<<8) -1); sign = f.v >> 31 ? '-' : '+'; //printf("%c %d %d ", sign, exp, fract); if (exp == 0 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%czero", sign); else if (exp == 0 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "Denorm: %c0.%s x 2^-126", sign, fractstr); else if (exp == 255 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%cinf", sign); else if (exp == 255 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "NaN Payload: %c%s", sign, fractstr); else sprintf(sci, "%c1.%s x 2^%d", sign, fractstr, exp-127); //printf ("%s: 0x%08x = %g\n", msg, conv.v, conv.f); printf("%s: ", msg); printf("0x%04x", (conv.v >> 16)); printf("_"); printf("%04x", (conv.v & 0xFF)); printf(" = %g = %s: Biased Exp %d Fract 0x%lx\n", conv.f, sci, exp, fract); //printf ("%s: 0x%08x = %g = %s: Biased Exp %d Fract 0x%lx\n", // msg, conv.v, conv.f, sci, exp, fract); } void printF64(char *msg, float64_t f) { dp conv; long exp, fract; long mask; char sign; char sci[80], fractstr[80]; conv.v = f.v; // use union to convert between hexadecimal and floating-point views mask = 1; mask = (mask << 52) - 1; fract = f.v & mask; long2binstr(fract, fractstr, 52); exp = (f.v >> 52) & ((1<<11) -1); sign = f.v >> 63 ? '-' : '+'; //printf("%c %d %d ", sign, exp, fract); if (exp == 0 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%czero", sign); else if (exp == 0 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "Denorm: %c0.%s x 2^-1022", sign, fractstr); else if (exp == 2047 && fract == 0) sprintf(sci, "%cinf", sign); else if (exp == 2047 && fract != 0) sprintf(sci, "NaN Payload: %c%s", sign, fractstr); else sprintf(sci, "%c1.%s x 2^%d", sign, fractstr, exp-1023); //printf ("%s: 0x%016lx = %lg\n", msg, conv.v, conv.d); printf("%s: ", msg); printf("0x%04x", (conv.v >> 48)); printf("_"); printf("%04x", (conv.v >> 32) & 0xFFFF); printf("_"); printf("%04x", (conv.v >> 16)); printf("_"); printf("%04x", (conv.v & 0xFFFF)); printf(" = %lg = %s: Biased Exp %d Fract 0x%lx\n", conv.d, sci, exp, fract); //printf ("%s: 0x%016lx = %lg = %s: Biased Exp %d Fract 0x%lx\n", // msg, conv.v, conv.d, sci, exp, fract); } void printFlags(void) { int NX = softfloat_exceptionFlags % 2; int UF = (softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 1) % 2; int OF = (softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 2) % 2; int DZ = (softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 3) % 2; int NV = (softfloat_exceptionFlags >> 4) % 2; printf ("exceptions: Inexact %d Underflow %d Overflow %d DivideZero %d Invalid %d\n", NX, UF, OF, DZ, NV); } void softfloatInit(void) { // rounding modes: RNE: softfloat_round_near_even // RZ: softfloat_round_minMag // RP: softfloat_round_max // RM: softfloat_round_min softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_near_even; softfloat_exceptionFlags = 0; // clear exceptions softfloat_detectTininess = softfloat_tininess_beforeRounding; // RISC-V behavior for tininess } uint64_t parseNum(char *num) { uint64_t result; int size; // size of operands in bytes (2= half, 4=single, 8 = double) if (strlen(num) < 8) size = 2; else if (strlen(num) < 16) size = 4; else if (strlen(num) < 19) size = 8; else { printf("Error: only half, single, and double precision supported"); exit(1); } if (opSize != 0) { if (size != opSize) { printf("Error: inconsistent operand sizes %d and %d\n", size, opSize); exit(1); } } else { opSize = size; //printf ("Operand size is %d\n", opSize); } result = (uint64_t)strtoul(num, NULL, 16); //printf("Parsed %s as 0x%lx\n", num, result); return result; } char parseOp(char *op) { if (strlen(op) > 1) { printf ("Bad op %s must be 1 character\n", op); exit(1); } else { return op[0]; } } char parseRound(char *rnd) { if (strcmp(rnd, "RNE") == 0) return softfloat_round_near_even; else if (strcmp(rnd, "RZ") == 0) return softfloat_round_minMag; else if (strcmp(rnd, "RP") == 0) return softfloat_round_max; else if (strcmp(rnd, "RM") == 0) return softfloat_round_min; else { printf("Rounding mode of %s is not known\n", rnd); exit(1); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint64_t xn, yn, zn; char op1, op2; char cmd[80]; softfloatInit(); if (argc < 4 || argc > 7) { printf("Usage: %s x op y [RNE/RZ/RM/RP] or x x y + z [RNE/RZ/RM/RP]\n Example: 0x3f800000 + 0x3fC00000\n Use x for multiplication\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } else { softfloat_roundingMode = softfloat_round_near_even; xn = parseNum(argv[1]); yn = parseNum(argv[3]); op1 = parseOp(argv[2]); if (argc == 5) softfloat_roundingMode = parseRound(argv[4]); if (argc >= 6) { zn = parseNum(argv[5]); op2 = parseOp(argv[4]); if (argc == 7) softfloat_roundingMode = parseRound(argv[6]); if (op1 != 'x' || op2 != '+') { printf("Error: only x * y + z supported for 3-input operations, not %c %c\n", op1, op2); } else { if (opSize == 2) { float16_t x, y, z, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; z.v = zn; r = f16_mulAdd(x, y, z); printF16("X", x); printF16("Y", y); printF16("Z", z); printF16("result = X*Y+Z", r); printFlags(); } else if (opSize == 4) { float32_t x, y, z, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; z.v = zn; r = f32_mulAdd(x, y, z); printF32("X", x); printF32("Y", y); printF32("Z", z); printF32("result = X*Y+Z", r); printFlags(); } else { // opSize = 8 float64_t x, y, z, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; z.v = zn; r = f64_mulAdd(x, y, z); printF64("X", x); printF64("Y", y); printF64("Z", z); printF64("result = X*Y+Z", r); printFlags(); } } } else { if (opSize == 2) { float16_t x, y, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; switch (op1) { case 'x': r = f16_mul(x, y); break; case '+': r = f16_add(x, y); break; case '-': r = f16_sub(x, y); break; case '/': r = f16_div(x, y); break; case '%': r = f16_rem(x, y); break; default: printf("Unknown op %c\n", op1); exit(1); } printF16("X", x); printF16("Y", y); sprintf(cmd, "0x%04x %c 0x%04x", x.v, op1, y.v); printF16(cmd, r); printFlags(); } else if (opSize == 4) { float32_t x, y, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; switch (op1) { case 'x': r = f32_mul(x, y); break; case '+': r = f32_add(x, y); break; case '-': r = f32_sub(x, y); break; case '/': r = f32_div(x, y); break; case '%': r = f32_rem(x, y); break; default: printf("Unknown op %c\n", op1); exit(1); } printF32("X", x); printF32("Y", y); sprintf(cmd, "0x%08x %c 0x%08x", x.v, op1, y.v); printF32(cmd, r); printFlags(); } else { // opSize = 8 float64_t x, y, r; x.v = xn; y.v = yn; switch (op1) { case 'x': r = f64_mul(x, y); break; case '+': r = f64_add(x, y); break; case '-': r = f64_sub(x, y); break; case '/': r = f64_div(x, y); break; case '%': r = f64_rem(x, y); break; default: printf("Unknown op %c\n", op1); exit(1); } printF64("X", x); printF64("Y", y); sprintf(cmd, "0x%016lx %c 0x%016lx", x.v, op1, y.v); printF64(cmd, r); printFlags(); } } } }