/////////////////////////////////////////// // lsu.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 9 January 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Load/Store Unit // Top level of the memory-stage hart logic // Contains data cache, DTLB, subword read/write datapath, interface to external bus // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, // modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software // is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT // OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. /////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" // *** Ross Thompson amo misalignment check? module lsu ( input logic clk, reset, input logic StallM, FlushM, StallW, FlushW, output logic LSUStall, // Memory Stage // connected to cpu (controls) input logic [1:0] MemRWM, input logic [2:0] Funct3M, input logic [6:0] Funct7M, input logic [1:0] AtomicM, input logic ExceptionM, input logic PendingInterruptM, output logic CommittedM, output logic SquashSCW, output logic DataMisalignedM, // address and write data input logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrM, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrE, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] WriteDataM, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadDataW, // cpu privilege input logic [1:0] PrivilegeModeW, input logic DTLBFlushM, // faults input logic NonBusTrapM, output logic DTLBLoadPageFaultM, DTLBStorePageFaultM, output logic LoadMisalignedFaultM, LoadAccessFaultM, // cpu hazard unit (trap) output logic StoreMisalignedFaultM, StoreAccessFaultM, // connect to ahb input logic CommitM, // should this be generated in the abh interface? output logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] DCtoAHBPAdrM, output logic DCtoAHBReadM, output logic DCtoAHBWriteM, input logic DCfromAHBAck, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] DCfromAHBReadData, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] DCtoAHBWriteData, output logic [2:0] DCtoAHBSizeM, // mmu management // page table walker input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SATP_REGW, // from csr input logic STATUS_MXR, STATUS_SUM, STATUS_MPRV, input logic [1:0] STATUS_MPP, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCF, input logic ITLBMissF, output logic [`XLEN-1:0] PageTableEntryF, output logic [1:0] PageTypeF, output logic ITLBWriteF, output logic WalkerInstrPageFaultF, output logic WalkerLoadPageFaultM, output logic WalkerStorePageFaultM, output logic DTLBHitM, // not connected input var logic [7:0] PMPCFG_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0], input var logic [`XLEN-1:0] PMPADDR_ARRAY_REGW[`PMP_ENTRIES-1:0] // *** this one especially has a large note attached to it in pmpchecker. // output logic [5:0] DHSELRegionsM ); logic SquashSCM; logic DTLBPageFaultM; logic MemAccessM; /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- logic preCommittedM; -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ typedef enum {STATE_READY, STATE_FETCH, STATE_FETCH_AMO_1, STATE_FETCH_AMO_2, STATE_STALLED, STATE_PTW_READY, STATE_PTW_FETCH, STATE_PTW_DONE} statetype; statetype CurrState, NextState; logic [`PA_BITS-1:0] MemPAdrM; // from mmu to dcache logic DTLBMissM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] PageTableEntryM; logic [1:0] PageTypeM; logic DTLBWriteM; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HPTWReadPTE; logic MMUReady; logic HPTWStall; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HPTWPAdrE; logic [`XLEN-1:0] HPTWPAdrM; logic HPTWTranslate; logic HPTWReadM; logic [1:0] MemRWMtoDCache; logic [2:0] Funct3MtoDCache; logic [1:0] AtomicMtoDCache; logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrMtoDCache; logic [`XLEN-1:0] MemAdrEtoDCache; logic [`XLEN-1:0] ReadDataWfromDCache; logic StallWtoDCache; logic SquashSCWfromDCache; logic DataMisalignedMfromDCache; logic HPTWReady; logic DisableTranslation; // used to stop intermediate PTE physical addresses being saved to TLB. logic DCacheStall; logic CacheableM; logic CacheableMtoDCache; logic SelPTW; logic CommittedMfromDCache; logic PendingInterruptMtoDCache; logic FlushWtoDCache; pagetablewalker pagetablewalker( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .SATP_REGW(SATP_REGW), .PCF(PCF), .MemAdrM(MemAdrM), .ITLBMissF(ITLBMissF), .DTLBMissM(DTLBMissM), .MemRWM(MemRWM), .PageTableEntryF(PageTableEntryF), .PageTableEntryM(PageTableEntryM), .PageTypeF(PageTypeF), .PageTypeM(PageTypeM), .ITLBWriteF(ITLBWriteF), .DTLBWriteM(DTLBWriteM), .HPTWReadPTE(HPTWReadPTE), .MMUReady(HPTWReady), .HPTWStall(HPTWStall), .HPTWPAdrE(HPTWPAdrE), .HPTWPAdrM(HPTWPAdrM), .HPTWTranslate(HPTWTranslate), .HPTWReadM(HPTWReadM), .WalkerInstrPageFaultF(WalkerInstrPageFaultF), .WalkerLoadPageFaultM(WalkerLoadPageFaultM), .WalkerStorePageFaultM(WalkerStorePageFaultM)); // arbiter between IEU and pagetablewalker lsuArb arbiter(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), // HPTW connection .HPTWTranslate(HPTWTranslate), .HPTWReadM(HPTWReadM), .HPTWPAdrE(HPTWPAdrE), .HPTWPAdrM(HPTWPAdrM), //.HPTWReadPTE(HPTWReadPTE), .HPTWStall(HPTWStall), // CPU connection .MemRWM(MemRWM), .Funct3M(Funct3M), .AtomicM(AtomicM), .MemAdrM(MemAdrM), .MemAdrE(MemAdrE), .CommittedM(CommittedM), .PendingInterruptM(PendingInterruptM), .StallW(StallW), .ReadDataW(ReadDataW), .SquashSCW(SquashSCW), .DataMisalignedM(DataMisalignedM), .LSUStall(LSUStall), // DCACHE .DisableTranslation(DisableTranslation), .MemRWMtoDCache(MemRWMtoDCache), .Funct3MtoDCache(Funct3MtoDCache), .AtomicMtoDCache(AtomicMtoDCache), .MemAdrMtoDCache(MemAdrMtoDCache), .MemAdrEtoDCache(MemAdrEtoDCache), .StallWtoDCache(StallWtoDCache), .SquashSCWfromDCache(SquashSCWfromDCache), .DataMisalignedMfromDCache(DataMisalignedMfromDCache), .ReadDataWfromDCache(ReadDataWfromDCache), .CommittedMfromDCache(CommittedMfromDCache), .PendingInterruptMtoDCache(PendingInterruptMtoDCache), .DCacheStall(DCacheStall), .SelPTW(SelPTW)); mmu #(.TLB_ENTRIES(`DTLB_ENTRIES), .IMMU(0)) dmmu(.Address(MemAdrMtoDCache), .Size(Funct3MtoDCache[1:0]), .PTE(PageTableEntryM), .PageTypeWriteVal(PageTypeM), .TLBWrite(DTLBWriteM), .TLBFlush(DTLBFlushM), .PhysicalAddress(MemPAdrM), .TLBMiss(DTLBMissM), .TLBHit(DTLBHitM), .TLBPageFault(DTLBPageFaultM), .ExecuteAccessF(1'b0), //.AtomicAccessM(AtomicMaskedM[1]), .AtomicAccessM(1'b0), .WriteAccessM(MemRWMtoDCache[0]), .ReadAccessM(MemRWMtoDCache[1]), .SquashBusAccess(), .DisableTranslation(DisableTranslation), .InstrAccessFaultF(), .Cacheable(CacheableM), .Idempotent(), .AtomicAllowed(), // .SelRegions(DHSELRegionsM), .*); // *** the pma/pmp instruction acess faults don't really matter here. is it possible to parameterize which outputs exist? assign CacheableMtoDCache = SelPTW ? 1'b1 : CacheableM; generate if (`XLEN == 32) assign DCtoAHBSizeM = CacheableMtoDCache ? 3'b010 : Funct3MtoDCache; else assign DCtoAHBSizeM = CacheableMtoDCache ? 3'b011 : Funct3MtoDCache; endgenerate; // Specify which type of page fault is occurring assign DTLBLoadPageFaultM = DTLBPageFaultM & MemRWMtoDCache[1]; assign DTLBStorePageFaultM = DTLBPageFaultM & MemRWMtoDCache[0]; // Determine if an Unaligned access is taking place always_comb case(Funct3MtoDCache[1:0]) 2'b00: DataMisalignedMfromDCache = 0; // lb, sb, lbu 2'b01: DataMisalignedMfromDCache = MemAdrMtoDCache[0]; // lh, sh, lhu 2'b10: DataMisalignedMfromDCache = MemAdrMtoDCache[1] | MemAdrMtoDCache[0]; // lw, sw, flw, fsw, lwu 2'b11: DataMisalignedMfromDCache = |MemAdrMtoDCache[2:0]; // ld, sd, fld, fsd endcase // Squash unaligned data accesses and failed store conditionals // *** this is also the place to squash if the cache is hit // Changed DataMisalignedMfromDCache to a larger combination of trap sources // NonBusTrapM is anything that the bus doesn't contribute to producing // By contrast, using TrapM results in circular logic errors /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- // *** BUG for now leave this out. come back later after the d cache is working. July 09, 2021 assign MemReadM = MemRWMtoDCache[1] & ~NonBusTrapM & ~DTLBMissM & CurrState != STATE_STALLED; assign MemWriteM = MemRWMtoDCache[0] & ~NonBusTrapM & ~DTLBMissM & ~SquashSCM & CurrState != STATE_STALLED; assign AtomicMaskedM = CurrState != STATE_STALLED ? AtomicMtoDCache : 2'b00 ; assign MemAccessM = MemReadM | MemWriteM; // Determine if M stage committed // Reset whenever unstalled. Set when access successfully occurs flopr #(1) committedMreg(clk,reset,(CommittedMfromDCache | CommitM) & StallM,preCommittedM); assign CommittedMfromDCache = preCommittedM | CommitM; // Handle atomic load reserved / store conditional generate if (`A_SUPPORTED) begin // atomic instructions supported logic [`PA_BITS-1:2] ReservationPAdrW; logic ReservationValidM, ReservationValidW; logic lrM, scM, WriteAdrMatchM; assign lrM = MemReadM && AtomicMtoDCache[0]; assign scM = MemRWMtoDCache[0] && AtomicMtoDCache[0]; assign WriteAdrMatchM = MemRWMtoDCache[0] && (MemPAdrM[`PA_BITS-1:2] == ReservationPAdrW) && ReservationValidW; assign SquashSCM = scM && ~WriteAdrMatchM; always_comb begin // ReservationValidM (next value of valid reservation) if (lrM) ReservationValidM = 1; // set valid on load reserve else if (scM || WriteAdrMatchM) ReservationValidM = 0; // clear valid on store to same address or any sc else ReservationValidM = ReservationValidW; // otherwise don't change valid end flopenrc #(`PA_BITS-2) resadrreg(clk, reset, FlushW, lrM, MemPAdrM[`PA_BITS-1:2], ReservationPAdrW); // could drop clear on this one but not valid flopenrc #(1) resvldreg(clk, reset, FlushW, lrM, ReservationValidM, ReservationValidW); flopenrc #(1) squashreg(clk, reset, FlushW, ~StallWtoDCache, SquashSCM, SquashSCWfromDCache); end else begin // Atomic operations not supported assign SquashSCM = 0; assign SquashSCWfromDCache = 0; end endgenerate -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ // Determine if address is valid assign LoadMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedMfromDCache & MemRWMtoDCache[1]; assign StoreMisalignedFaultM = DataMisalignedMfromDCache & MemRWMtoDCache[0]; dcache dcache(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .StallM(StallM), .StallW(StallWtoDCache), .FlushM(FlushM), .FlushW(FlushWtoDCache), .MemRWM(MemRWMtoDCache), .Funct3M(Funct3MtoDCache), .Funct7M(Funct7M), .AtomicM(AtomicMtoDCache), .MemAdrE(MemAdrEtoDCache), .MemPAdrM(MemPAdrM), .WriteDataM(WriteDataM), .ReadDataW(ReadDataWfromDCache), .ReadDataM(HPTWReadPTE), .DCacheStall(DCacheStall), .CommittedM(CommittedMfromDCache), .ExceptionM(ExceptionM), .PendingInterruptM(PendingInterruptMtoDCache), .DTLBMissM(DTLBMissM), .CacheableM(CacheableMtoDCache), .DTLBWriteM(DTLBWriteM), // AHB connection .AHBPAdr(DCtoAHBPAdrM), .AHBRead(DCtoAHBReadM), .AHBWrite(DCtoAHBWriteM), .AHBAck(DCfromAHBAck), .HWDATA(DCtoAHBWriteData), .HRDATA(DCfromAHBReadData) ); // assign AtomicMaskedM = 2'b00; // *** Remove from AHB // Data stall //assign LSUStall = (NextState == STATE_FETCH) || (NextState == STATE_FETCH_AMO_1) || (NextState == STATE_FETCH_AMO_2); // BUG *** July 09, 2021 //assign HPTWReady = (CurrState == STATE_READY); // Ross Thompson April 22, 2021 // for now we need to handle the issue where the data memory interface repeately // requests data from memory rather than issuing a single request. /* -----\/----- EXCLUDED -----\/----- // *** BUG will need to modify this so we can handle the ptw. July 09, 2021 flopenl #(.TYPE(statetype)) stateReg(.clk(clk), .load(reset), .en(1'b1), .d(NextState), .val(STATE_READY), .q(CurrState)); always_comb begin case (CurrState) STATE_READY: if (DTLBMissM) begin NextState = STATE_PTW_READY; LSUStall = 1'b1; end else if (AtomicMaskedM[1]) begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_1; // *** should be some misalign check LSUStall = 1'b1; end else if((MemReadM & AtomicMtoDCache[0]) | (MemWriteM & AtomicMtoDCache[0])) begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_2; LSUStall = 1'b1; end else if (MemAccessM & ~DataMisalignedMfromDCache) begin NextState = STATE_FETCH; LSUStall = 1'b1; end else begin NextState = STATE_READY; LSUStall = 1'b0; end STATE_FETCH_AMO_1: begin LSUStall = 1'b1; if (DCfromAHBAck) begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_2; end else begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_1; end end STATE_FETCH_AMO_2: begin LSUStall = 1'b1; if (DCfromAHBAck & ~StallWtoDCache) begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_2; end else if (DCfromAHBAck & StallWtoDCache) begin NextState = STATE_STALLED; end else begin NextState = STATE_FETCH_AMO_2; end end STATE_FETCH: begin LSUStall = 1'b1; if (DCfromAHBAck & ~StallWtoDCache) begin NextState = STATE_READY; end else if (DCfromAHBAck & StallWtoDCache) begin NextState = STATE_STALLED; end else begin NextState = STATE_FETCH; end end STATE_STALLED: begin LSUStall = 1'b0; if (~StallWtoDCache) begin NextState = STATE_READY; end else begin NextState = STATE_STALLED; end end STATE_PTW_READY: begin LSUStall = 1'b0; if (DTLBWriteM) begin NextState = STATE_READY; LSUStall = 1'b1; end else if (MemReadM & ~DataMisalignedMfromDCache) begin NextState = STATE_PTW_FETCH; end else begin NextState = STATE_PTW_READY; end end STATE_PTW_FETCH : begin LSUStall = 1'b1; if (DCfromAHBAck & ~DTLBWriteM) begin NextState = STATE_PTW_READY; end else if (DCfromAHBAck & DTLBWriteM) begin NextState = STATE_READY; end else begin NextState = STATE_PTW_FETCH; end end STATE_PTW_DONE: begin NextState = STATE_READY; end default: begin LSUStall = 1'b0; NextState = STATE_READY; end endcase end // always_comb -----/\----- EXCLUDED -----/\----- */ endmodule