#!/bin/csh # setup.csh # james.stine@okstate.edu 18 February 2023 echo "Executing Wally setup.csh" # Extend alias which makes extending PATH much easier. alias extend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 ${\!:1}:\!:2;echo Added \!:2 to \!:1' alias prepend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 "\!:2":${\!:1};echo Added \!:2 to \!:1' # Path to RISC-V Tools if ( -d /opt/riscv ) then setenv RISCV /opt/riscv else if ( -d ~/riscv ) then setenv RISCV ~/riscv else # set the $RISCV directory here and remove the subsequent two lines # setenv RISCV echo "\$RISCV directory not found. Checked /opt/riscv and ~/riscv. Edit setup.csh to point to your custom \$RISCV directory." exit 1; endif echo \$RISCV set to "${RISCV}" # Path to Wally repository setenv WALLY $PWD echo '$WALLY set to ' ${WALLY} # utility functions in Wally repository extend PATH $WALLY/bin # Verilator needs a larger stack to simulate CORE-V Wally limit stacksize unlimited # load site licenses and tool locations if ( -e "${RISCV}"/site-setup.csh ) then source $RISCV/site-setup.csh else echo "site-setup.csh not found in \$RISCV directory. Rerun wally-toolchain-install.sh to automatically download it." fi echo "setup done"