#!/bin/bash # # fparchtest.sh # David_Harris@hmc.edu 26 December 2023 # # Drive the riscv-isac and riscv-ctg tools to generate floating-point tests # Set up with (not retested) # cd ~/repos # git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-ctg.git # git clone https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isac.git # pip3 install git+https://github.com/riscv/riscv-ctg.git # pip3 install git+https://github.com/riscv/riscv-isac.git # Put ~/.local/bin in $PATH to find riscv_isac and riscv_ctg #riscv_isac --verbose debug normalize -c $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/dataset.cgf -c $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/sample_cgfs_fext/RV32F/fadd.s.cgf -o $RISCVCTG/tests/normalizedfadd.cgf -x 32 #riscv_isac --verbose debug normalize -c $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/dataset.cgf -c $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/sample_cgfs_fext/RV32H/fadd_b1.s.cgf -o $RISCVCTG/tests/normalizedfadd16_b1.cgf -x 32 riscv_ctg -cf $RISCVCTG/tests/normalizedfadd16_b1.cgf -d $RISCVCTG/tests --base-isa rv32i --verbose debug #riscv_ctg -cf $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/dataset.cgf -cf $RISCVCTG/sample_cgfs/rv32im.cgf -d $RISCVCTG/tests --base-isa rv32i # --verbose debug