#!/bin/bash usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-h] [-b <path/to/buildroot>] [-d <path/to/device tree>]" 1>&2; exit 1; } help() { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <device>" echo " -b <path/to/buildroot> get images from given buildroot" echo " -d <device tree name> specify device tree to use" exit 0; } # defaults imageDir=$RISCV/buildroot/output/images DEVICE_TREE=${imageDir}/wally-virt.dtb # Process options and arguments. The following code grabs the single # sdcard device argument no matter where it is in the positional # parameters list. ARGS=() while [ $OPTIND -le "$#" ] ; do if getopts "hb:d:" arg ; then case "${arg}" in h) help ;; b) BUILDROOT=${OPTARG} ;; d) DEVICE_TREE=${OPTARG} ;; esac else ARGS+=("${!OPTIND}") ((OPTIND++)) fi done # File location variables imageDir=$BUILDROOT/output/images tvDir=$RISCV/linux-testvectors tcpPort=1239 # QEMU Simulation qemu-system-riscv64 \ -M virt -m 256M -dtb $DEVICE_TREE \ -nographic \ -bios $imageDir/fw_jump.elf -kernel $imageDir/Image -append "root=/dev/vda ro" -singlestep -rtc clock=vm -icount shift=0,align=off,sleep=on