# Copyright 1991-2016 Mentor Graphics Corporation # # Modification by Oklahoma State University # Use with Testbench # James Stine, 2008 # Go Cowboys!!!!!! # # All Rights Reserved. # # THIS WORK CONTAINS TRADE SECRET AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION # WHICH IS THE PROPERTY OF MENTOR GRAPHICS CORPORATION # OR ITS LICENSORS AND IS SUBJECT TO LICENSE TERMS. # Use this run.do file to run this example. # Either bring up ModelSim and type the following at the "ModelSim>" prompt: # do run.do # or, to run from a shell, type the following at the shell prompt: # vsim -do run.do -c # (omit the "-c" to see the GUI while running from the shell) onbreak {resume} # create library if [file exists work] { vdel -all } vlib work # compile source files vlog adder_ip.sv mult_R4_64_64_cs.v sbtm_a1.sv sbtm_a0.sv sbtm.sv sbtm_a4.sv sbtm_a5.sv sbtm3.sv fsm.v divconvDP.sv convert_inputs.sv exception.sv rounder.sv fpdiv.sv tb_f32_div_ru.sv # start and run simulation vsim -voptargs=+acc work.tb #view wave -- display input and output signals as hexidecimal values # Diplays All Signals recursively -- Set Wave Output Items TreeUpdate [SetDefaultTree] WaveRestoreZoom {0 ps} {75 ns} configure wave -namecolwidth 150 configure wave -valuecolwidth 100 configure wave -justifyvalue left configure wave -signalnamewidth 0 configure wave -snapdistance 10 configure wave -datasetprefix 0 configure wave -rowmargin 4 configure wave -childrowmargin 2 -- Run the Simulation -- 39,052 vectors, 390,565ns run 9269690000 ns quit