ROOT	:= ../..
SUFFIX	:= work
ARCHDIR	:= $(ROOT)/tests/riscof
WALLYDIR:= $(ROOT)/tests/wally-riscv-arch-test
# IMPERASDIR	:= $(ROOT)/tests/imperas-riscv-tests
IMPERASDIR	:= $(ROOT)/tests/imperas-riscv-tests

ELFFILES	?= $(shell find $(ALLDIRS) -type f -regex ".*\.elf")
OBJDUMPFILES	?= $(shell find $(ALLDIRS) -type f -regex ".*\.elf.objdump")
MEMFILES ?= $(ELFFILES:.elf=.elf.memfile)
ADDRFILES ?= $(OBJDUMPFILES:.objdump=.objdump.addr)

	echo "files in $(ALLDIRS) are $(ELFFILES)."
	echo "memfiles are $(MEMFILES)"

.PHONY: all wally-sim-files
all: wally-sim-files

wally-sim-files: $(MEMFILES) $(ADDRFILES) 
	echo "$@"

# notes to self on how this works.
# The find command locates all of the *.elf files in directory DIR1.  A list of .memfiles and
# .addr files are generated from the .elf.  These are used as targets.
# % is a wildcard in a make target which is then referenced as % in the depenecies and $*
# in the recipe.
# because elf2hex requires a bit width we use findstring to figure out if the compiled directory
# is XLEN=64 or 32. This is hacky and will likely break in the future.
# the .addr is a separate target so make can split into more jobs and more parallism.
%.elf.memfile: %.elf
	riscv64-unknown-elf-elf2hex --bit-width $(if $(findstring rv64,$*),64,32) --input $< --output $@

%.elf.objdump.addr: %.elf.objdump $<

.PHONY: clean