BUILDROOT := buildroot IMAGES := ${BUILDROOT}/output/images WALLY := $(shell dirname $(shell pwd)) WALLYLINUX := $(shell pwd) DIS := ${IMAGES}/disassembly BRPACKAGES := $(WALLYLINUX)/buildroot-packages BR2023 := $(WALLYLINUX)/buildroot-config-src/buildroot-2023.05.1 # set sudo if needed depending on $RISCV ifeq ($(shell mkdir -p $(RISCV)/.test > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $$?), 0) SUDO := else SUDO := sudo endif # Buildroot Config Stuff WALLYBOARDSRC := $(WALLYLINUX)/buildroot-config-src/wally WALLYBOARD := $(BUILDROOT)/board/wally # Device tree files DTS ?= $(shell find devicetree -type f -regex ".*\.dts" | sort) DTB := $(DTS:%.dts=%.dtb) DTB := $(foreach name, $(DTB), $(IMAGES)/$(shell basename $(name))) # Disassembly stuff BINARIES := fw_jump.elf vmlinux busybox OBJDUMPS := $(foreach name, $(BINARIES), $(basename $(name) .elf)) OBJDUMPS := $(foreach name, $(OBJDUMPS), $(DIS)/$(name).objdump) .PHONY: all generate disassemble install clean cleanDTB check_write_permissions check_environment all: check_environment check_write_permissions clean download Image disassemble install dumptvs check_environment: $(RISCV) ifeq ($(findstring :$(RISCV)/lib:,:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):),) @(echo "ERROR: Your environment variables are not set correctly." >&2 \ && echo "Make sure to source or install buildroot using the script." >&2 \ && exit 1) endif check_write_permissions: ifeq ($(SUDO), sudo) @echo "Cannot write to '$(RISCV)'." \ "Using sudo (you may be prompted for your password several times throughout the install)" endif @$(SUDO) mkdir -p $(RISCV)/.test || \ (echo "ERROR: Still unable to write to '$(RISCV)'." >&2 \ && exit 1) @$(SUDO) rm -r $(RISCV)/.test Image: check_environment bash -c "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH; $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDROOT)" $(MAKE) generate @echo "Buildroot Image successfully generated." install: check_write_permissions check_environment $(SUDO) rm -rf $(RISCV)/$(BUILDROOT) $(SUDO) mv $(BUILDROOT) $(RISCV)/$(BUILDROOT) @echo "Buildroot successfully installed." dumptvs: check_write_permissions check_environment $(SUDO) mkdir -p $(RISCV)/linux-testvectors ./ @echo "Testvectors successfully generated." generate: $(DTB) $(IMAGES) $(IMAGES)/%.dtb: ./devicetree/%.dts dtc -I dts -O dtb $< > $@ $(IMAGES): @ echo "No output/images directory in buildroot." @ echo "Run make --jobs in buildroot directory before generating device tree binaries."; exit 1 $(RISCV): @ echo "ERROR: No $(RISCV) directory. Make sure you have installed the Wally Toolchain." @ echo "and sourced" # Disassembly rules --------------------------------------------------- disassemble: check_environment rm -rf $(BUILDROOT)/output/images/disassembly find $(BUILDROOT)/output/build/linux-* -maxdepth 1 -name "vmlinux" | xargs cp -t $(BUILDROOT)/output/images/ mkdir -p $(DIS) $(MAKE) $(OBJDUMPS) # extract rootfs mkdir -p $(BUILDROOT)/output/images/disassembly/rootfs @echo "Ignore error about dev/console when extracting rootfs from rootfs.cpio" -cpio -i -D $(BUILDROOT)/output/images/disassembly/rootfs < $(BUILDROOT)/output/images/rootfs.cpio @echo "Disassembly successfully completed." $(DIS)/%.objdump: $(IMAGES)/%.elf riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -DS $< >> $@ $(WALLY)/bin/ $@ $(DIS)/%.objdump: $(IMAGES)/% riscv64-unknown-elf-objdump -S $< >> $@ $(WALLY)/bin/ $@ $(IMAGES)/vmlinux: linuxDir=$$(find $(BUILDROOT)/output/build -maxdepth 2 -type d -regex ".*/linux-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$") ;\ cp $$linuxDir/vmlinux $@ ;\ $(IMAGES)/busybox: busyboxDir=$$(find $(BUILDROOT)/output/build -maxdepth 2 -type d -regex ".*/busybox-[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$$") ;\ cp $$busyboxDir/busybox $@ ;\ # Generating new Buildroot directories -------------------------------- download: $(WALLYBOARD) cd $(BUILDROOT) && make wally_defconfig @echo "Buildroot successfully download." # CONFIG DEPENDENCIES 2023.05.1 --------------------------------------- $(WALLYBOARD): $(BUILDROOT) cp -r $(WALLYBOARDSRC) $(BUILDROOT)/board cp $(WALLYBOARDSRC)/wally_defconfig $(BUILDROOT)/configs/wally_defconfig $(BUILDROOT): git clone $@ cd $@; git checkout 2023.05.x # --------------------------------------------------------------------- cleanDTB: rm -f $(IMAGES)/*.dtb clean: rm -rf $(BUILDROOT)