/////////////////////////////////////////// // srt.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 13 January 2022 // Modified: // // Purpose: Combined Divide and Square Root Floating Point and Integer Unit // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // MIT LICENSE // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module srt #(parameter Nf=52) ( input logic clk, input logic Start, input logic Stall, // *** multiple pipe stages input logic Flush, // *** multiple pipe stages // Floating Point Inputs // later add exponents, signs, special cases input logic XSign, YSign, input logic [`NE-1:0] XExp, YExp, input logic [Nf-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB, input logic [1:0] Fmt, // Floats: 00 = 16 bit, 01 = 32 bit, 10 = 64 bit, 11 = 128 bit input logic W64, // 32-bit ints on XLEN=64 input logic Signed, // Interpret integers as signed 2's complement input logic Int, // Choose integer inputss input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide output logic rsign, output logic [Nf-1:0] Quot, Rem, // *** later handle integers output logic [`NE-1:0] rExp, output logic [3:0] Flags ); logic qp, qz, qm; // quotient is +1, 0, or -1 logic [`NE-1:0] calcExp; logic calcSign; logic [Nf-1:0] X, Dpreproc; logic [Nf+3:0] WS, WSA, WSN, WC, WCA, WCN, D, Db, Dsel; logic [Nf+2:0] rp, rm; srtpreproc #(Nf) preproc(SrcA, SrcB, SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac, Fmt, W64, Signed, Int, Sqrt, X, Dpreproc); // Top Muxes and Registers // When start is asserted, the inputs are loaded into the divider. // Otherwise, the divisor is retained and the partial remainder // is fed back for the next iteration. mux2 #(Nf+4) wsmux({WSA[54:0], 1'b0}, {4'b0001, X}, Start, WSN); flop #(Nf+4) wsflop(clk, WSN, WS); mux2 #(Nf+4) wcmux({WCA[54:0], 1'b0}, 56'b0, Start, WCN); flop #(Nf+4) wcflop(clk, WCN, WC); flopen #(Nf+4) dflop(clk, Start, {4'b0001, Dpreproc}, D); // Quotient Selection logic // Given partial remainder, select quotient of +1, 0, or -1 (qp, qz, pm) // Accumulate quotient digits in a shift register qsel #(Nf) qsel(WS[55:52], WC[55:52], qp, qz, qm); qacc #(Nf+3) qacc(clk, Start, qp, qz, qm, rp, rm); flopen #(`NE) expflop(clk, Start, calcExp, rExp); flopen #(1) signflop(clk, Start, calcSign, rsign); // Divisor Selection logic inv dinv(D, Db); mux3onehot divisorsel(Db, 56'b0, D, qp, qz, qm, Dsel); // Partial Product Generation csa csa(WS, WC, Dsel, qp, WSA, WCA); expcalc expcalc(.XExp, .YExp, .calcExp); signcalc signcalc(.XSign, .YSign, .calcSign); srtpostproc postproc(rp, rm, Quot); endmodule module srtpostproc #(parameter N=52) ( input [N+2:0] rp, rm, output [N-1:0] Quot ); //assign Quot = rp - rm; finaladd finaladd(rp, rm, Quot); endmodule module srtpreproc #(parameter Nf=52) ( input logic [`XLEN-1:0] SrcA, SrcB, input logic [Nf-1:0] SrcXFrac, SrcYFrac, input logic [1:0] Fmt, // Floats: 00 = 16 bit, 01 = 32 bit, 10 = 64 bit, 11 = 128 bit input logic W64, // 32-bit ints on XLEN=64 input logic Signed, // Interpret integers as signed 2's complement input logic Int, // Choose integer inputss input logic Sqrt, // perform square root, not divide output logic [Nf-1:0] X, D ); // Initial: just pass X and Y through for simple fp division assign X = SrcXFrac; assign D = SrcYFrac; endmodule /* ////////// // mux2 // ////////// module mux2(input logic [55:0] in0, in1, input logic sel, output logic [55:0] out); assign #1 out = sel ? in1 : in0; endmodule ////////// // flop // ////////// module flop(clk, in, out); input clk; input [55:0] in; output [55:0] out; logic [55:0] state; always @(posedge clk) state <= #1 in; assign #1 out = state; endmodule */ ////////// // qsel // ////////// module qsel #(parameter Nf=52) ( // *** eventually just change to 4 bits input logic [Nf+3:Nf] ps, pc, output logic qp, qz, qm ); logic [Nf+3:Nf] p, g; logic magnitude, sign, cout; // The quotient selection logic is presented for simplicity, not // for efficiency. You can probably optimize your logic to // select the proper divisor with less delay. // Quotient equations from EE371 lecture notes 13-20 assign p = ps ^ pc; assign g = ps & pc; assign #1 magnitude = ~(&p[54:52]); assign #1 cout = g[54] | (p[54] & (g[53] | p[53] & g[52])); assign #1 sign = p[55] ^ cout; /* assign #1 magnitude = ~((ps[54]^pc[54]) & (ps[53]^pc[53]) & (ps[52]^pc[52])); assign #1 sign = (ps[55]^pc[55])^ (ps[54] & pc[54] | ((ps[54]^pc[54]) & (ps[53]&pc[53] | ((ps[53]^pc[53]) & (ps[52]&pc[52]))))); */ // Produce quotient = +1, 0, or -1 assign #1 qp = magnitude & ~sign; assign #1 qz = ~magnitude; assign #1 qm = magnitude & sign; endmodule ////////// // qacc // ////////// module qacc #(parameter N=55) ( input logic clk, input logic req, input logic qp, qz, qm, output logic [N-1:0] rp, rm ); flopr #(N) rmreg(clk, req, {rm[53:0], qm}, rm); flopr #(N) rpreg(clk, req, {rp[53:0], qp}, rp); /* always @(posedge clk) begin if (req) begin rp <= #1 0; rm <= #1 0; end else begin rm <= #1 {rm[54:0], qm}; rp <= #1 {rp[54:0], qp}; end end */ endmodule ///////// // inv // ///////// module inv(input logic [55:0] in, output logic [55:0] out); assign #1 out = ~in; endmodule ////////// // mux3 // ////////// module mux3onehot(in0, in1, in2, sel0, sel1, sel2, out); input [55:0] in0; input [55:0] in1; input [55:0] in2; input sel0; input sel1; input sel2; output [55:0] out; // lazy inspection of the selects // really we should make sure selects are mutually exclusive assign #1 out = sel0 ? in0 : (sel1 ? in1 : in2); endmodule ///////// // csa // ///////// module csa #(parameter N=56) ( input logic [N-1:0] in1, in2, in3, input logic cin, output logic [N-1:0] out1, out2 ); // This block adds in1, in2, in3, and cin to produce // a result out1 / out2 in carry-save redundant form. // cin is just added to the least significant bit and // is required to handle adding a negative divisor. // Fortunately, the carry (out2) is shifted left by one // bit, leaving room in the least significant bit to // insert cin. assign #1 out1 = in1 ^ in2 ^ in3; assign #1 out2 = {in1[54:0] & (in2[54:0] | in3[54:0]) | (in2[54:0] & in3[54:0]), cin}; endmodule ////////////// // expcalc // ////////////// module expcalc( input logic [`NE-1:0] XExp, YExp, output logic [`NE-1:0] calcExp ); assign calcExp = XExp - YExp + `BIAS; endmodule ////////////// // signcalc // ////////////// module signcalc( input logic XSign, YSign, output logic calcSign ); assign calcSign = XSign ^ YSign; endmodule ////////////// // finaladd // ////////////// module finaladd( input logic [54:0] rp, rm, output logic [51:0] r ); logic [54:0] diff; // this magic block performs the final addition for you // to convert the positive and negative quotient digits // into a normalized mantissa. It returns the 52 bit // mantissa after shifting to guarantee a leading 1. // You can assume this block operates in one cycle // and do not need to budget it in your area and power // calculations. // Since no rounding is performed, the result may be too // small by one unit in the least significant place (ulp). // The checker ignores such an error. assign #1 diff = rp - rm; assign #1 r = diff[54] ? diff[53:2] : diff[52:1]; endmodule