`define DIVLEN 64 ///////////// // counter // ///////////// // module counter(input logic clk, // input logic req, // output logic done); // logic [7:0] count; // // This block of control logic sequences the divider // // through its iterations. You may modify it if you // // build a divider which completes in fewer iterations. // // You are not responsible for the (trivial) circuit // // design of the block. // always @(posedge clk) // begin // if (count == `DIVLEN + 2) done <= #1 1; // else if (done | req) done <= #1 0; // if (req) count <= #1 0; // else count <= #1 count+1; // end // endmodule /////////// // clock // /////////// module clock(clk); output clk; // Internal clk signal logic clk; endmodule ////////// // testbench // ////////// module testbench; logic clk; logic req; logic done; logic Int; logic [63:0] a, b; logic [51:0] afrac, bfrac; logic [10:0] aExp, bExp; logic asign, bsign; logic [51:0] r; logic [63:0] rInt; logic [`DIVLEN-1:0] Quot; // Test parameters parameter MEM_SIZE = 40000; parameter MEM_WIDTH = 64+64+64+64; // INT TEST SIZES // `define memrem 63:0 // `define memr 127:64 // `define memb 191:128 // `define mema 255:192 // FLOAT TEST SIZES // `define memr 63:0 // `define memb 127:64 // `define mema 191:128 // SQRT TEST SIZES `define memr 63:0 `define mema 127:64 `define memb 191:128 // Test logicisters logic [MEM_WIDTH-1:0] Tests [0:MEM_SIZE]; // Space for input file logic [MEM_WIDTH-1:0] Vec; // Verilog doesn't allow direct access to a // bit field of an array logic [63:0] correctr, nextr, diffn, diffp; logic [10:0] rExp; logic rsign; integer testnum, errors; // Equip Int test or Sqrt test assign Int = 1'b0; assign Sqrt = 1'b0; // Divider srt srt(.clk, .Start(req), .Stall(1'b0), .Flush(1'b0), .XExp(aExp), .YExp(bExp), .rExp, .XSign(asign), .YSign(bsign), .rsign, .SrcXFrac(afrac), .SrcYFrac(bfrac), .SrcA(a), .SrcB(b), .Fmt(2'b00), .W64(1'b1), .Signed(1'b0), .Int, .Sqrt, .Quot, .Rem(), .Flags(), .done); // Counter // counter counter(clk, req, done); initial forever begin clk = 1; #17; clk = 0; #16; end // Read test vectors from disk initial begin testnum = 0; errors = 0; $readmemh ("testvectors", Tests); Vec = Tests[testnum]; a = Vec[`mema]; {asign, aExp, afrac} = a; b = Vec[`memb]; {bsign, bExp, bfrac} = b; nextr = Vec[`memr]; r = Quot[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)]; rInt = Quot; req <= #5 1; end // Apply directed test vectors read from file. always @(posedge clk) begin r = Quot[(`DIVLEN - 1):(`DIVLEN - 52)]; rInt = Quot; if (done) begin if (~Int & ~Sqrt) begin req <= #5 1; diffp = correctr[51:0] - r; diffn = r - correctr[51:0]; if ((rsign !== correctr[63]) | (rExp !== correctr[62:52]) | ($signed(diffn) > 1) | ($signed(diffp) > 1) | (diffn === 64'bx) | (diffp === 64'bx)) // check if accurate to 1 ulp begin errors = errors+1; $display("result was %h_%h, should be %h %h %h\n", rExp, r, correctr, diffn, diffp); $display("failed\n"); $stop; end if (afrac === 52'hxxxxxxxxxxxxx) begin $display("%d Tests completed successfully", testnum); $stop; end end else if (~Sqrt) begin req <= #5 1; diffp = correctr[63:0] - rInt; diffn = rInt - correctr[63:0]; if (($signed(diffn) > 1) | ($signed(diffp) > 1) | (diffn === 64'bx) | (diffp === 64'bx)) // check if accurate to 1 ulp begin errors = errors+1; $display("result was %h, should be %h %h %h\n", rInt, correctr, diffn, diffp); $display("failed\n"); $stop; end if (afrac === 52'hxxxxxxxxxxxxx) begin $display("%d Tests completed successfully", testnum); $stop; end end else begin req <= #5 1; diffp = correctr[51:0] - r; diffn = r - correctr[51:0]; if (rExp !== correctr[62:52]) // check if accurate to 1 ulp begin errors = errors + 1; $display("result was %h, should be %h %h %h\n", r, correctr, diffn, diffp); $display("failed\n"); $stop; end if (afrac === 52'hxxxxxxxxxxxxx) begin $display("%d Tests completed successfully", testnum); $stop; end end end if (req) begin req <= #5 0; correctr = nextr; testnum = testnum+1; Vec = Tests[testnum]; $display("a = %h b = %h",a,b); a = Vec[`mema]; {asign, aExp, afrac} = a; b = Vec[`memb]; {bsign, bExp, bfrac} = b; nextr = Vec[`memr]; end end endmodule