#!/bin/bash # Exit on any error (return code != 0) # set -e usage() { echo "Usage: $0 [-zh] [-b <path/to/buildroot>] <device>" 1>&2; exit 1; } help() { echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] <device>" echo " -z wipes card with zeros" echo " -b <path/to/buildroot> get images from given buildroot" echo " -d <device tree name> specify device tree to use" exit 0; } # Output colors GREEN="\e[32m" RED="\e[31m" BOLDRED="\e[1;91m" BOLDGREEN="\e[1;32m" BOLDYELLOW="\e[1;33m" NC="\e[0m" NAME="$BOLDGREEN"${0:2}:"$NC" ERRORTEXT="$BOLDRED"ERROR:"$NC" WARNINGTEXT="$BOLDYELLOW"Warning:"$NC" # Default values for buildroot and device tree BUILDROOT=$RISCV/buildroot DEVICE_TREE=wally-vcu108.dtb MNT_DIR=wallyimg # Process options and arguments. The following code grabs the single # sdcard device argument no matter where it is in the positional # parameters list. ARGS=() while [ $OPTIND -le "$#" ] ; do if getopts "hzb:d:" arg ; then case "${arg}" in h) help ;; z) WIPECARD=y ;; b) BUILDROOT=${OPTARG} ;; d) DEVICE_TREE=${OPTARG} ;; esac else ARGS+=("${!OPTIND}") ((OPTIND++)) fi done # File location variables IMAGES=$BUILDROOT/output/images FW_JUMP=$IMAGES/fw_jump.bin LINUX_KERNEL=$IMAGES/Image #DEVICE_TREE=$IMAGES/$DEVICE_TREE SDCARD=${ARGS[0]} # User Error Checks =================================================== if [ "$#" -eq "0" ] ; then usage fi # Check to make sure sd card device exists if [ ! -e "$SDCARD" ] ; then echo -e "$NAME $ERRORTEXT SD card device does not exist." exit 1 fi # Prefix partition with "p" for non-SCSI disks (mmcblk, nvme) if [[ $SDCARD == "/dev/sd"* ]]; then PART_PREFIX="" else PART_PREFIX="p" fi # If no images directory, images have not been built if [ ! -d $IMAGES ] ; then echo -e "$ERRORTEXT Buildroot images directory does not exist" echo ' Make sure you have built the images before' echo ' running this script.' exit 1 else # If images are not built, exit if [ ! -e $FW_JUMP ] || [ ! -e $LINUX_KERNEL ] ; then echo -e '$ERRORTEXT Missing images in buildroot output directory.' echo ' Build images before running this script.' exit 1 fi fi # Ensure device tree binaries exist if [ ! -e $DEVICE_TREE ] ; then echo -e "$NAME $ERRORTEXT Missing device tree files" echo -e "$NAME generating all device tree files into buildroot" make -C ../ generate BUILDROOT=$BUILDROOT fi # Calculate partition information ===================================== # Size of OpenSBI and the Kernel in 512B blocks DST_SIZE=$(ls -la --block-size=512 $DEVICE_TREE | cut -d' ' -f 5 ) FW_JUMP_SIZE=$(ls -la --block-size=512 $FW_JUMP | cut -d' ' -f 5 ) KERNEL_SIZE=$(ls -la --block-size=512 $LINUX_KERNEL | cut -d' ' -f 5 ) # Start sectors of OpenSBI and Kernel Partitions FW_JUMP_START=$(( 34 + $DST_SIZE )) KERNEL_START=$(( $FW_JUMP_START + $FW_JUMP_SIZE )) FS_START=$(( $KERNEL_START + $KERNEL_SIZE )) # Print out the sizes of the binaries in 512B blocks echo -e "$NAME Device tree block size: $DST_SIZE" echo -e "$NAME OpenSBI FW_JUMP block size: $FW_JUMP_SIZE" echo -e "$NAME Kernel block size: $KERNEL_SIZE" read -p $'\e[1;33mWarning:\e[0m Doing this will replace all data on this card. Continue? y/n: ' -n 1 -r echo if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] ; then DEVBASENAME=$(basename $SDCARD) CHECKMOUNT=$(lsblk | grep "$DEVBASENAME"4 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f 7) if [ ! -z $CHECKMOUNT ] ; then sudo umount -v $CHECKMOUNT fi #Make empty image if [ ! -z $WIPECARD ] ; then echo -e "$NAME Wiping SD card. This could take a while." sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=$SDCARD bs=64k status=progress && sync fi # GUID Partition Tables (GPT) # =============================================== # -g Converts any existing mbr record to a gpt record # --clear clears any GPT partition table that already exists. # --set-alignment=1 that we want to align partition starting sectors # to 1 sector boundaries I think? This would normally be set to 2048 # apparently. sudo sgdisk -z $SDCARD sleep 1 echo -e "$NAME Creating GUID Partition Table" sudo sgdisk -g --clear --set-alignment=1 \ --new=1:34:+$DST_SIZE: --change-name=1:'fdt' \ --new=2:$FW_JUMP_START:+$FW_JUMP_SIZE --change-name=2:'opensbi' --typecode=1:2E54B353-1271-4842-806F-E436D6AF6985 \ --new=3:$KERNEL_START:+$KERNEL_SIZE --change-name=3:'kernel' \ --new=4:$FS_START:-0 --change-name=4:'filesystem' \ $SDCARD sudo partprobe $SDCARD sleep 3 echo -e "$NAME Copying binaries into their partitions." DD_FLAGS="bs=4k iflag=fullblock oflag=direct conv=fsync status=progress" echo -e "$NAME Copying device tree" sudo dd if=$DEVICE_TREE of="$SDCARD""$PART_PREFIX"1 $DD_FLAGS echo -e "$NAME Copying OpenSBI" sudo dd if=$FW_JUMP of="$SDCARD""$PART_PREFIX"2 $DD_FLAGS echo -e "$NAME Copying Kernel" sudo dd if=$LINUX_KERNEL of="$SDCARD""$PART_PREFIX"3 $DD_FLAGS sudo mkfs.ext4 "$SDCARD""$PART_PREFIX"4 sudo mkdir /mnt/$MNT_DIR sudo mount -v "$SDCARD""$PART_PREFIX"4 /mnt/$MNT_DIR sudo umount -v /mnt/$MNT_DIR sudo rmdir /mnt/$MNT_DIR #sudo losetup -d $LOOPDEVICE fi echo echo "GPT Information for $SDCARD ===================================" sudo sgdisk -p $SDCARD