/////////////////////////////////////////// // bpred.sv // // Written: Ross Thomposn // Email: ross1728@gmail.com // Created: February 12, 2021 // Modified: // // Purpose: Branch prediction unit // Produces a branch prediction based on branch history. // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // MIT LICENSE // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this // software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software // without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons // to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or // substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, // INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, // TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE // OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `include "wally-config.vh" module bpred (input logic clk, reset, input logic StallF, StallD, StallE, StallM, input logic FlushD, FlushE, FlushM, // Fetch stage // the prediction input logic [31:0] InstrD, input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCNextF, // *** forgot to include this one on the I/O list output logic [`XLEN-1:0] BPPredPCF, output logic SelBPPredF, // Update Predictor input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCE, // The address of the currently executing instruction // 1 hot encoding // return, jump register, jump, branch // *** after reviewing the compressed instruction set I am leaning towards having the btb predict the instruction class. // *** the specifics of how this is encode is subject to change. input logic PCSrcE, // AKA Branch Taken // Signals required to check the branch prediction accuracy. input logic [`XLEN-1:0] IEUAdrE, // The branch destination if the branch is taken. input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCD, // The address the branch predictor took. input logic [`XLEN-1:0] PCLinkE, // The address following the branch instruction. (AKA Fall through address) output logic [4:0] InstrClassM, // Report branch prediction status output logic BPPredWrongE, output logic BPPredWrongM, output logic BPPredDirWrongM, output logic BTBPredPCWrongM, output logic RASPredPCWrongM, output logic BPPredClassNonCFIWrongM ); logic BTBValidF; logic [1:0] BPPredF, BPPredD, BPPredE, UpdateBPPredE; logic [4:0] BPInstrClassF, BPInstrClassD, BPInstrClassE; logic [`XLEN-1:0] BTBPredPCF, RASPCF; logic TargetWrongE; logic FallThroughWrongE; logic PredictionPCWrongE; logic PredictionInstrClassWrongE; logic [4:0] InstrClassD, InstrClassE; logic BPPredDirWrongE, BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE, BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE; // Part 1 branch direction prediction if (`BPTYPE == "BPTWOBIT") begin:Predictor twoBitPredictor DirPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .LookUpPC(PCNextF), .Prediction(BPPredF), // update .UpdatePC(PCE), .UpdateEN(InstrClassE[0] & ~StallE), .UpdatePrediction(UpdateBPPredE)); end else if (`BPTYPE == "BPGLOBAL") begin:Predictor globalHistoryPredictor DirPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallE, .PCNextF, .BPPredF, .InstrClassE, .BPInstrClassF, .BPInstrClassD, .BPInstrClassE, .BPPredDirWrongE, .PCE, .PCSrcE, .UpdateBPPredE); end else if (`BPTYPE == "BPGSHARE") begin:Predictor gsharePredictor DirPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallE, .PCNextF, .BPPredF, .InstrClassE, .BPInstrClassF, .BPInstrClassD, .BPInstrClassE, .BPPredDirWrongE, .PCE, .PCSrcE, .UpdateBPPredE); end else if (`BPTYPE == "BPLOCALPAg") begin:Predictor localHistoryPredictor DirPredictor(.clk, .reset, .StallF, .StallE, .LookUpPC(PCNextF), .Prediction(BPPredF), // update .UpdatePC(PCE), .UpdateEN(InstrClassE[0] & ~StallE), .PCSrcE, .UpdatePrediction(UpdateBPPredE)); end // this predictor will have two pieces of data, // 1) A direction (1 = Taken, 0 = Not Taken) // 2) Any information which is necessary for the predictor to build its next state. // For a 2 bit table this is the prediction count. assign SelBPPredF = ((BPInstrClassF[0] & BPPredF[1] & BTBValidF) | BPInstrClassF[3] | (BPInstrClassF[2] & BTBValidF) | BPInstrClassF[1] & BTBValidF) ; // Part 2 Branch target address prediction // *** For now the BTB will house the direct and indirect targets // *** getting to many false positivies from the BTB, we need a partial TAG to reduce this. BTBPredictor TargetPredictor(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .*, // Stalls and flushes .LookUpPC(PCNextF), .TargetPC(BTBPredPCF), .InstrClass(BPInstrClassF), .Valid(BTBValidF), // update .UpdateEN((|InstrClassE | (PredictionInstrClassWrongE)) & ~StallE), .UpdatePC(PCE), .UpdateTarget(IEUAdrE), .UpdateInvalid(PredictionInstrClassWrongE), .UpdateInstrClass(InstrClassE)); // Part 3 RAS // *** need to add the logic to restore RAS on flushes. We will use incr for this. RASPredictor RASPredictor(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .pop(BPInstrClassF[3] & ~StallF), .popPC(RASPCF), .push(InstrClassE[4] & ~StallE), .incr(1'b0), .pushPC(PCLinkE)); assign BPPredPCF = BPInstrClassF[3] ? RASPCF : BTBPredPCF; // The prediction and its results need to be passed through the pipeline // *** for other predictors will will be different. flopenr #(2) BPPredRegD(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .en(~StallD), .d(BPPredF), .q(BPPredD)); flopenr #(2) BPPredRegE(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .en(~StallE), .d(BPPredD), .q(BPPredE)); // the branch predictor needs a compact decoding of the instruction class. // *** consider adding in the alternate return address x5 for returns. assign InstrClassD[4] = (InstrD[6:0] & 7'h77) == 7'h67 & (InstrD[11:07] & 5'h1B) == 5'h01; // jal(r) must link to ra or r5 assign InstrClassD[3] = InstrD[6:0] == 7'h67 & (InstrD[19:15] & 5'h1B) == 5'h01; // return must return to ra or r5 assign InstrClassD[2] = InstrD[6:0] == 7'h67 & (InstrD[19:15] & 5'h1B) != 5'h01 & (InstrD[11:7] & 5'h1B) != 5'h01; // jump register, but not return assign InstrClassD[1] = InstrD[6:0] == 7'h6F & (InstrD[11:7] & 5'h1B) != 5'h01; // jump, RD != x1 or x5 assign InstrClassD[0] = InstrD[6:0] == 7'h63; // branch flopenrc #(5) InstrClassRegE(.clk, .reset, .en(~StallE), .clear(FlushE), .d(InstrClassD), .q(InstrClassE)); flopenrc #(5) InstrClassRegM(.clk, .reset, .en(~StallM), .clear(FlushM), .d(InstrClassE), .q(InstrClassM)); flopenrc #(1) BPPredWrongMReg(.clk, .reset, .en(~StallM), .clear(FlushM), .d(BPPredWrongE), .q(BPPredWrongM)); // branch predictor flopenrc #(4) BPPredWrongRegM(.clk, .reset, .en(~StallM), .clear(FlushM), .d({BPPredDirWrongE, BTBPredPCWrongE, RASPredPCWrongE, BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE}), .q({BPPredDirWrongM, BTBPredPCWrongM, RASPredPCWrongM, BPPredClassNonCFIWrongM})); // pipeline the class flopenrc #(5) BPInstrClassRegD(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .en(~StallD), .clear(FlushD), .d(BPInstrClassF), .q(BPInstrClassD)); flopenrc #(5) BPInstrClassRegE(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .en(~StallE), .clear(FlushE), .d(BPInstrClassD), .q(BPInstrClassE)); // Check the prediction makes execution. // first check if the target or fallthrough address matches what was predicted. assign TargetWrongE = IEUAdrE != PCD; assign FallThroughWrongE = PCLinkE != PCD; // If the target is taken check the target rather than fallthrough. The instruction needs to be a branch if PCSrcE is selected // Remember the bpred can incorrectly predict a non cfi instruction as a branch taken. If the real instruction is non cfi // it must have selected the fall through. assign PredictionPCWrongE = (PCSrcE & (|InstrClassE) ? TargetWrongE : FallThroughWrongE); // The branch direction also need to checked. // However if the direction is wrong then the pc will be wrong. This is only relavent to checking the // accuracy of the direciton prediction. assign BPPredDirWrongE = (BPPredE[1] ^ PCSrcE) & InstrClassE[0]; // Finally we need to check if the class is wrong. When the class is wrong the BTB needs to be updated. // Also we want to track this in a performance counter. assign PredictionInstrClassWrongE = InstrClassE != BPInstrClassE; // We want to output to the instruction fetch if the PC fetched was wrong. If by chance the predictor was wrong about // the direction or class, but correct about the target we don't have the flush the pipeline. However we still // need this information to verify the accuracy of the predictors. //assign BPPredWrongE = ((PredictionPCWrongE | BPPredDirWrongE) & (|InstrClassE)) | PredictionInstrClassWrongE; assign BPPredWrongE = (PredictionPCWrongE & |InstrClassE) | BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE; // If we have a jump, jump register or jal or jalr and the PC is wrong we need to increment the performance counter. assign BTBPredPCWrongE = (InstrClassE[4] | InstrClassE[2] | InstrClassE[1]) & PredictionPCWrongE; // similar with RAS assign RASPredPCWrongE = InstrClassE[3] & PredictionPCWrongE; // Finally if the real instruction class is non CFI but the predictor said it was we need to count. assign BPPredClassNonCFIWrongE = PredictionInstrClassWrongE & ~|InstrClassE; // Update predictors satCounter2 BPDirUpdate(.BrDir(PCSrcE), .OldState(BPPredE), .NewState(UpdateBPPredE)); endmodule