# wally-batch.do 
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
# Modification by Oklahoma State University & Harvey Mudd College
# Use with Testbench 
# James Stine, 2008; David Harris 2021
# Go Cowboys!!!!!!
# Takes 1:10 to run RV64IC tests using gui

# Usage: do wally-batch.do <config> <testcases> <testbench> [-coverage] [+acc] [any number of +value] [any number of -G VAR=VAL]
# Example: do wally-batch.do rv64gc arch64i testbench

# Use this wally-batch.do file to run this example.
# Either bring up ModelSim and type the following at the "ModelSim>" prompt:
#     do wally-batch.do
# or, to run from a shell, type the following at the shell prompt:
#     vsim -do wally-batch.do -c
# (omit the "-c" to see the GUI while running from the shell)

set DEBUG 1

onbreak {resume}
onerror {quit -f}

set CFG ${1}
set TESTSUITE ${2}
set TESTBENCH ${3}
set WKDIR wkdir/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}
set WALLY $::env(WALLY)
set CONFIG ${WALLY}/config
set SRC ${WALLY}/src
set TB ${WALLY}/testbench

# create library
if [file exists ${WKDIR}] {
    vdel -lib ${WKDIR} -all
vlib ${WKDIR}
# Create directory for coverage data
mkdir -p cov

set coverage 0
set CoverageVoptArg ""
set CoverageVsimArg ""

set FunctCoverage 0
set riscvISACOVsrc ""
set FCdefineCOVER_BASE_RV64I ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64I ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64M ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64A ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64F ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64D ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64ZICSR ""
set FCdefineCOVER_RV64C ""

set lockstep 0
# ok this is annoying. vlog, vopt, and vsim are very picky about how arguments are passed.
# unforunately it won't allow these to be grouped as one argument per command so they are broken
# apart. 
set lockstepvoptstring ""
set SVLib ""
set SVLibPath ""
#set OtherFlags ""
set ImperasPubInc ""
set ImperasPrivInc ""
set rvviFiles ""
set idvFiles ""

set GUI 0
set accFlag ""

# Need to be able to pass arguments to vopt.  Unforunately argv does not work because
# it takes on different values if vsim and the do file are called from the command line or
# if the do file isd called from questa sim directly.  This chunk of code uses the $4 through $n
# variables and compacts into a single list for passing to vopt.
set tbArgs ""
set from 4
set step 1
set lst {}

set PlusArgs {}
set ParamArgs {}
for {set i 0} true {incr i} {
    set x [expr {$i*$step + $from}]
    if {$x > $argc} break
    set arg [expr "$$x"]
    lappend lst $arg

echo "number of args = $argc"
echo "lst = $lst"

# if +acc found set flag and remove from list
set AccIndex [lsearch -exact $lst "+acc"]
if {$AccIndex >= 0} {
    set GUI 1
    set accFlag "+acc"
    set lst [lreplace $lst $AccIndex $AccIndex]

# if +coverage found set flag and remove from list
set CoverageIndex [lsearch -exact $lst "--coverage"]
if {$CoverageIndex >= 0} {
    set coverage 1
    set CoverageVoptArg "+cover=sbecf"
    set CoverageVsimArg "-coverage"
    set lst [lreplace $lst $CoverageIndex $CoverageIndex]

# if +coverage found set flag and remove from list
set FunctCoverageIndex [lsearch -exact $lst "--fcov"]
if {$FunctCoverageIndex >= 0} {
    set FunctCoverage 1
    set riscvISACOVsrc +incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/riscvISACOV/source

    set FCdefineCOVER_BASE_RV64I "+define+COVER_BASE_RV64I"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64I "+define+COVER_RV64I"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64M "+define+COVER_RV64M"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64A "+define+COVER_RV64A"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64F "+define+COVER_RV64F"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64D "+define+COVER_RV64D"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64ZICSR "+define+COVER_RV64ZICSR"
    set FCdefineCOVER_RV64C "+define+COVER_RV64C"

    set lst [lreplace $lst $FunctCoverageIndex $FunctCoverageIndex]

set LockStepIndex [lsearch -exact $lst "--lockstep"]
# ugh.  can't have more than 9 arguments passed to vsim. why? I'll have to remove --lockstep when running
# functional coverage and imply it.
if {$LockStepIndex >= 0 || $FunctCoverageIndex >= 0} {
    set lockstep 1

    # ideally this would all be one or two variables, but questa is having a real hard time
    # with this.  For now they have to be separate.
    set lockstepvoptstring "+define+USE_IMPERAS_DV"
    set ImperasPubInc +incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/include/host
    set ImperasPrivInc +incdir+$env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/include/host
    set rvviFiles       $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpPublic/source/host/rvvi/*.sv
    set idvFiles $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/ImpProprietary/source/host/idv/*.sv
    set SVLib "-sv_lib"
    set SVLibPath $env(IMPERAS_HOME)/lib/Linux64/ImperasLib/imperas.com/verification/riscv/1.0/model
    #set OtherFlags $env(OTHERFLAGS)

    if {$LockStepIndex >= 0} {
        set lst [lreplace $lst $LockStepIndex $LockStepIndex]

# separate the +args from the -G parameters
foreach otherArg $lst {
    if {[string index $otherArg 0] eq "+"} {
        lappend PlusArgs $otherArg
    } else {
        lappend ParamArgs $otherArg

if {$DEBUG > 0} {
    echo "GUI = $GUI"
    echo "coverage = $coverage"
    echo "lockstep = $lockstep"
    echo "FunctCoverage = $FunctCoverage"
    echo "remaining list = $lst"
    echo "Extra +args = $PlusArgs"
    echo "Extra -args = $ParamArgs"

foreach x $PlusArgs {
    echo "Element is $x"

# need a better solution this is really ugly
# Questa really don't like passing $PlusArgs on the command line to vsim.  It treats the whole things
# as one string rather than mutliple separate +args.  Is there an automated way to pass these?
set temp0 [lindex $PlusArgs 0]
set temp1 [lindex $PlusArgs 1]
set temp2 [lindex $PlusArgs 2]
set temp3 [lindex $PlusArgs 3]


# compile source files
# suppress spurious warnngs about 
# "Extra checking for conflicts with always_comb done at vopt time"
# because vsim will run vopt

vlog -lint -work ${WKDIR}  +incdir+${CONFIG}/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/deriv/${CFG} +incdir+${CONFIG}/shared ${lockstepvoptstring} ${FCdefineIDV_INCLUDE_TRACE2COV} ${FCdefineINCLUDE_TRACE2COV} ${ImperasPubInc} ${ImperasPrivInc} ${rvviFiles} ${idvFiles}  ${FCdefineCOVER_BASE_RV64I} ${FCdefineCOVER_LEVEL_DV_PR_EXT} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64I} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64M} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64A} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64F} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64D} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64ZICSR} ${FCdefineCOVER_RV64C}  ${riscvISACOVsrc} ${SRC}/cvw.sv ${TB}/${TESTBENCH}.sv ${TB}/common/*.sv  ${SRC}/*/*.sv ${SRC}/*/*/*.sv -suppress 2583 -suppress 7063,2596,13286

# start and run simulation
# remove +acc flag for faster sim during regressions if there is no need to access internal signals
vopt $accFlag wkdir/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.${TESTBENCH} -work ${WKDIR} ${ParamArgs} -o testbenchopt ${CoverageVoptArg}

#vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} ${PlusArgs} -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} ${OtherFlags} +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=1 -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
#vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} ${PlusArgs} -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} +IDV_TRACE2COV=1 +TRACE2COV_ENABLE=1 -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}
vsim -lib ${WKDIR} testbenchopt +TEST=${TESTSUITE} $temp0 $temp1 $temp2 $temp3 -fatal 7 ${SVLib} ${SVLibPath} -suppress 3829 ${CoverageVsimArg}

#    vsim -lib wkdir/work_${1}_${2} testbenchopt  -fatal 7 -suppress 3829
# power add generates the logging necessary for said generation.
# power add -r /dut/core/*
if { ${GUI} } {
    add log -recursive /*
    if { ${TESTBENCH} eq "testbench_fp" } {
        do wave-fpu.do
    } else {
        do wave.do

run -all
# power off -r /dut/core/*

if {$coverage || $FunctCoverage} {
    set UCDB ${WALLY}/sim/questa/cov/${CFG}_${TESTSUITE}.ucdb
    echo "Saving coverage to ${UCDB}"
    do coverage-exclusions-rv64gc.do  # beware: this assumes testing the rv64gc configuration
    coverage save -instance /testbench/dut/core ${UCDB}

# These aren't doing anything helpful
#profile report -calltree -file wally-calltree.rpt -cutoff 2
#power report -all -bsaif power.saif

# terminate simulation unless we need to keep the GUI running
if { ${GUI} == 0} {