//performs the fsgnj/fsgnjn/fsgnjx RISCV instructions module fsgn ( input logic XSgnE, YSgnE, input logic [10:0] XExpE, input logic [51:0] XFracE, input logic XExpMaxE, input logic FmtE, input logic [1:0] SgnOpCodeE, output logic [63:0] SgnResE, output logic SgnNVE); logic AonesExp; logic ResSgn; //op code designation: // //00 - fsgnj - directly copy over sign value of FSrcYE //01 - fsgnjn - negate sign value of FSrcYE //10 - fsgnjx - XOR sign values of FSrcXE & FSrcYE // assign ResSgn = SgnOpCodeE[1] ? (XSgnE ^ YSgnE) : (YSgnE ^ SgnOpCodeE[0]); assign SgnResE = FmtE ? {ResSgn, XExpE, XFracE} : {{32{1'b1}}, ResSgn, XExpE[7:0], XFracE[51:29]}; //If the exponent is all ones, then the value is either Inf or NaN, //both of which will produce a QNaN/SNaN value of some sort. This will //set the invalid flag high. //the only flag that can occur during this operation is invalid //due to changing sign on already existing NaN assign SgnNVE = XExpMaxE & SgnResE[63]; endmodule