////////////////////////////////////////// // cvw.sv // // Written: David_Harris@hmc.edu 27 January 2022 // // Purpose: package with shared CORE-V-Wally global parameters // // A component of the Wally configurable RISC-V project. // // Copyright (C) 2021 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Usiing global `define statements isn't ideal in a large SystemVerilog system because // of the risk of `define name conflicts across different subsystems. // Instead, CORE-V-Wally loads the appropriate configuration one time and places it in a package // that is referenced by all Wally modules but not by other subsystems. `ifndef CVW_T `define CVW_T 1 package cvw; `include "BranchPredictorType.vh" typedef struct packed { logic FPGA; // Modifications to tare logic QEMU; // Hacks to agree with QEMU during Linux boot int XLEN; // Machine width (32 or 64) logic IEEE754; // IEEE754 NaN handling (0 = use RISC-V NaN propagation instead) int MISA; // Machine Instruction Set Architecture int AHBW; // AHB bus width (usually = XLEN) // RISC-V Features logic ZICSR_SUPPORTED; logic ZIFENCEI_SUPPORTED; logic [11:0] COUNTERS; logic ZICOUNTERS_SUPPORTED; logic ZFH_SUPPORTED; logic SSTC_SUPPORTED; logic VIRTMEM_SUPPORTED; logic VECTORED_INTERRUPTS_SUPPORTED; logic BIGENDIAN_SUPPORTED; logic SVADU_SUPPORTED; logic ZMMUL_SUPPORTED; // Microarchitectural Features logic BUS_SUPPORTED; logic DCACHE_SUPPORTED; logic ICACHE_SUPPORTED; // TLB configuration. Entries should be a power of 2 int ITLB_ENTRIES; int DTLB_ENTRIES; // Cache configuration. Sizes should be a power of two // typical configuration 4 ways, 4096 ints per way, 256 bit or more lines int DCACHE_NUMWAYS; int DCACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES; int DCACHE_LINELENINBITS; int ICACHE_NUMWAYS; int ICACHE_WAYSIZEINBYTES; int ICACHE_LINELENINBITS; // Integer Divider Configuration // IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE must be 1, 2, or 4 int IDIV_BITSPERCYCLE; logic IDIV_ON_FPU; // Legal number of PMP entries are 0, 16, or 64 int PMP_ENTRIES; // Address space logic [63:0] RESET_VECTOR; // WFI Timeout Wait int WFI_TIMEOUT_BIT; // Peripheral Addresses // Peripheral memory space extends from BASE to BASE+RANGE // Range should be a thermometer code with 0's in the upper bits and 1s in the lower bits logic DTIM_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] DTIM_BASE; logic [63:0] DTIM_RANGE; logic IROM_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] IROM_BASE; logic [63:0] IROM_RANGE; logic BOOTROM_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] BOOTROM_BASE; logic [63:0] BOOTROM_RANGE; logic UNCORE_RAM_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] UNCORE_RAM_BASE; logic [63:0] UNCORE_RAM_RANGE; logic EXT_MEM_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] EXT_MEM_BASE; logic [63:0] EXT_MEM_RANGE; logic CLINT_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] CLINT_BASE; logic [63:0] CLINT_RANGE; logic GPIO_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] GPIO_BASE; logic [63:0] GPIO_RANGE; logic UART_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] UART_BASE; logic [63:0] UART_RANGE; logic PLIC_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] PLIC_BASE; logic [63:0] PLIC_RANGE; logic SDC_SUPPORTED; logic [63:0] SDC_BASE; logic [63:0] SDC_RANGE; // Test modes // Tie GPIO outputs back to inputs logic GPIO_LOOPBACK_TEST; // Hardware configuration int UART_PRESCALE ; // Interrupt configuration int PLIC_NUM_SRC; logic PLIC_NUM_SRC_LT_32; int PLIC_GPIO_ID; int PLIC_UART_ID; logic BPRED_SUPPORTED; BranchPredictorType BPRED_TYPE; int BPRED_NUM_LHR; int BPRED_SIZE; int BTB_SIZE; // FPU division architecture int RADIX; int DIVCOPIES; // bit manipulation logic ZBA_SUPPORTED; logic ZBB_SUPPORTED; logic ZBC_SUPPORTED; logic ZBS_SUPPORTED; // Memory synthesis configuration logic USE_SRAM; // constants defining different privilege modes // defined in Table 1.1 of the privileged spec logic [1:0] M_MODE ; logic [1:0] S_MODE ; logic [1:0] U_MODE ; // Virtual Memory Constants int VPN_SEGMENT_BITS; int VPN_BITS; int PPN_BITS; int PA_BITS; int SVMODE_BITS; int ASID_BASE; int ASID_BITS; // constants to check SATP_MODE against // defined in Table 4.3 of the privileged spec logic [3:0] NO_TRANSLATE; logic [3:0] SV32; logic [3:0] SV39; logic [3:0] SV48; // macros to define supported modes logic A_SUPPORTED; logic B_SUPPORTED; logic C_SUPPORTED; logic D_SUPPORTED; logic E_SUPPORTED; logic F_SUPPORTED; logic I_SUPPORTED; logic M_SUPPORTED; logic Q_SUPPORTED; logic S_SUPPORTED; logic U_SUPPORTED; // logarithm of XLEN, used for number of index bits to select int LOG_XLEN; // Number of 64 bit PMP Configuration Register entries (or pairs of 32 bit entries) int PMPCFG_ENTRIES; // Floating point constants for Quad, Double, Single, and Half precisions int Q_LEN; int Q_NE; int Q_NF; int Q_BIAS; logic [1:0] Q_FMT; int D_LEN; int D_NE; int D_NF; int D_BIAS; logic [1:0] D_FMT; int S_LEN; int S_NE; int S_NF; int S_BIAS; logic [1:0] S_FMT; int H_LEN; int H_NE; int H_NF; int H_BIAS; logic [1:0] H_FMT; // Floating point length FLEN and number of exponent (NE) and fraction (NF) bits int FLEN; int NE ; int NF ; logic [1:0] FMT ; int BIAS; // Floating point constants needed for FPU paramerterization int FPSIZES; int FMTBITS; int LEN1 ; int NE1 ; int NF1 ; logic [1:0] FMT1 ; int BIAS1; int LEN2 ; int NE2 ; int NF2 ; logic [1:0] FMT2 ; int BIAS2; // largest length in IEU/FPU int CVTLEN; int LLEN; int LOGCVTLEN; int NORMSHIFTSZ; int LOGNORMSHIFTSZ; int CORRSHIFTSZ; // division constants int DIVN ; int LOGR; int RK ; int LOGRK ; int FPDUR ; int DURLEN ; int DIVb ; int DIVBLEN ; int DIVa ; } cvw_t; endpackage `endif