/////////////////////////////////////////// // rvvi daemon // // Written: Rose Thomposn ross1728@gmail.com // Created: 31 May 2024 // Modified: 31 May 2024 // // Purpose: Converts raw socket into rvvi interface to connect into ImperasDV // // Documentation: // // A component of the CORE-V-WALLY configurable RISC-V project. // https://github.com/openhwgroup/cvw // // Copyright (C) 2021-23 Harvey Mudd College & Oklahoma State University // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1 // // Licensed under the Solderpad Hardware License v 2.1 (the “License”); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License, or, at your option, the Apache License version 2.0. You // may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-2.1/ // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, any work distributed under the // License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rvviApi.h" // *** bug fix me when this file gets included into the correct directory. #include "idv/idv.h" #define DEST_MAC0 0x43 #define DEST_MAC1 0x68 #define DEST_MAC2 0x11 #define DEST_MAC3 0x11 #define DEST_MAC4 0x02 #define DEST_MAC5 0x45 #define SRC_MAC0 0x54 #define SRC_MAC1 0x16 #define SRC_MAC2 0x00 #define SRC_MAC3 0x00 #define SRC_MAC4 0x54 #define SRC_MAC5 0x8F #define BUF_SIZ 1024 //#define ETHER_TYPE 0x0801 // The type defined in packetizer.sv #define ETHER_TYPE 0x5c00 // The type defined in packetizer.sv //#define ETHER_TYPE 0x0000 // The type defined in packetizer.sv #define DEFAULT_IF "eno1" struct sockaddr_ll socket_address; uint8_t sendbuf[BUF_SIZ]; struct ether_header *sendeh = (struct ether_header *) sendbuf; int tx_len = 0; int sockfd; typedef struct { uint64_t PC; uint32_t insn; uint64_t Mcycle; uint64_t Minstret; uint8_t Trap : 1; uint8_t PrivilegeMode : 2; uint8_t GPREn : 1; uint8_t FPREn : 1; uint16_t CSRCount : 12; uint8_t GPRReg : 5; uint64_t GPRValue; uint8_t FPRReg : 5; uint64_t FPRValue; uint8_t CSRWen[3]; uint16_t CSRReg[3]; uint64_t CSRValue[3]; } RequiredRVVI_t; // total size is 241 bits or 30.125 bytes typedef struct { uint8_t RegAddress : 5; uint64_t RegValue; } Reg_t; void DecodeRVVI(uint8_t *payload, ssize_t payloadsize, RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData); void BitShiftArray(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, uint8_t ShiftAmount, int Length); void PrintInstructionData(RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData); int ProcessRvviAll(RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData); void set_gpr(int hart, int reg, uint64_t value); void set_fpr(int hart, int reg, uint64_t value); int state_compare(int hart, uint64_t Minstret); int main(int argc, char **argv){ if(argc != 2){ printf("Wrong number of arguments.\n"); printf("rvvidaemon \n"); return -1; } uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZ]; int sockopt; struct ifreq ifopts; /* set promiscuous mode */ struct ether_header *eh = (struct ether_header *) buf; ssize_t headerbytes, numbytes, payloadbytes; /* Open RAW socket to receive frames */ if ((sockfd = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETHER_TYPE))) == -1) { perror("socket"); } printf("Here 0\n"); /* Set interface to promiscuous mode - do we need to do this every time? */ strncpy(ifopts.ifr_name, argv[1], IFNAMSIZ-1); ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifopts); printf("Here 1\n"); ifopts.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC; ioctl(sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifopts); printf("Here 2\n"); if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFINDEX, &ifopts) < 0) perror("SIOCGIFINDEX"); /* Allow the socket to be reused - incase connection is closed prematurely */ if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof sockopt) == -1) { perror("setsockopt"); close(sockfd); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Here 3\n"); /* Bind to device */ if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, argv[1], IFNAMSIZ-1) == -1) { perror("SO_BINDTODEVICE"); close(sockfd); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("Here 4\n"); if(!rvviVersionCheck(RVVI_API_VERSION)){ printf("Bad RVVI_API_VERSION\n"); } /* Construct the Ethernet header */ memset(sendbuf, 0, BUF_SIZ); sendbuf[0] = DEST_MAC0; sendbuf[1] = DEST_MAC1; sendbuf[2] = DEST_MAC2; sendbuf[3] = DEST_MAC3; sendbuf[4] = DEST_MAC4; sendbuf[5] = DEST_MAC5; sendbuf[6] = SRC_MAC0; sendbuf[7] = SRC_MAC1; sendbuf[8] = SRC_MAC2; sendbuf[9] = SRC_MAC3; sendbuf[10] = SRC_MAC4; sendbuf[11] = SRC_MAC5; sendeh->ether_type = htons(ETHER_TYPE); tx_len += sizeof(struct ether_header); /* Packet data */ sendbuf[tx_len++] = 't'; sendbuf[tx_len++] = 'r'; sendbuf[tx_len++] = 'i'; sendbuf[tx_len++] = 'g'; sendbuf[tx_len++] = 'i'; sendbuf[tx_len++] = 'n'; rvviRefConfigSetString(IDV_CONFIG_MODEL_VENDOR, "riscv.ovpworld.org"); rvviRefConfigSetString(IDV_CONFIG_MODEL_NAME,"riscv"); rvviRefConfigSetString(IDV_CONFIG_MODEL_VARIANT, "RV64GC"); rvviRefConfigSetInt(IDV_CONFIG_MODEL_ADDRESS_BUS_WIDTH, 56); rvviRefConfigSetInt(IDV_CONFIG_MAX_NET_LATENCY_RETIREMENTS, 6); /* Index of the network device */ socket_address.sll_ifindex = ifopts.ifr_ifindex; /* Address length*/ socket_address.sll_halen = ETH_ALEN; /* Destination MAC */ socket_address.sll_addr[0] = DEST_MAC0; socket_address.sll_addr[1] = DEST_MAC1; socket_address.sll_addr[2] = DEST_MAC2; socket_address.sll_addr[3] = DEST_MAC3; socket_address.sll_addr[4] = DEST_MAC4; socket_address.sll_addr[5] = DEST_MAC5; int i; printf("buffer: "); for(i=0;iether_dhost[0] == DEST_MAC0 && eh->ether_dhost[1] == DEST_MAC1 && eh->ether_dhost[2] == DEST_MAC2 && eh->ether_dhost[3] == DEST_MAC3 && eh->ether_dhost[4] == DEST_MAC4 && eh->ether_dhost[5] == DEST_MAC5) { //printf("Correct destination MAC address\n"); uint64_t PC; uint32_t insn; RequiredRVVI_t InstructionData; DecodeRVVI(buf + headerbytes, payloadbytes, &InstructionData); // now let's drive IDV // start simple just drive and compare PC. PrintInstructionData(&InstructionData); result = ProcessRvviAll(&InstructionData); if(result == -1) break; } } printf("Simulation halted due to mismatch\n"); close(sockfd); return 0; } int ProcessRvviAll(RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData){ long int found; uint64_t time = InstructionData->Mcycle; uint8_t trap = InstructionData->Trap; uint64_t order = InstructionData->Minstret; int result; result = 0; if(InstructionData->GPREn) set_gpr(0, InstructionData->GPRReg, InstructionData->GPRValue); if(InstructionData->FPREn) set_fpr(0, InstructionData->FPRReg, InstructionData->FPRValue); if (trap) { rvviDutTrap(0, InstructionData->PC, InstructionData->insn); } else { rvviDutRetire(0, InstructionData->PC, InstructionData->insn, 0); } if(!trap) result = state_compare(0, InstructionData->Minstret); // *** set is for nets like interrupts come back to this. //found = rvviRefNetIndexGet("pc_rdata"); //rvviRefNetSet(found, InstructionData->PC, time); return result; } int state_compare(int hart, uint64_t Minstret){ uint8_t result = 1; uint8_t stepOk = 0; char buf[80]; rvviDutCycleCountSet(Minstret); if(rvviRefEventStep(hart) != 0) { stepOk = 1; result &= rvviRefPcCompare(hart); result &= rvviRefInsBinCompare(hart); result &= rvviRefGprsCompare(hart); result &= rvviRefFprsCompare(hart); result &= rvviRefCsrsCompare(hart); } else { result = 0; } if (result == 0) { /* Send packet */ if (sendto(sockfd, sendbuf, tx_len, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&socket_address, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)) < 0){ printf("Send failed\n"); }else { printf("send success!\n"); } sprintf(buf, "MISMATCH @ instruction # %ld\n", Minstret); idvMsgError(buf); return -1; } } void set_gpr(int hart, int reg, uint64_t value){ rvviDutGprSet(hart, reg, value); } void set_fpr(int hart, int reg, uint64_t value){ rvviDutFprSet(hart, reg, value); } void DecodeRVVI(uint8_t *payload, ssize_t payloadsize, RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData){ // you know this actually easiser in assembly. :( uint8_t buf2[BUF_SIZ], buf3[BUF_SIZ]; uint8_t * buf2ptr, *buf3ptr; buf2ptr = buf2; buf3ptr = buf3; //int PayloadSize = sizeof(RequiredRVVI_t) - 1; int PayloadSize = 30; int Buf2Size = BUF_SIZ - PayloadSize; uint64_t Mcycle, Minstret; uint64_t PC; uint32_t insn; // unforunately the struct appoarch does not work?!? PC = * (uint64_t *) payload; payload += 8; insn = * (uint32_t *) payload; payload += 4; Mcycle = * (uint64_t *) payload; payload += 8; Minstret = * (uint64_t *) payload; payload += 8; // the next 4 bytes contain CSRCount (12), FPRWen(1), GPRWen(1), PrivilegeMode(2), Trap(1) uint32_t RequiredFlags; RequiredFlags = * (uint32_t *) payload; uint8_t Trap, PrivilegeMode, GPRWen, FPRWen; uint16_t CSRCount = 0; uint8_t GPRReg = 0; uint64_t GPRData = 0; uint8_t FPRReg = 0; uint64_t FPRData = 0; uint8_t CSRWen[3] = {0, 0, 0}; uint16_t CSRReg[3]; uint64_t CSRValue[3]; int CSRIndex; Trap = RequiredFlags & 0x1; PrivilegeMode = (RequiredFlags >> 1) & 0x3; GPRWen = (RequiredFlags >> 3) & 0x1; FPRWen = (RequiredFlags >> 4) & 0x1; CSRCount = (RequiredFlags >> 5) & 0xFFF; payload += 2; if(GPRWen || FPRWen || (CSRCount != 0)){ // the first bit of payload is the last bit of CSRCount. ssize_t newPayloadSize = payloadsize - 30; BitShiftArray(buf2, payload, 1, newPayloadSize); int index; if(GPRWen){ GPRReg = * (uint8_t *) buf2ptr; GPRReg = GPRReg & 0x1F; BitShiftArray(buf3, buf2ptr, 5, newPayloadSize); GPRData = * (uint64_t *) buf3; if(FPRWen){ buf3ptr += 8; FPRReg = * (uint8_t *) buf3ptr; BitShiftArray(buf2, buf3ptr, 5, newPayloadSize - 8); FPRReg = FPRReg & 0x1F; FPRData = * (uint64_t *) buf2; } }else if(FPRWen){ FPRReg = * (uint8_t *) buf2; FPRReg = FPRReg & 0x1F; BitShiftArray(buf3, buf2, 5, newPayloadSize); FPRData = * (uint64_t *) buf3; } if(GPRWen ^ FPRWen){ payload += 8; Buf2Size = payloadsize - 38; BitShiftArray(buf2, payload, 6, Buf2Size); }else if(GPRWen & FPRWen){ payload += 17; Buf2Size = payloadsize - 47; BitShiftArray(buf2, payload, 3, Buf2Size); }else{ Buf2Size = payloadsize - 30; BitShiftArray(buf2, payload, 1, Buf2Size); } buf2ptr = buf2; for(CSRIndex = 0; CSRIndex < CSRCount; CSRIndex++){ CSRReg[CSRIndex] = (*(uint16_t *) buf2ptr) & 0xFFF; Buf2Size -= 1; BitShiftArray(buf3, buf2ptr + 1, 4, Buf2Size); CSRValue[CSRIndex] = (*(uint64_t *) buf3); CSRWen[CSRIndex] = 1; buf2ptr = buf3; } } InstructionData->PC = PC; InstructionData->insn = insn; InstructionData->Mcycle = Mcycle; InstructionData->Minstret = Minstret; InstructionData->Trap = Trap; InstructionData->PrivilegeMode = PrivilegeMode; InstructionData->GPREn = GPRWen; InstructionData->FPREn = FPRWen; InstructionData->CSRCount = CSRCount; InstructionData->GPRReg = GPRReg; InstructionData->GPRValue = GPRData; InstructionData->FPRReg = FPRReg; InstructionData->FPRValue = FPRData; for(CSRIndex = 0; CSRIndex < 3; CSRIndex++){ InstructionData->CSRWen[CSRIndex] = CSRWen[CSRIndex]; InstructionData->CSRReg[CSRIndex] = CSRReg[CSRIndex]; InstructionData->CSRValue[CSRIndex] = CSRValue[CSRIndex]; } } void PrintInstructionData(RequiredRVVI_t *InstructionData){ int CSRIndex; printf("PC = %lx, insn = %x, Mcycle = %lx, Minstret = %lx, Trap = %hhx, PrivilegeMode = %hhx", InstructionData->PC, InstructionData->insn, InstructionData->Mcycle, InstructionData->Minstret, InstructionData->Trap, InstructionData->PrivilegeMode); if(InstructionData->GPREn){ printf(", GPR[%d] = %lx", InstructionData->GPRReg, InstructionData->GPRValue); } if(InstructionData->FPREn){ printf(", FPR[%d] = %lx", InstructionData->FPRReg, InstructionData->FPRValue); } for(CSRIndex = 0; CSRIndex < 3; CSRIndex++){ if(InstructionData->CSRWen[CSRIndex]){ printf(", CSR[%x] = %lx", InstructionData->CSRReg[CSRIndex], InstructionData->CSRValue[CSRIndex]); } } printf("\n"); } void BitShiftArray(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, uint8_t ShiftAmount, int Length){ // always shift right by ShiftAmount (0 to 7 bit positions). // *** this implemenation is very inefficient. improve later. if(ShiftAmount < 0 || ShiftAmount > 7) return; /* Read the first source byte Read the second source byte Right Shift byte 1 by ShiftAmount Right Rotate byte 2 by ShiftAmount Mask byte 2 by ~(2^ShiftAmount -1) OR together the two bytes to form the final next byte repeat this for each byte On the last byte we don't do the last steps */ int Index; for(Index = 0; Index < Length - 1; Index++){ uint8_t byte1 = src[Index]; uint8_t byte2 = src[Index+1]; byte1 = byte1 >> ShiftAmount; uint8_t byte2rot = (byte2 << (unsigned) (8 - ShiftAmount)) & 0xff; uint8_t byte1final = byte2rot | byte1; dst[Index] = byte1final; } // fence post // For last one there is only one source byte uint8_t byte1 = src[Length-1]; byte1 = byte1 >> ShiftAmount; dst[Length-1] = byte1; }