#!/usr/bin/env python3
# regression-wally
# David_Harris@Hmc.edu 25 January 2021
# Modified by Jarred Allen <jaallen@g.hmc.edu>
# Run a regression with multiple configurations in parallel and exit with
# non-zero status code if an error happened, as well as printing human-readable
# output.
import sys,os,shutil
import multiprocessing
from collections import namedtuple
from multiprocessing import Pool, TimeoutError

# Define lists of configurations and tests to run on each configuration

# The tests are a list with one element for each configuration
# The element consists of the configuration name, a list of test suites to run, 
# optionally a string to pass to the simulator, and optionally a nonstandard grep string to check for success

tests = [
        ["rv32e", ["arch32e"]],
        ["rv32i", ["arch32i"]],
        ["rv32imc", ["arch32i", "arch32c", "arch32m", "wally32periph"]],
        ["rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32d", "arch32f_fma", "arch32d_fma", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", 
                    "arch32i", "arch32priv", "arch32c",  "arch32m", "arch32a_amo", "arch32zifencei", "arch32zicond", 
                    "arch32zba", "arch32zbb", "arch32zbc", "arch32zbs", "arch32zfh", "arch32zfh_fma", 
                    "arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad", "wally32a_lrsc", "wally32priv", "wally32periph", "arch32zcb",
                    "arch32zbkb", "arch32zbkc", "arch32zbkx", "arch32zknd", "arch32zkne", "arch32zknh"]], 
         ["rv64i", ["arch64i"]]

# Separate test for short buildroot run through OpenSBI UART output
tests_buildrootshort = [
                    ["buildroot", ["buildroot"], [f"+INSTR_LIMIT=1400000"], # Instruction limit gets to first OpenSBI UART output  
                        "OpenSBI v", "buildroot_uart.out"]

# Separate test for full buildroot run
tests_buildrootboot = [
                    ["buildroot", ["buildroot"], [f"+INSTR_LIMIT=600000000"], # boot entire buildroot Linux to login prompt
                        "WallyHostname login: ", "buildroot_uart.out"]

# Separate out floating-point tests for RV64 to speed up coverage
tests64gc_nofp = [
        ["rv64gc", ["coverage64gc", "arch64i", "arch64priv", "arch64c",  "arch64m", "arch64zcb",
                    "arch64zifencei", "arch64zicond", "arch64a_amo", "wally64a_lrsc", "wally64periph", "wally64priv", 
                    "arch64zbkb", "arch64zbkc", "arch64zbkx", "arch64zknd", "arch64zkne", "arch64zknh",
                    "arch64zba",  "arch64zbb",  "arch64zbc", "arch64zbs"]] # add when working:  "arch64zicboz"

tests64gc_fp = [
        ["rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64d", "arch64zfh", 
                    "arch64f_fma", "arch64d_fma", "arch64zfh_fma", 
                    "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64zfh_divsqrt", 
                    "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad"]]

derivconfigtests = [
        # memory system
        ["tlb2_rv32gc", ["wally32priv"]],
        ["tlb16_rv32gc", ["wally32priv"]],
        ["tlb2_rv64gc", ["wally64priv"]],
        ["tlb16_rv64gc", ["wally64priv"]],
        ["way_1_4096_512_rv32gc", ["arch32i"]],
        ["way_2_4096_512_rv32gc", ["arch32i"]],
        ["way_8_4096_512_rv32gc", ["arch32i"]],
        ["way_4_2048_512_rv32gc", ["arch32i"]],
        ["way_4_4096_256_rv32gc", ["arch32i"]],
        ["way_1_4096_512_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["way_2_4096_512_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["way_8_4096_512_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["way_4_2048_512_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["way_4_4096_256_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["way_4_4096_1024_rv64gc", ["arch64i"]],
        ["ram_0_0_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["ram_1_0_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["ram_1_1_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["ram_2_0_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["ram_2_1_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
# RV32 cacheless designs will not work unless DTIM supports FLEN > XLEN.  This support is not planned.
#        ["nodcache_rv32gc", ["ahb32"]],
#        ["nocache_rv32gc", ["ahb32"]],
        ["noicache_rv32gc", ["ahb32"]],
        ["noicache_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["nodcache_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],
        ["nocache_rv64gc", ["ahb64"]],

# Atomic variants
        ["zaamo_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64a_amo"]],
        ["zalrsc_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "wally64a_lrsc"]],
        ["zaamo_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32a_amo"]],
        ["zalrsc_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "wally32a_lrsc"]],

# Bit manipulation and crypto variants
        ["zba_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zba"]],
        ["zbb_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbb"]],
        ["zbc_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbc"]],
        ["zbs_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbs"]],
        ["zbkb_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbkb"]],
        ["zbkc_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbkc"]],
        ["zbkx_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zbkx"]],
        ["zkne_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zkne"]],
        ["zknd_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zknd"]],
        ["zknh_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32zknh"]],

        ["zba_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zba"]],
        ["zbb_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbb"]],
        ["zbc_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbc"]],
        ["zbs_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbs"]],
        ["zbkb_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbkb"]],
        ["zbkc_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbkc"]],
        ["zbkx_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zbkx"]],
        ["zkne_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zkne"]],
        ["zknd_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zknd"]],
        ["zknh_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64zknh"]],

# No privilege modes variants
        ["noS_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32f", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "arch32a_amo", "arch32zifencei", "arch32zicond",
                        "arch32zba", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad", "wally32a_lrsc", "arch32zcb", "arch32zbkx", "arch32zknd"]],
        ["noS_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64f", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "arch64a_amo", "arch64zifencei", "arch64zicond",
                        "arch64zba", "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad", "wally64a_lrsc", "arch64zcb", "arch64zbkx", "arch64zknd"]],
        ["noU_rv32gc", ["arch32i", "arch32f", "arch32priv", "arch32c", "arch32m", "arch32a_amo", "arch32zifencei", "arch32zicond",
                        "arch32zba", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad", "wally32a_lrsc", "arch32zcb", "arch32zbkx", "arch32zknd"]],
        ["noU_rv64gc", ["arch64i", "arch64f", "arch64priv", "arch64c", "arch64m", "arch64a_amo", "arch64zifencei", "arch64zicond",
                        "arch64zba", "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad", "wally64a_lrsc", "arch64zcb", "arch64zbkx", "arch64zknd"]],

        ### add misaligned tests

        # fp/int divider permutations
        ["div_2_1_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_1i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_2_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_2i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_4_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_4i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_1_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_1i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_2_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_2i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_4_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_4_4i_rv32gc", ["arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32m"]],
        ["div_2_1_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_2_1i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_2_2_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_2_2i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_2_4_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_2_4i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_1_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_1i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_2_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_2i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_4_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]],
        ["div_4_4i_rv64gc", ["arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64m"]], 

        # fpu permutations
        ["f_rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32f_fma", "arch32zfaf"]],
        ["fh_rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32f_fma", "arch32zfh", "arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32zfaf"]],
        ["fdh_rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32f_fma", "arch32d", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32d_fma", "arch32zfh", "arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad"]],
        ["fdq_rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32f_fma", "arch32d", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32d_fma", "arch32i", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad"]],
        ["fdqh_rv32gc", ["arch32f", "arch32f_divsqrt", "arch32f_fma", "arch32d", "arch32d_divsqrt", "arch32d_fma", "arch32zfh", "arch32zfh_divsqrt", "arch32i", "arch32zfaf", "arch32zfad"]],
        ["f_rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64f_fma", "arch64zfaf"]],
        ["fh_rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64f_fma", "arch64zfh", "arch64zfh_divsqrt", "arch64zfaf"]], 
        ["fdh_rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64f_fma", "arch64d", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64d_fma", "arch64zfh", "arch64zfh_divsqrt", "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad"]],
        ["fdq_rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64f_fma", "arch64d", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64d_fma", "arch64i", "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad"]],
        ["fdqh_rv64gc", ["arch64f", "arch64f_divsqrt", "arch64f_fma", "arch64d", "arch64d_divsqrt", "arch64d_fma", "arch64zfh", "arch64zfh_divsqrt", "arch64i", "wally64q", "arch64zfaf", "arch64zfad"]],

bpredtests = [
        ["nobpred_rv32gc", ["rv32i"]],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_6_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_8_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_10_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],        
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_12_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_14_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],        
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_16_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_6_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_8_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_10_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],        
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_12_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_14_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],        
        ["bpred_TWOBIT_16_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],

        ["bpred_GSHARE_6_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_6_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_8_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_8_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_12_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_12_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_14_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_14_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_16_16_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_16_16_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],

        # btb
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_6_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_6_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_8_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_8_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_12_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_16_12_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],

        # ras
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_2_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_2_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_3_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_3_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_4_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_4_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_6_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_6_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_10_10_0_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"],
        ["bpred_GSHARE_10_10_10_1_rv32gc", ["embench"], "-GPrintHPMCounters=1"]

# Data Types & Functions

TestCase = namedtuple("TestCase", ['name', 'variant', 'cmd', 'grepstr', 'grepfile'])
# name:     the name of this test configuration (used in printing human-readable
#           output and picking logfile names)
# cmd:      the command to run to test (should include the logfile as '{}', and
#           the command needs to write to that file)
# grepstr:  the string to grep through the log file for. The test succeeds iff
#           grep finds that string in the logfile (is used by grep, so it may
#           be any pattern grep accepts, see `man 1 grep` for more info).
# grepfile:  a string containing the location of the file to be searched for output

class bcolors:
    HEADER = '\033[95m'
    OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
    OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
    OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
    WARNING = '\033[93m'
    FAIL = '\033[91m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

def addTests(tests, sim):
    sim_logdir = WALLY+ "/sim/" + sim + "/logs/"
    for test in tests:
        config = test[0];
        suites = test[1];
        if (len(test) >= 3):
            args = " --args " + " ".join(test[2])
            args = ""
        if (len(test) >= 4):
            gs = test[3]
            gs = "All tests ran without failures"
        cmdPrefix="wsim --sim " + sim + " " + coverStr + " " + config
        for t in suites:
            sim_log = sim_logdir + config + "_" + t + ".log"
            if (len(test) >= 5):
                grepfile = sim_logdir + test[4]
                grepfile = sim_log
            tc = TestCase(
                    cmd=cmdPrefix + " " + t + args + " > " + sim_log,
                    grepfile = grepfile)

def search_log_for_text(text, grepfile):
    """Search through the given log file for text, returning True if it is found or False if it is not"""
    grepwarn = "grep -H Warning: " + grepfile
    greperr = "grep -H Error: " + grepfile
    grepcmd = "grep -a -e '%s' '%s' > /dev/null" % (text, grepfile)
#    print("  search_log_for_text invoking %s" % grepcmd)
    return os.system(grepcmd) == 0

def run_test_case(config):
    """Run the given test case, and return 0 if the test suceeds and 1 if it fails"""
    grepfile = config.grepfile
    cmd = config.cmd
    # print("  run_test_case invoking %s" % cmd)
    if search_log_for_text(config.grepstr, grepfile):
#        print(f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}%s_%s: Success{bcolors.ENDC}" % (config.variant, config.name))
        print(f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}%s: Success{bcolors.ENDC}" % (config.cmd))
        return 0
        print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}%s: Failures detected in output{bcolors.ENDC}" % (config.cmd))
        print("  Check %s" % grepfile)
        return 1

# Main body

WALLY = os.environ.get('WALLY')
regressionDir = WALLY + '/sim'

coveragesim = "questa"  # Questa is required for code/functional coverage
#defaultsim = "vcs"   # Default simulator for all other tests; change to Verilator when flow is ready
#defaultsim = "questa"   # Default simulator for all other tests; change to Verilator when flow is ready
defaultsim = "verilator"   # Default simulator for all other tests

coverage = '--coverage' in sys.argv
fp = '--fp' in sys.argv
nightly = '--nightly' in sys.argv
testfloat = '--testfloat' in sys.argv

if (nightly):
    nightMode = "--nightly";
#    sims = [defaultsim]                    # uncomment to use only the default simulator
    sims = ["questa", "verilator", "vcs"] # uncomment to exercise all simulators
    nightMode = ""
    sims = [defaultsim]

if (coverage):  # only run RV64GC tests in coverage mode
    coverStr = '--coverage'
   coverStr = ''

# Run Lint
configs = [
        cmd="lint-wally " + nightMode + " | tee " + WALLY + "/sim/verilator/logs/all_lints.log",
        grepstr="lints run with no errors or warnings",
        grepfile = WALLY + "/sim/verilator/logs/all_lints.log")

if (coverage):  # only run RV64GC tests on Questa in coverage mode
    addTests(tests64gc_nofp, "questa")
    if (fp):
        addTests(tests64gc_fp, "questa")
    for sim in sims:
        addTests(tests_buildrootshort, sim)
        addTests(tests, sim)
        addTests(tests64gc_nofp, sim)
        addTests(tests64gc_fp, sim)

    # run derivative configurations in nightly regression
if (nightly):
#    addTests(tests_buildrootboot, defaultsim)
    addTests(derivconfigtests, defaultsim)

# testfloat tests
if (testfloat): # for testfloat alone, just run testfloat tests
    configs = []
if (testfloat or nightly): # for nightly, run testfloat along with othres
    testfloatconfigs = ["fdqh_ieee_rv64gc", "fdq_ieee_rv64gc", "fdh_ieee_rv64gc", "fd_ieee_rv64gc", "fh_ieee_rv64gc", "f_ieee_rv64gc", "fdqh_ieee_rv32gc", "f_ieee_rv32gc"]
    for config in testfloatconfigs:
        tests = ["div", "sqrt", "add", "sub", "mul", "cvtint", "cvtfp", "fma", "cmp"]
        if ("f_" in config):
        for test in tests:
            sim_log = WALLY + "/sim/questa/logs/"+config+"_"+test+".log" # TODO: Change hardcoded questa log directory to simulator
            tc = TestCase(
                    cmd="wsim --tb testbench_fp " + config + " " + test + " > " + sim_log,
                    grepstr="All Tests completed with          0 errors",
                    grepfile = sim_log)

    testfloatdivconfigs = [
    "fdh_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "fdh_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "fdh_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "fdh_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "fdh_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "fdh_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "fdh_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "fdh_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "fdh_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "fdh_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "fdh_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "fdh_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc",
    "fd_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "fd_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "fd_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "fd_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "fd_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "fd_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "fd_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "fd_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "fd_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "fd_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "fd_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "fd_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc",
    "fdqh_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "fdqh_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "fdqh_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "fdqh_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "fdqh_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc",
    "fdq_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "fdq_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "fdq_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "fdq_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "fdq_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "fdq_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "fdq_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "fdq_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "fdq_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "fdq_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "fdq_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "fdq_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc",
    "fh_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "fh_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "fh_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "fh_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "fh_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "fh_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "fh_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "fh_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "fh_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "fh_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "fh_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "fh_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc",
    "f_ieee_div_2_1_rv32gc", "f_ieee_div_2_1_rv64gc", "f_ieee_div_2_2_rv32gc",
    "f_ieee_div_2_2_rv64gc", "f_ieee_div_2_4_rv32gc", "f_ieee_div_2_4_rv64gc",
    "f_ieee_div_4_1_rv32gc", "f_ieee_div_4_1_rv64gc", "f_ieee_div_4_2_rv32gc",
    "f_ieee_div_4_2_rv64gc", "f_ieee_div_4_4_rv32gc", "f_ieee_div_4_4_rv64gc"
    for config in testfloatdivconfigs:
        # div test case
        tests = ["div", "sqrt"]
        if ("ieee" in config):
        if ("f_" in config):
        for test in tests:
            sim_log = WALLY + "/sim/questa/logs/"+config+"_"+test+".log"
            tc = TestCase(
                    cmd="wsim --tb testbench_fp " + config + " " + test + " > " + sim_log,
                    grepstr="All Tests completed with          0 errors",
                    grepfile = WALLY + "/sim/questa/logs/"+config+"_"+test+".log")

def main():
    """Run the tests and count the failures"""
    global configs, coverage
    dirs = ["questa/logs", "questa/wkdir", "verilator/logs", "verilator/wkdir", "vcs/logs", "vcs/wkdir"]
    for d in dirs: 
            os.system('rm -rf %s' % d)
    if '--makeTests' in sys.argv:
        os.system('./make-tests.sh | tee ./logs/make-tests.log')

    elif '--coverage' in sys.argv:
        TIMEOUT_DUR = 20*60 # seconds
        os.system('rm -f questa/cov/*.ucdb')
    elif '--nightly' in sys.argv:
        TIMEOUT_DUR = 60*1440 # 1 day
    elif '--testfloat' in sys.argv:
        TIMEOUT_DUR = 30*60 # seconds
        TIMEOUT_DUR = 10*60 # seconds

    # Scale the number of concurrent processes to the number of test cases, but
    # max out at a limited number of concurrent processes to not overwhelm the system
    with Pool(processes=min(len(configs),multiprocessing.cpu_count())) as pool:
       num_fail = 0
       results = {}
       for config in configs:
           results[config] = pool.apply_async(run_test_case,(config,))
       for (config,result) in results.items():
           except TimeoutError:
             print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}%s_%s: Timeout - runtime exceeded %d seconds{bcolors.ENDC}" % (config.variant, config.name, TIMEOUT_DUR))

    # Coverage report
    if coverage:
       os.system('make QuestaCoverage')
    # Count the number of failures
    if num_fail:
        print(f"{bcolors.FAIL}Regression failed with %s failed configurations{bcolors.ENDC}" % num_fail)
        print(f"{bcolors.OKGREEN}SUCCESS! All tests ran without failures{bcolors.ENDC}")
    return num_fail

if __name__ == '__main__':