// constants defining different privilege modes // defined in Table 1.1 of the privileged spec localparam M_MODE = (2'b11); localparam S_MODE = (2'b01); localparam U_MODE = (2'b00); // Virtual Memory Constants localparam VPN_SEGMENT_BITS = (XLEN == 32 ? 32'd10 : 32'd9); localparam VPN_BITS = (XLEN==32 ? (2*VPN_SEGMENT_BITS) : (4*VPN_SEGMENT_BITS)); localparam PPN_BITS = (XLEN==32 ? 32'd22 : 32'd44); localparam PA_BITS = (XLEN==32 ? 32'd34 : 32'd56); localparam SVMODE_BITS = (XLEN==32 ? 32'd1 : 32'd4); localparam ASID_BASE = (XLEN==32 ? 32'd22 : 32'd44); localparam ASID_BITS = (XLEN==32 ? 32'd9 : 32'd16); // constants to check SATP_MODE against // defined in Table 4.3 of the privileged spec localparam NO_TRANSLATE = 4'd0; localparam SV32 = 4'd1; localparam SV39 = 4'd8; localparam SV48 = 4'd9; // macros to define supported modes localparam A_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 0) % 2 == 1); localparam B_SUPPORTED = ((ZBA_SUPPORTED | ZBB_SUPPORTED | ZBC_SUPPORTED | ZBS_SUPPORTED));// not based on MISA localparam C_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 2) % 2 == 1); localparam COMPRESSED_SUPPORTED = C_SUPPORTED | ZCA_SUPPORTED; localparam D_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 3) % 2 == 1); localparam E_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 4) % 2 == 1); localparam F_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 5) % 2 == 1); localparam I_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 8) % 2 == 1); localparam K_SUPPORTED = ((ZBKB_SUPPORTED | ZBKC_SUPPORTED | ZBKX_SUPPORTED | ZKND_SUPPORTED | ZKNE_SUPPORTED | ZKNH_SUPPORTED)); localparam M_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 12) % 2 == 1); localparam Q_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 16) % 2 == 1); localparam S_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 18) % 2 == 1); localparam U_SUPPORTED = ((MISA >> 20) % 2 == 1); // N-mode user-level interrupts are depricated per Andrew Waterman 1/13/21 // logarithm of XLEN, used for number of index bits to select localparam LOG_XLEN = (XLEN == 32 ? 32'd5 : 32'd6); // Number of 64 bit PMP Configuration Register entries (or pairs of 32 bit entries) localparam PMPCFG_ENTRIES = (PMP_ENTRIES/32'd8); // Floating point constants for Quad, Double, Single, and Half precisions // Lim: I've made some of these 64 bit to avoid width warnings. // If errors crop up, try downsizing back to 32. localparam Q_LEN = 32'd128; localparam Q_NE = 32'd15; localparam Q_NF = 32'd112; localparam Q_BIAS = 32'd16383; localparam Q_FMT = 2'd3; localparam D_LEN = 32'd64; localparam D_NE = 32'd11; localparam D_NF = 32'd52; localparam D_BIAS = 32'd1023; localparam D_FMT = 2'd1; localparam S_LEN = 32'd32; localparam S_NE = 32'd8; localparam S_NF = 32'd23; localparam S_BIAS = 32'd127; localparam S_FMT = 2'd0; localparam H_LEN = 32'd16; localparam H_NE = 32'd5; localparam H_NF = 32'd10; localparam H_BIAS = 32'd15; localparam H_FMT = 2'd2; // Floating point length FLEN and number of exponent (NE) and fraction (NF) bits (for longest format supported) localparam FLEN = Q_SUPPORTED ? Q_LEN : D_SUPPORTED ? D_LEN : S_LEN; localparam NE = Q_SUPPORTED ? Q_NE : D_SUPPORTED ? D_NE : S_NE; localparam NF = Q_SUPPORTED ? Q_NF : D_SUPPORTED ? D_NF : S_NF; localparam FMT = Q_SUPPORTED ? 2'd3 : D_SUPPORTED ? 2'd1 : 2'd0; localparam BIAS = Q_SUPPORTED ? Q_BIAS : D_SUPPORTED ? D_BIAS : S_BIAS; // Floating point constants needed for FPU paramerterization // LEN1/NE1/NF1/FNT1 is the size of the second longest supported format localparam FPSIZES = (32)'(Q_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(D_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(F_SUPPORTED)+(32)'(ZFH_SUPPORTED); localparam FMTBITS = (32)'(FPSIZES>=3)+1; localparam LEN1 = (FLEN > D_LEN) ? D_LEN : (FLEN > S_LEN) ? S_LEN : H_LEN; localparam NE1 = (FLEN > D_LEN) ? D_NE : (FLEN > S_LEN) ? S_NE : H_NE; localparam NF1 = (FLEN > D_LEN) ? D_NF : (FLEN > S_LEN) ? S_NF : H_NF; localparam FMT1 = (FLEN > D_LEN) ? 2'd1 : (FLEN > S_LEN) ? 2'd0 : 2'd2; localparam BIAS1 = (FLEN > D_LEN) ? D_BIAS : (FLEN > S_LEN) ? S_BIAS : H_BIAS; // LEN2 etc is the size of the third longest supported format localparam LEN2 = (LEN1 > S_LEN) ? S_LEN : H_LEN; localparam NE2 = (LEN1 > S_LEN) ? S_NE : H_NE; localparam NF2 = (LEN1 > S_LEN) ? S_NF : H_NF; localparam FMT2 = (LEN1 > S_LEN) ? 2'd0 : 2'd2; localparam BIAS2 = (LEN1 > S_LEN) ? S_BIAS : H_BIAS; // divider r and rk (bits per digit, bits per cycle) localparam LOGR = $clog2(RADIX); // r = log(R) bits per digit localparam RK = LOGR*DIVCOPIES; // r*k bits per cycle generated // intermediate division parameters not directly used in fdivsqrt hardware localparam FPDIVMINb = NF + 3; // minimum length of fractional part: Nf result bits + guard and round bits + 1 extra bit to allow sqrt being shifted right //localparam FPDIVMINb = NF + 2 + (RADIX == 2); // minimum length of fractional part: Nf result bits + guard and round bits + 1 extra bit for preshifting radix2 square root right, if radix4 doesn't use a right shift. This version saves one cycle on double-precision with R=4,k=4. However, it doesn't work yet because C is too short, so k is incorrectly calculated as a 1 in the lsb after the last step. localparam DIVMINb = ((FPDIVMINb(DIVb + 1 +NF+1) & (CVTLEN+NF+1)>(3*NF+6)) ? (CVTLEN+NF+1) : ((DIVb + 1 +NF+1) > (3*NF+6) ? (DIVb + 1 +NF+1) : (3*NF+6))); // max(CVTLEN+NF+1, DIVb + 1 + NF + 1, 3*NF+6) localparam LOGNORMSHIFTSZ = ($clog2(NORMSHIFTSZ)); localparam CORRSHIFTSZ = (NORMSHIFTSZ-2 > (DIVMINb + 1 + NF)) ? NORMSHIFTSZ-2 : (DIVMINb+1+NF); // max(NORMSHIFTSZ-2, DIVMINb + 1 + NF) // Disable spurious Verilator warnings /* verilator lint_off STMTDLY */ /* verilator lint_off ASSIGNDLY */ /* verilator lint_off PINCONNECTEMPTY */